Mulindwa Edward <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Edward Mulindwa:

If for you, you believe that Buganda leadership is always through election,
then you are telling the truth and I am not.  Buganda leadership (Mengo) is not subject to elections because it is not a Gov't.  Mengo does not levy taxes and is not a Formal Gov't, making it unaccoutable to "elections".  Elections are relevant in a Federal Buganda Mengo Gov't, and if you wanted to see some "elections" in Mengo gov't, I am urging you to support Federalism.

Secondly Federalism does not mean elections, and that is where Federalists
go wrong to believe and to teach uncritical thinkers that they are the
solution of all Uganda's problems. And let me give you a good example here
of what you are doing.  Federalism, the word "federalism" does not mean "elections" literally.  These are two separate words, even the word "democracy" does not mean "elections" literally.  &nbs p;I mean, this is common sense!!   You can not fool people with your nonsense and dismiss them as 'uncritical thinkers'.    Federalism will solve many of Uganda's problems with it's flexibility in practical matters.

Edward Mulindwa:  You hate Federalism in Buganda and yet you want to see "elections" in Mengo, an unformal gov't that does not levy taxes nor with authority??  What are you, Crazy??  I mean, listern to yourself man.  You will find out how crazy and uncritical of a thinker you are.

"it is the Kabaka and his appointed officials who speak for Buganda and not
some unknown royals."
Now that is very interesting if you are telling us that the appointed
officials are more powerful in the Kingdom than the Royals. Mwaami
Kasangwawo there is a reason why they are called Royals and you are not.  Mulindwa, if you can know why Kasangwawo is not called a Royal, are you sectarian by classifying him that way?? 

And it frightens if we start to classify the Royals as who is close and who is
not, who is distant and who is not. For a critical thinker can wonder which
standards you use to decide who is a close Royal and who is a distant royal.
For example you are now using Ssabalangira's words, is he among the distant
or the close?  Classifying Royals according to who is close and who is not is what keeps a peaceful succession to the throne.  Come on Mulindwa, you are a critical thinker.  Can you imagine a Kingdom where any Royal can claim leadership without any recognition of his "closeness" to the throne??  Can you imagine what kind of chaos that would cause??  We have hundreds of Royals.

And is Buganda Kingdom really that sectarian with in its self?  Classifying the Royals according to who is near or next to the line of succession to the throne is not sectarian.  It is simply stating out the facts.  There are hundreds of Royals in the line of succession and it makes it easier for people to figure out who is where to the throne by classifying them according to "distant from the throne" and "closer to the throne".  I don't see any sectarianism in that, people need to know who is next in line to the throne.

Please enlighten me. If you are a critical thinker as you claim, you can enlighten yourself.  The problem though is that you have blinded yourself in a way you never knew.  Well, you go figure that out.


The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
Groupe de communication Mulindwas
"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"
----- Original Message -----
From: "jonah kasangwawo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, December 10, 2003 8:40 AM
Subject: RE: ugnet_: And now this!-Baganda royals back 3rd term\matek

> There he goes again. Back to his elections lies !
> Firstly, a look at Buganda history shows that there were indeed elections
> until your hero destroyed the Buganda institution. So it's not true that
> Buganda does not believe in elections.
> Secondly, you can't keep on criticizing the lack of elections at Mengo
> you at the same time oppose federalism, which foresees these very
> It just doesn't add up.
> Thirdly, bearing in mind the fact that Mengo is still a cultural
> institution, it is the Kabaka and his appointed officials who speak for
> Buganda and not some unknown royals. You might spend sleepless nights
> moaning about this, but that is a fact.
> It is of no consequence for you to keep on repeating what I said. Take it
> leave it, these distant royals don't speak for Buganda, and, as we have
> to learn from a royal who matters in Buganda society, they don't even
> for the royals. According to press reports, even the Ssabalangira (head of
> the royal clan) doesn't know the people in this group. You are therefore
> crazy to believe that they can have the authority to speak for Buganda.
> This is similar to some distant relatives of the Queen forming an
> association and then claiming that they speak for all English people.
> still, it is like if the Mulindwa communication gang claimed that they
> for all Ugandans !
> Kasangwawo
> >From: "Mulindwa Edward" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Subject: ugnet_: And now this!-Baganda royals back 3rd term\matek
> >Date: Mon, 8 Dec 2003 18:43:24 -0500
> >
> >Kasangwawo
> >
> >But record must as well indicate that Buganda as an entity has never had
> >election, so if Buganda does not believe into an election then who ever
> >comes up with any comment must be taken to represent Buganda. For I
> >today what we must do, should we believe these Royals or believe The
> >Katikiro who was appointed by NRM? Who exactly do we have in Mengo who
> >the authority to speak for Buganda? And who gave him or her that
> >For whether you want or not, but Mengo leads a whole bunch of people and
> >those people must have a representation, and if a Royal family does not
> >have
> >the authority to speak for the Kingdom and we classify that family as
> >"These
> >are minor distant royals who are out to 'kulembeka' from Mu7, who also
> >them for his own ends." That surely opens a whole can of worms.
> >So I think that to make sense or to put a more light in this discussion
> >should end you posting by informing the netters who actually has the
> >authority to speak for Buganda as a collective. For with out that and you
> >decide to attack a Royal family as such, I think it just shows how
> >needs a prayer, and who knows may be it will come from Museveni?
> >It bothers me as well when you allege "These are minor distant royals who
> >are out to 'kulembeka' from Mu7, who also uses them for his own ends."
> >you actually tell us who Kulembeka from Museveni than Ssabasajja him
> >
> >Get real man here, for some of us have seen him even in Rwakitura its
> >so do not even go there.
> >
> >Em
> >
> > The Mulindwas Communication Group
> >"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
> > Groupe de communication Mulindwas
> >"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"
> >----- Original Message -----
> >From: "jonah kasangwawo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Sent: Monday, December 08, 2003 10:08 AM
> >Subject: Re: ugnet_: And now this!-Baganda royals back 3rd term\matek
> >
> >
> > > Mw. Ssenyange,
> > >
> > > thank you for injecting some sense and insight into this exchange
> >was
> > > degenerating into the usual garbage from the usual quarters. I wish
> >people
> > > would ask before commenting on something they apparently have no idea
> >about
> > > !
> > >
> > > Anyone who knows Buganda would know that there is no Buganda royal of
> >any
> > > substance in this group. These are minor distant royals who are out to
> > > 'kulembeka' from Mu7, who also uses them for his own ends. That's the
> >crux
> > > of the matter. All this empty talk about this having anything to do
> > > federalism is utter rubbish.
> > >
> > > EMBIRO ? Nga tuzizaawa ?
> > >
> > > Kasangwawo
> > >
> > > >From: "ssenya nyange" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > >Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > >Subject: Re: ugnet_: And now this!-Baganda royals back 3rd term\matek
> > > >Date: Sun, 07 Dec 2003 18:56:08 -0500
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >Mr. Matek,
> > > >
> > > > You are the one who is myopic, not Baganda. The royal
> >Clan
> > > >is one of the 52 clans of Buganda and I think its population could be
> > > >between 200,000 to 800,000. Read the article prop erly. Those in the
> > > >nespapers associated together to form and register their organization
> >with
> > > >less than 500 members. Why did they form that organization? You dont
> >know
> > > >but the reporter gave you a clue. Princess Ndagire with backings from
> >Mu7,
> > > >Salim Saleh, Kakooza Mutale and Prince Kamanya tried to topple Kabaka
> > > >Mutebi and disturbilize the Kingdom with the sole aim of making it
> > > >politically toothless, and eventually wiping it out. They
> >and
> > > >Baganda behind the Kabaka and Mengo marched to the then cuptured
> > > >Tombs without fear of the armed Saleh, Mutale & co, and eventually
> >took
> > > >over the Tombs. Their step #1 failed misarably. Within a month, the
> > > >over powered armed Ndagire was enlisted in the president's office and
> >later
> > > >given the post of special adviser. She is still an "adviser" to Mu7.
> > > >
> > > > Any logical sane person cannot construe from the above
> > > >history and current situation that Kabaka Mutebi, Mengo, Buganda
> >(
> > > >majority) and Baganda are part and parcel of this group! The tactics
> >mu7
> >is
> > > >using in the north, are basically the same in the west ( Kigezi ),
> >and
> > > >Buganda. He has been telling his philosophy to Ugandans but they
> >get
> > > >it. He always tells of "ensenene" ( grasshoppers) being put in a tin
> >Man
> > > >( mu7). one type of grasshopper ( kulunkalu) bites off another type (
> > > >kulumbisi) and another type ( mulangira) etc. without re alising that
> >their
> > > >enemy is man (mu7) who put them in a tin is hiding somewhre waiting
> >his
> > > >turn to bite. I think this reminder will put this nosense to its
> >ending.
> > > >
> > > >James Ssenyange
> > > >------------------------------------------------------
> > > >
> > > >>From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > >>Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > >>Subject: Re: ugnet_: And now this!-Baganda royals back 3rd term
> > > >>Date: Sun, 7 Dec 2003 15:55:24 EST
> > > >>
> > > >>In a message dated 12/7/2003 3:39:12 PM Eastern Standard Time,
> > > >>[EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> > > >>
> > > >> >
> > > >> > I start by looking what we have on the ground
> > > >> >
> > > >> > 1) We are sleeping today
> > > >> > 2) We have the kingdom
> > > >> > 3) We hold the Vice presidency post
> > > >> > 4) When Museveni gives us Federalism Ssabasajja will lead Uganda
> > > >> >
> > > >> > What is wrong with supporting a third term?
> > > >> >
> > > >> > Em

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