
Loss of public funds & property in a Gangsters Paradise

- Dfwa-u members are complaining bitterly about the misuse and loss of public funds and property.

- From the awarding of public property to NRM members (a Gangsters Paradise) to out right sell of Uganda airline.

- NRM can only order its marionettes to bring back what they have stolen form the state

- Dfwa-u is committed to investigate each and every case in a public court and the culprits will be made to pay back to the farmers and workers.

- Therefore those who have been sending data and information about the above acts continue doing so, time and tide. There are good reasons for what you are fighting and standing up for.

- Our country continues to loose huge amounts of money in billions of shilling through dubious and questionable circumstances perpetuated by just a fraction of the population.

- Public buildings and government residential houses and offices alike have not been spared now facing decay and neglect.

- Who is responsible for all this if it is not the NRM government? Or why has the government kept quite on these vital matters of national interest threatening the welfare of Uganda citizens?

- Public vehicles, Uganda Television /Radio Uganda equipment, Office equipment, public funds all are stolen by both highly placed government official; from ministers to low civil servants.

- Taxpayers’ money should not be wasted on individual self-aggrandisement.

- The judiciary and the civil police seems to be failing in its endeavour to do their job- partly because these class of people are either protected or compromised by the law. (see dfwa-u policy on the police and judiciary.

- Dfwa-u realises that some of these mishaps by past and serving civil servants are partly due to government systematic tribalism, nepotism, negligence and failure to promptly pay of workers salaries and farmers due.

- Nextly the government has so far failed to offer workers and farmers a meaningful socially justified life style; free education, medicare, housing, clothing, transport and insurance.

- Thirdly the law prosecutes low level workers more often; while highly placed officials with connections in government echelons go free.

- The government of Uganda has repeated failed to extradite through the International Police (interpol) people who have stolen huge amounts of public money and run off to foreign lands as political refuges: i.e. 350 million shillings, the 1, 6 billion and much more.

- These groups include past and current civil servants.

- Yet the same government has sought to extradite genuine political figures – with genuine political concerns!

- The Justice party, dfwa-u has decided therefore to demand that the government of Uganda with immediate effect issue an ultimatum that public funds and property be returned to rightful owners the people of Uganda.

- That every single government unit, district, sub-county, school, dispensary, hospital or line ministry catalogues all-public property taken either by mistake or stolen deliberately.

- That all public units must thoroughly catalogues all property on purchase (adress, company name etc) and time of disposal with receipt records kept for a ten consecutive year period.

- That the full names, past and present address of home/s and work places be clearly stated.

- That the original and present value of such items be stated very clearly in Uganda shillings.

- That Uganda Revenue Authority, The Judiciary set up a desk in conjunction with the Uganda police force for the collection of stolen public items and funds.

- That the people involved in these activities be given a grace period of one to two years to bring back what they stole OR pay in instalments for public property to Uganda Revenue Authority.

- That those who agree to the above arrangement be considered to have settled the cases out of Uganda courts of law on condition that every shilling or item is returned or in case of items lost the money value is promptly paid to URA.

- The government must with immediate effect come up with – BOOKLETS providing guidelines in the handling and use of public property.

- These BOOKLETS must be distributed to all civil servant workers with phones and address where they can report misuse of public property and theft of public funds can be reported.

- The government must set up evaluation and monitoring committees through the existing judicial framework and the civil police on district levels with a clear legal mandate to take action promptly.

- The government must hold directors or unit officials responsible for loose, misuse and destruction public property. This must be followed with quarterly evaluation; in case of public property

- Since Justice party, dfwa-u, has been informed by concerned people the citizens of Uganda and its members about such premeditated thefts and misuse of public property and funds – in due course dfwa- u will start its own collection of data in this respect for future legal processes.

- Justice party encourages more information to be sent to them by party confidants into the for loose, misuse and destruction public property. All information will be confidential.

- Justice party in government will not hesitate to confiscate plus bringing legal processes against these mischiefs where there is overwhelming evidence.



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