British Soldier Killed,
One Injured In Attack

The Globe and Mail

BAGHDAD (AP) -- One British soldier was killed and a second was injured when their convoy was caught between two crowds and fired on with small arms and rocket-propelled grenades in the southern town of Ali as-Sharqi, the British military reported Thursday.
Lt. Cmdr. Richard Walters said the shooting occurred at Wednesday night as the soldiers were returning from a raid in Ali al-Gharbi.
He said the soldiers met a crowd of about 30 people who formed a roadblock.
Soldiers moved around the crowd, only to be stopped by a second crowd blocking the road near Fort Jennings.
Mr. Walters said the soldiers got down from their vehicles, fired two warning shots trying to disperse the groups when the Iraqi's opened fire with small arms and rocket-propelled grenades, killing one soldier and wounding the second in the hand.
The British said they arrested 10 people among the crowds, and withdrew to their base at al-Amarah, north of Basra with protection from helicopters and additional rapid reaction troops called to the scene.
The Wednesday death brings the British toll in the war to 49, with 11 of them killed since May 1 when U.S. President George W. Bush declared an end to major fighting.
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