To discuss matters of interest to Buganda.  That is not beggin'!  Museveni offers the gifts, he is not asked.  How many political leaders can be offered with gifts??  I told that offering gifts to our Kabaka is a matter of tradition.  Kabaka is a traditional leader and yes he will get more and more gifts.  Alumwa alumwe!

Edward Mulindwa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
But why does Kabaka go to Rwakitura to beg?
The very nonsense I do not respond to.
 The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
            Groupe de communication Mulindwas
"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, March 06, 2004 6:52 PM
Subject: RE: ugnet_: Museveni Gives 25 Cows To Obote Kin


              How does Kabaka come into your equation? Kabaka does not beg
or request for your information.
Who ever wants to donate will donate freely. Who ever does not want to
donate is not requested by Kabaka to donate. However, his subjects and
officials can request for donations to help Kabaka's projects. His assets
alone generate more revenue than the president's "official" income. The
difference is that Kabaka wants to share it with his subjects unlike Mu7 who
wants to "milk" his subjects without "feeding" them.  Mu7 gave those cows to
Kabaka as gifts just like any other Ugandan. Even non Ugandans ( e.g
Bazungu) have been pictured in newspapers kneeling while donating to Kabaka
( after marrying Baganda women) as a sign of respect to the Institution of
Kabakaship. All this is done to show respect to the Instituion of Kabaka ship
which is represented by Mutebi 11, ( not to Mutebi as a person). GET THE


>From: "Y Yaobang" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: RE: ugnet_: Museveni Gives 25 Cows To Obote Kin
>Date: Sat, 06 Mar 2004 02:17:10 +0000
><< message3.txt >>

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J Ssemakula,

Unlike your Kabaka, Obote cannot be bought with 25 cows, or any other bribe!


>From: "J Ssemakula" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: ugnet_: Museveni Gives 25 Cows To Obote Kin
>Date: Sat, 06 Mar 2004 01:59:09 +0000

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