"The UN and US are begging Uganda to deploy troops in Iraq. After ousting Saddam Hussein, remnants of his army have continued killing US and British soldiers. Sensing the heat the US pleaded with Uganda to send in troops."

How Envious Can Some People Get?

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The Monitor (Kampala)

August 28, 2003
Posted to the web August 28, 2003

David Kibirige

Some Ugandans can be malicious. Imagine some MPs trying to block the UPDF from going to Iraq, instead of letting them grab such a golden chance.

The UN and US are begging Uganda to deploy troops in Iraq. After ousting Saddam Hussein, remnants of his army have continued killing US and British soldiers. Sensing the heat the US pleaded with Uganda to send in troops.

Now some unpatriotic Ugandans are saying the UPDF has failed to route out Joseph Kony and his Lord's Resistance Army (LRA).

I have to educate these Ugandans on a few things. President Yoweri Museveni at one time said the army had failed to finish off Kony because of the tall grass.

We all know Iraq is a desert so there is no excuse of tall grass. Therefore the UPDF will do a great job. On Sunday I was talking to an MP who told me that the UPDF had plundered DRC minerals. He mentioned things like gold, timber and coffee.

Assuming our soldiers stole timber or coffee then we have reason to smile.

Imagine a soldier carrying timber and at the same time firing at the enemy! This requires a lot of physical fitness and if our soldiers did it then they should all be applauded or better yet, promoted.

Have you forgotten how Congolese women followed our soldiers? This proves that our soldiers are super lovers.

In fact it is because of our loving soldiers that the organisers of the Big Brother Africa show decided to give a Ugandan a chance to be in the house.

You are all now shouting Gaetano Kaggwa but you do not why he ended up in the house.

If our soldiers go to Iraq they will do to the Iraqi women what they did to the Congolese. We will have in-laws in Iraq and the oil money will flow to Uganda.

And if some elements steal oil like they did with gold in DRC, what is wrong with that?

America developed because of the free labour offered by Africans taken there as slaves. Europe developed because of the resources plundered from their colonies in Africa. So if we plunder Iraq minerals no one will have moral authority to question us.

Such money will develop Uganda. Do you know how much we earn in Kyeyo? Do you know that people line for a month to get a visa to go and do kyeyo?

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