Some good from the Big Brother show
By Author
September 13, 2003

In the ongoing story of Big Brother Africa, easily the most captivating social event of 2003, there are matters unfinished.

Many religious leaders and some politicians in Uganda frowned upon the show and discouraged the people from showing up at the airport to welcome Uganda's Gaetano.

Yet the crowd still came and in fact gave Gaetano one of the most rousing welcome of anybody in recent years.

What these disapproving leaders did not know was that for the most part, the television show was generally entertaining and carried scenes from everyday life.

The 12 housemates engaged in activities such as cooking, sports, drawing and painting, cleaning up the house, and staging singing competitions.
One aspect of morality and the new technology that is rarely ever talked about is electronic mail or e-mail.

Everyday, millions of people open their Hotmail or Yahoo mail addresses only to find themselves bombarded by mass adverts on viagra, links to sex websites, and the like.

By virtue of the fact that one has an e-mail address whatever their character, (priest, pastor, politician, layman, school child) they will receive this "junk mail".

How will religious leaders prevent children with e-mail addresses from receiving this type of mail?

The reality is that no amount of preaching or cautioning can prevent people from watching "dirty" films, visiting pornography websites or listening to lewd rap lyrics.

It is up to the individual to choose to watch or discard any such material that they deem immoral and corrupting.

No person, not even the religious Big Brothers, can prevent a person from doing what they set their hearts on, if they want to.

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