Why all this emphasis on 'hating or loving northerners'. it is obvious that the northerners on this forum don't particularly like southerners yet anytime the UPC and/or Obote is criticized (strictly on his past record as President of Uganda), that person is immediately labeled a "northern hater", as if UPC is exclusively owned by northerners. May i remind northerners that when Obote was in power, he was President of all Uganda. Besides the whole exercise of democracy is about freedom of expression of ideas and/or opinions without fear of reprisal.....you guys seem to only have an ear for good things about UPC and Obote, anybody with an opposing view is a "northern hater", is "enjoying the blood of your folk" and should maybe be killed (as yoabang was threatening me once). If you notherners don't want a forum where all divergent views can be expressed by Ugandans without threats and intimidation, then please change the address of this forum from ugandanet to northernet or obotenet and stop pretending that you are democrats open to all views.

Finally stop thinking that southerners owe you love, nobody owes anybody love, i don't expect everybody to love me. I certainly am not seeking northern love (or hate), when i express my views on this forum. All i am interested is letting my opinion be heard and also learning about someone elseses. In America, Britain, Cananda ad France, everybody doesn't necessarily love everybody, i'm sure there is racism in Canada (Mulindwa can varify that). Hate and/or love is not necessarily the basis of a good political system, because hate and/or love can never be eliminated from mankind. A good political system however, is measured by the freedoms (protected by law) which enable people to freely express themselves without fear of reprisals, in other words freedom to hate and love. If the basis of this forum is to judge who loves or hates northerners and in extension who should be targetted and who should not, then southerners (or people with divergent views from those of northerners and UPC) should not be partaking in dialogues on this forum.

I personally (once) saw this forum as an avenue for Ugandans (at home and abroad) to exchange ideas and get to learn from each other and in the process build bridges, but some people are just hell bent on breeding hatred to the point now where it has clearly become a NORTH VS SOUTH ISSUE. POEPLE ARE NOW BEING CATIGORIZED AS NOTHERN LOVERS OR HATERS BASED ON THEIR OPINIONS WHICH IN MOST CASES HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH THE NORTH IN GENERAL. WE MUST PUT AN END TO IT. MULINDWA OR WHOEVER IS IN-CHARGE OF THIS FORUM SHOULD STEP IN AND BRING SOME ORDER BACK INTO THE DIALOGUES WE HAVE ON THIS FORUM.

From: "J Ssemakula" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ugnet_: Is Kony due to Luweero Massacres?
Date: Thu, 11 Mar 2004 20:56:08 +0000

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It seem that it has now become customary to brand any Southerner who asks uncomfortable or pointed questions about Kony to be branded a hater of Northerners.

The fact is that at least 150,000 people, mostly Baganda, perished pre-maturely in extra-judicially killings in about five years during Obote II. Their deaths were at the hands of Obote's army which had a preponderance of Northerners, mostly Langi, Acholi and perhaps Iteso.  (Remember how that monster used to say at public rallies to political opponents: show me your generals?).

Facts are facts and there in hate in stating them. 

Recently, Uganda missed a golden opportunity for national healing, when powerful Acholi prevented some Acholi Elders in offering an apology to the Baganda for the role their sons had in causing them untold suffering. Such an apology, if it come in the future, it will likely be seen as begrudging, if not outright insincere.

The current war in Northern Uganda has, no doubt, resulted in the loss of many innocent lives and caused lots of suffering.  Joseph Kony the author of the vast bulk of these atrocities and crimes against humanity, and his men hail from Northern Uganda, most likely Acholi or Lango. The government of Sudan is his partner in crime as it cheerfully provides these killers with arms for his carnage and refuge from justice.

Unless one was born yesterday, they will have noted and/or inferred that Kony has many supporters on this very forum, many of whom also hail from Northern Uganda.  Just read the glee with which any rebel 'victory' is celebrated on this net.

Nonetheless, it is my opinion Kony or Lakwena before him, did not start because of Luweero.

Sometime ago I asked of  Kony's supporters how they would like to live under a Kony regime. Strangely, the silence on the issue was defeaning, but as I recall, at least one of these people branded me a Museveni supporter or an ESO operative, etc.  Not that I care: I am as unimpressed by sophistry as I despise it.

We still remember Luweero, and we must never forget it, even as we turn the other cheek, to call for an end for the war in the North through peaceful means.

It would be helpful if Ugandans who hail from Northern Uganda unequivocally and publicly dissociated themselves from Kony, if only to clear the air.







----Original Message Follows----
From: okello <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: ugnet_: RE:  Museveni Gives 25 Cows To Obote \ Yaobang @ Mulindwa
Date: Thu, 11 Mar 2004 01:13:30 -0500 (EST)
"I wonder what could lead any straight thinking person into supporting the UPC.  UPC has crippled the central-internal-organizations of W.Nile, Acholi, Lango, Teso regions.  With Obote's unitary system, how could they even think of getting organized??  All that Obote taught them was to "use the govt structures in place"-unitarism, to govern themselves.  Obote/UPC seriously rapped their internal regional organizations in their infancy period.  Obote is an enemy of Freedom!  He took away these region's freedom to regional self-determination." (Rehema Mukooza?)
Miss/Mrs/Mr. (Mukooza?),
Your tirade against UPC and its leader, Dr. Obote, is beginning to appear a mental case. You have written a lot on issues UPC, Acholi, Lango, Teso, and W. Nile. And in most of your writings, you blame them for their woes, you castigate them, bellittle them, and conclude most of their sons and daughters are not "critical thinkers", hence the problems of war and genocide currnetly being conducted in their region. I do not know what is deceiving you that you are a great thinker, or critical thinker for that matter. To me, what you claim to be critical thinking on your part is nothing but HATRED of the people of the North and NorhtEast. It is not difficult to locate this hatred in your writings, which you have so far done quite a great deal of.
If you are not aware of, the war in the North has a history of its origin, and that history of its origin was sealed in 1980 when the current president of the country, Yoweri Museveni, took to the bush of Lwero with ulterior motive against Northern and NorthEastern people of Uganda, but claimed falsely that he was going to the bush because of a supposedly rigged election, the election of 1980. He therefore launched a five year guerilla war that we all know its outcomes. We have for many years now therefore, talked a lot about the genocide in Lwero; we have conducted and are still conducting another in the North and NorthEast of the country in the name of genocide in Lwero. We have seen many children die in the name of Lwero; we have killed many innocent mothers and fathers because of Lwero. But what we have not done so far, is seek the perpetrators of the genocide of Lwero. It is certainly not the children we are currently killing who conducted that genocide of Lwe ro; it is n
  ot even
  the innocent mothers and fathers we are killing, including those we have killed in the name Lwero, who conducted the genocide in Lwero. By killing these children, innocent mothers, and innocent fathers we are not exercising caution enough to nurture harmony that we so much are deprived of far too long.
Uganda is a country of all Ugandans, it must remain so, as one country, one people with one future. Your constant call for federalism is premature. There are still many political issues that need be settled before Ugandans as a people sit down in the name of the country, to concretely plot the way forward. The "central-internal-organizations of W.Nile, Acholi, Lango, Teso regions." therefore was not destroyed by UPC and its leader, Dr. Obote. But that is a topic for discussion sometime later, not now.
What I think we should look for now is peace and harmony.
Rehema Mukooza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:
Yes, my question has been answered.  Ugandacom is another UPC mouthpiece alongside upcnet.  However, I'm going to stay close to this enemy and find out what he (UPC) thinks.  No-one or anybody should be denied information ~ states ugandacom web page.  I'm definitely going to suck this information in like a baby sucking on milk.
I wonder what could lead any straight thinking person into supporting the UPC.  UPC has crippled the central-internal-organizations of W.Nile, Acholi, Lango, Teso regions.  With Obote's unitary system, how could they even think of getting organized??  All that Obote taught them was to "use the govt structures in place"-unitarism, to govern themselves.  Obote/UPC seriously rapped their internal regional organizations in their infancy period.  Obote is an enemy of Freedom!  He took away these region's freedom to regional self-determination.
This reminds me of what a fellow member here, Lisa said.  She said that "they" are to 'use the central govt structures in place to present their ideas to Uganda as the whole Uganda!'  She even told me that they are not 'hiding anything!'  Now, I want all members to tell me if Lisa is thinking straight.  The present govt structures have not worked for any of these disorganized regions.  These regions have not been declared as disaster areas for 18yrs now!  I think these regions need to start on working towards organizing themselves for the good of themselves.
Now, let me get on this thug-Mu7.  Museveni is seriously disorganizing Ankole internal regional organization.  He is doing what Obote did, and that is to kill regional self-determination and use the "govt structures in place" to present their (Ankole) views to all Ugandans as Uganda.  What he shortsightedly overlooks is that a future leader who comes from lets say Acholi, can easily manipulate the "govt structures in place" and unleash what he has unleashed on the northern region.  De Javu!  He sounds and acts like Obote!  Can you tell the difference??  Uganda needs to start!
Zakoomu R.
Ed Kironde <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:
v\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);}o\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);}w\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);}.shape {behavior:url(#default#VML);}
Has your question been answered now whether Ugandacom was UPC mouthpiece?
-----Original Message-----
From: Edward Mulindwa [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, March 09, 2004 8:38 PM
Subject: [Ugandacom] Museveni Gives 25 Cows To Obote \ Yaobang @ Mulindwa
If you are serious with your statements,  make one posting in this forum, about the problems facing our nation without praising The Buganda King, a King installed by Museveni (a Rwandese) and terrorizing Obote, a Uganda  former twice elected President.
They are very strange indeed.
  The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
             Groupe de communication Mulindwas
"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"
----- Original Message -----
From: Rehema Mukooza
Sent: Tuesday, March 09, 2004 6:10 PM
Subject: [Ugandacom] Re: Museveni Gives 25 Cows To Obote \ Yaobang @ Mulindwa
Come on, man!  Be a critical thinker!  President Museveni is the leader of Uganda, including Buganda as a region of Uganda.  You can not compare the two leaders; one is a traditional leader, and the other is a political leader.
I want you to rephrase your questions in a very intelligent, informed, manner.  Make your questions look more like this;
1).  Who has more traditional support in Buganda (Museveni or Kabaka) today?? =
My answer is: The Kabaka of Buganda.
2).  Who has more political support in Buganda (Museveni or Kabaka) today?? =
My answer is: The President of Uganda.
I want you to make a difference between Feudalism and Federalism (democracy).  Act like a critical thinker, if you are one!
Zakoomu R.
Edward Mulindwa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:
Which brings me to the next question, who has more support in Buganda today,
Kabaka Mutebi or President Museveni?
The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
Groupe de communication Mulindwas
"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"
----- Original Message -----
From: "ssenya nyange"
Sent: Sunday, March 07, 2004 9:55 PM
Subject: Re: ugnet_: Museveni Gives 25 Cows To Obote \ Yaobang @ Mulindwa
> Yaobang,
> Do you think the majority of Baganda ( including me ) want
> Mutebi to be invited ( actually SUMMONING)?. You cannot summon a Kabaka
> per tradition. Do you know why the late Ben Kiwanuka was hated by Baganda?
> Its because while he was a prime Minister, he "summoned" or invited Kabaka
> to meet him ( Ben) at his residence or office. Ben was a Muganda who knew
> it. Because Kabaka does not have powers, he is held at runsom \" gun
> by Mu7. You know what happened to Dr. Kayiira, DP's Ssekweyama etc. So
> as Kabaka is in Uganda with no powers, he can be summoned at any time by
> ruling president. This is what we want to reverse. This is against our
> culture. He's is the head of all Ganda clan leaders ( Ssabataka) no matter
> what. Rediculing him tantamount to rediculing all the Baganda who belong
> the 52 clans.Thats why want a share of political powers, NOT deligated
> cultural powers. Watch with your eyes, we shall be there.
> Ssenyange
> -------------------
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