Dear sister Zakoomu,

Far from criticizing the Kabaka's action regarding the plight of those in the displaced people's camp in the north, I actually applauded it.

But I do understand. You're in attack mode, and regardless of what I say, I'm damned. Fortunately, I'm wearing body armor, so I only feel a little pain where the bullet you fired struck!!! .-)


At 03:39 PM 1/25/2004 -0800, you wrote:


Okay, if the Kabaka traveled to W.Nile twice in the mid 90's to help draw attention to the plight of Sudanese refugees that was seriously good. The issue of the Sudanese refugees in W.Nile is different from the situation in the "internally displaced people's refugee camps" of Ugandans in Uganda being looted and killed by armed gangs while the UPDF is looking the other way.

1st. the Sudanese left their country because of the southern Sudan war and came to Uganda for safety.
2nd. West Nile is not as a violent place as compared to Acholi, Lango, Iteso interms of LRA activities. Go figure that out yourself.
3rd. People in Acholi and Lango are being attacked from within Uganda in camps which they are said to be 'protected' by the UPDF.
4th. Weigh the situation of Sudanese refugees in Uganda and that of Ugandans in the North Eastern.

If West Nile is more of a safe place to visit than let's say Acholi, Lango, I would advise the King for security matters not to dare step his feet in Acholi or Lango and yet I'd advise him to visit a more safer West Nile. Security matters in these things. I know our King is smart, he can see through all these things and decide on what steps to take.

I salute the KING for talking P-E-A-CE. Do you have anymore empty criticism??

Zakoomu R.
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