I do agree with you on this one.  This is a very sad state of affair!!!  Ugandans better wake up and rebel against this TV-tax.  People should not allow to be squeezed until blood comes out!!!  Ugandans need to breath! 
Let 2006 come, I will not vote any person who is going to increase taxes!  The most sensible thing to do is for leaders to show us where our taxes have been going all these years.  Future leaders better show us their road map towards a vibrate Ugandan economy.  I'm sick and tired of people running Uganda like U.K or U.S when they very well know that Uganda is not UK or USA.
Zakoomu R.

In a message dated 2/19/2004 3:15:40 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

This is the most desperate tax the govt of Uganda has ever introduced!!  How can they tax poor Ugandans for owning a TV for UgShs 10,000/=??  Our country will never develop!!  Are they taxing Ugandans for recieving information off a TV or what??  This is the most stupid thing I've heard.  a TV tax???!!!!!!!!!

Rehema: If there is nothing more you can squeeze from a people, then you have to try by all means necessary to squeeze citizens until blood comes out!..... The desperate  NRM move to institute so called "TV TAX" in Uganda should be seen in that light. The NRM has failed to create a vibrate tax base (by creating good JOBS for wanainchiees ) in Uganda.  Sad state of affair indeed!! 


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