I am working on a presentation covering small arms proliferation and the Ugandan connection.  I thought I share this sources with you for the record.

"The parallel to the Bush-North operations is precise: Incontrovertible evidence accumulated by EIR demonstrates that the same extra-governmental "assets" used by North in widespread illegal narcotics- and arms-trafficking, are channelling arms and military aid into Central Africa. In this new "Central African" supply operation, standing in for the drug-smuggling gangsters of the Nicaraguan Contra operation, are the African "rebels" fighting the governments of Sudan, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and any other Central African nation targetted by British intelligence's leading warlord in the region, Ugandan dictator Yoweri Museveni. .."

Executive Intelligence Review


Executive Outcomes ties lead to London and Bush


"As you will read below, the invasion of eastern Zaire, by the combined armies of Rwanda and Uganda, which began in September 1996, coincided with the Barrick and Anglo American metal grabs in the very same area. The net result of the invasion, and the simultaneous launching of an "internal'' rebellion by longtime British provocateur Laurent Kabila, was the depopulating of a string of camps that were holding Rwandan Hutu refugees. Thousands of those refugees were killed in the fighting between the British-backed invaders and French-supported Hutu guerrillas; at least another quarter of a million refugees were driven into the wilderness, to face death by disease and starvation; and another half a million fled back across the border into Rwanda, to face likely extermination at the hands of the Tutsi. ..."

"The French claimed that the missiles used to shoot down the plane, two Soviet-made SAM-16 missiles, came from a stockpile the US had seized from Iraq at the end of the first Gulf War and sold to Uganda. The US says that the French seized the missiles in Iraq and supplied them directly to the Rwandans. Somehow the missiles ended up in the hands of somebody, its never been proven who, that shot down the plane. The death of President Juvenal Habyarimana of Rwanda was used as an excuse by extremists to begin the killing. ..."

"What really happened with the pricing and the delivery of the helicopters to Uganda and Rwanda remains unclear. Not only did the surplus deals involve equipment of questionable quality, but it seems that the big profits made by the various brokering agents and companies were split between businessmen and high officials in Uganda and London, at the expense of the Ugandan and Rwandan taxpayers. A Ugandan newspaper published a detailed report claiming that the Rwandan part of the deal involved a complex network of arms companies in Belarus, brokers in the UK and Uganda, a Russian arms dealer, an offshore company in the Virgin Islands, bank accounts in London and New York, and a money guarantee by a bank that no longer existed...."

"See the genocide in Africa: People talk about Africa, most Americans--including African-Americans--don't know anything about Africa. The more strongly they express their opinions, the less they know about it. I know something about it. I have friends all over Africa, who are dying all the time now. They face a reality, which is not being faced--among African-Americans. When some African-American says, "You've got to be concerned about Africa," I say, "I'm concerned. Why aren't you?" They say, "Well, we're talking about this." I say, "Well, then, you're not talking about reality." You have to talk about British and American genocide, targetting Zambia, Zimbabwe, Burundi; what's happening with Museveni in Uganda; what's happening with all these parts of Africa, with civil war, where it's being carved up into micro-states, run by foreign companies; big companies, like elder George Bush's Barrick Gold--Barrick International. Which are running mercenary armies and killing people en masse, tearing Congo apart: That's genocide...."  Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.

"Uganda could become the second site of US troop concentrations in East Africa. Kampala's close ties with Washington may make Uganda a likelier choice than Kenya for hosting American forces on a semi-permanent basis. President Yoweri Museveni seems much more inclined than President Mwai Kibaki to welcome US troops onto his country's soil. Besides, Washington already has an agreement with Nairobi that allows US forces to make periodic use of air and sea bases in Kenya. ..."

The Origins of the RPF and the 1994 Rwanda Genocide

Basic Statistics for United States Imperialism


Ochan Otim
NB:  I hope you will find time to read and sign a petition to stop the Northern Uganda carnage at:  http://www.petitiononline.com/savacoli/petition.html

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