You question as usual, Mulindwa is even sillier (thank God you've had the sense to at least keep quiet)...let me put it this way, it's like asking the allied forces after the invasion of Germany, how many people they think have been saved as a result of their invasion...obviously if Hitler had not been opposed in europe he would have continued south ward and into Africa...if he didn't think jews were human beings, and gassed them you can just imagine what he would have thought of a black African such as you Mulindwa and what type of experiments you would have ended up being a guinea pig for... to your is silly because the presence of UPDF in the north is forestalling the occurance of even more deaths. If the UPDF wasn't in the north where 50 are dying now maybe 100s or 1000s would be dying and even more. Plus imagine if he were to push in the south obviously millions would die because the battles would be had and brutal.

From: "Edward Mulindwa" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: ugnet_: Uganda war stuff
Date: Wed, 24 Mar 2004 20:13:43 -0500


Many times I decide to keep quite but there are statements that are so silly
that I can not let go. Can you tell me how many people UPDF has saved in
northern Uganda to today? How many people are alive in the north Thanks to


The Mulindwas Communication Group "With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy" Groupe de communication Mulindwas "avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"

----- Original Message -----
From: "emmanuel musaazi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2004 2:33 PM
Subject: Re: ugnet_: Uganda war stuff

> Mr. Otim, there you go again, distastefully, using pictures of victims of
> the likes of Otti, Kony, and LRA to score cheap political points. The
> picture you have put is one of the reasons why UPDF should not hurriedly
> leave the north at the hands of Kony and LRA, because they are the ones
> killing innocent civillians like the one you have attached on this
> Mr. Otim, how do you sleep at night after telling all the lies and even
> using dead people to even tell more lies. May God save us from ourselves
> Africa.
> >From: Ochan Otim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Subject: Re: ugnet_: Uganda war stuff
> >Date: Wed, 24 Mar 2004 10:35:11 -0800
> >
> >Here is one of the many such rebels shot from the air!! Source:
> >description of the same event by a Lwo paper.
> >
> >Ochan
> >======================================
> >otti obwot
> >52e88a.jpg
> >
> >Aranyi: Latin pa adui ma kicelo (tye malo) ki lutino anyira LRA ma bene
> >kineko gi
> >
> >
> >At 01:16 PM 3/24/2004 -0500, you wrote:
> >
> >
> >>LRA's Otti is Injured
> >>
> >>New Vision (Kampala)
> >>
> >>March 23, 2004
> >>Posted to the web March 23, 2004
> >>
> >>Chris Ochowun and Amazia Dradenya
> >>Kampala
> >>
> >>LRA rebels chief Joseph Kony's deputy Vicent Otti was injured in the leg
> >>in fierce battles that saw 92 fighters of LRA rebels killed in the past
> >>few days, the army said yesterday.
> >>
> >>The army also recovered 55 short machine guns, 19 bombs and 797 bullets.
> >>
> >>
> >>An army spokesman in Gulu, Lt. Ronald Kakurungu, said 10 more rebels'
> >>bodies were found on Sunday in Bibia in Gulu and Pagirinya in Zaipi
> >>subcounty in Adjumani district, bringing the death toll of the Saturday
> >>battle to 62.
> >>
> >>The army attributed the victory to helicopter gunship bombardments
> >>combined with the infantry from 79th and 11th battalions.
> >>
> >>The weekly report for March 14-21 said four UPDF soldiers were killed
> >>four others injured in clashes in Gulu, Pader, Kitgum, Lira and Apac
> >>districts.
> >>
> >>Captured LRA fighters said Otti crossed with about 300 fighters to
> >>overthrow the Government as the UPDF entered Sudan to pursue the rebels.
> >>
> >>Kakunguru said Otti was running out of fighters because most of the
> >>fighters he came with were either killed or captured as prisoners of
> >>
> >>Northern region army spokesman Lt. Paddy Ankunda said this was a big
> >>toll compared to recent statistics.
> >>
> >>He said Otti, who led a fighting force through Bibia in Kilak county at
> >>the weekend, "wants to divert us and save his boss Joseph Kony. He said
> >>Otti was playing diversionary tactics but the army was prepared for the
> >>trick. "We shall continue to hunt Kony and still hunt Otti," Ankunda
> >>
> >>He said in the past week, the army rescued 54 children and captured nine
> >>rebel fighters.
> >>
> >>Thirteen others surrendered.
> >>
> >>Ankunda said Captain Kavuma, who failed to stop the rebel attack on
> >>Lira-Palwo displaced peoples camp, would be court-martialled. Kavuma,
> >>was reportedly on a drinking spree at the time of the attack, was
> >>on Sunday on the orders of Lt. Col. Paul Lokech, the 503 brigade
> >>commander.
> >>
> >>Ankunda said contrary to earlier reports which put the civilian death
> >>to 30, "we found that 12 civilians were killed by the rebels in
> >>camp."
> >>
> >>In Adjumani, Kony rebels who survived last Saturday Bibia battle are
> >>causing problems in Pakirinya, Bari and Arinyati parishes of Adjumani.
> >>army killed five rebels in Pakirinya on Sunday.
> >>
> >>Relevant Links
> >>
> >>East Africa
> >>Uganda
> >>Civil War and Communal Conflict
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>Adjumani district chairman, Nixon Owole, on Sunday appealed to motorists
> >>not to ply the Adjumani-Gulu road. He advised travellers to travel
> >>Arua.
> >>
> >>In another battle on Sunday on Adjumani-Kilak border, the army freed
> >>children.
> >
> >Ochan Otim
> >NB: I hope you will find time to read and sign a petition to stop the
> >Northern Uganda carnage at:
> >
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