He keeps us awake in the wee hours of the morning
Neighbours --- By Evelyn Lirri
September 13, 2003

There are some things that people have to learn. For example, getting up in the night when people are still sleeping is a bad habit. My neighbour is one such person.

I wish my neighbour could resolve that waking up at 4 a.m. is a bad idea and that he would not do it again. I wish he could also resolve that he would say less and very quietly if he must at that hour.

The man gets up at an awkward hour and reads a verse from the Bible in a voice that suggests that God might not hear him if he speaks softly. He ignores the fact that the wall between his muzigo and mine is very thin and that we are also affected by the noise.

He also ignores the fact that making noise at such a time when the spirits of Bujagali are still dreaming is a bad idea.

The worst of my neighbour's bad habits was committed last week. This time he got up earlier than usual, opened his Bible and in his usual loudspeaker- voice read it for about a minute.

After that he started preaching, to whom I cannot tell, because to the best of my knowledge all of us had been sleeping.

He prayed for all the people of Uganda and for the end of the famous Big Brother show. I could hear him say that Big Brother was an evil show and all those watching it were doing the devil's work.

Since last week, my neighbour's habit is getting more disastrous than before. I think at this point in time, the man needs prayers himself.

Being the good neighbour that I have always been, I have accommodated this man's strange ways. But if he continues to act like this till next year, I might be compelled to sue him in the courts of law along with the mayor of Kampala, Mr John Ssebaana Kizito.

Ssebaana's crime is simple. Breach of promise. I recall that he had promised to stop all noise in the city up to a certain time.

I call that 'supplying air' because to date no law has been put in place to stop noise beyond a certain time.


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