Adam Dada,

Any relation to the late Amin Dada? Also, have you been to Museveni's indoctrination camps, given this common Museveni sychophant-type silly statement you make "... This is the kind of talk and reasoning one normally hears around kwete/Malwa clubs ..."?

Museveni, and his sychophants,  must have to face the international courts, and, hopefully, the gallows!

Chill, man.


>From: "Adam Dada" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Subject: Re: ugnet_: Obote for Trial? Crazy!---Newvision chatline.
>Date: Thu, 28 Aug 2003 13:29:25 +0000
>Jacob - Your man was not removed by Baganda - he was removed by hi
>kin and keith - the Acholi, who accused him of being tribalistic and
>murderous. I dont know how you missed that fact in your lop-sided
>drunken narration, however crappy it is. By the way, just because he
>wasnt seen doing something, doesnt absolve him of responsibility. I
>know legal matters may be rather complicated for you to grasp, but
>because he was the head of state and commander in chief means he has
>criminal charges to answer to as the top man in the line of command.
>You are going on about alot of crap - what if the man turns around
>and confesses with a hope of a lesser punishment? To me your
>reasoning is too simplistic to warrant any serious consideration.
>This is the kind of talk and reasoning one normally hears around
>kwete/Malwa clubs and you are perfectly entitled to bring it up in
>this forum, although I have reservations, if only on grounds of
>respect for most of the esteemed intellectual and right-thinking
>netters on this forum
>Good luck Jacob.
>>From: "gook makanga" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Subject: ugnet_: Obote for Trial? Crazy!---Newvision chatline.
>>Date: Thu, 28 Aug 2003 07:06:22 +0000
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