Islam is a faith.  It has nothing to do with my personal feelings and thinking.  The word "Allah" means God.  It does not matter to me what language I used to say the word "God".  I will continue to say God in Arabic, the same way I've continued to communicate words in English, and Luganda.  I make these choices.
Buganda's culture is a culture.  It has nothing to do with my personal feelings and thinking.  No one and nothing designed my personality's feelings and thinking.  I made myself.
Therefore, I want you to take Islam and Buganda's culture out of my postings.  They did not frame or design me.  I am who I am, period.  Whether people like it or not.  I feel sorry for people when they think that referring to Allah means that I'm following Islam letter to letter!  I also feel sorry for people to think that because I'm a Muganda, I am going to follow Buganda's culture law to law!
Banange, stop wasting your time.  I am who I am.  Nothing is going to change.  I will thank Allah on Museveni's death.  All praises are worth to when an enemy is denied life by Allah.  What's more to praise than that.  I will also praise Allah on Obote's death.  I'll keep on celebrating these dictator's deaths until I die.  People celebrated Adolf Hitler's death.  So, what kind of crap are you Kipenji directing towards me. 
Thanks be to Allah that this man is dead!  I'm talking about Waphakabulo.  I celebrated on Basoga Nsaddu's death.  Let us all celebrate, a celebration is coming tonight.
Zakoomu M.

Owor Kipenji <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Islam,that you purport to follow does not teach these miscreant
and perverted views that you have constantly and consistently
been uterring over this forum.
Could it be that you are in that agitated phase of a bipolar
disorder that appears to be burdening you so much and you
are translating your own fears on to others so that you escape
your real situation.
Even African culture,Uganda and Buganda inclusive do not
encourage this type of infantile attitudes.
I hope you seek the right remedy before you hit the nadir of your
bipolar burdens.
Thank you.

Rehema Mukooza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
It is sad that Obote is not dying killing Political Parties in Uganda as he ruled with his dictatorship!  That Obote is to never step foot on Ugandan soil ever again!  His exile is to continue, we will drive him to the seas!  We hate dictators.  He spent most of his time killing the opposition members during his dictatorship!
This Waphakabulo is a gone case!  Tumuwonye, thanks be to Allah!  He has followed Basoga Nsaddu.  We are waiting for Museveni's time (death) to come.  You won't believe how much we will celebrate.  Museveni, just like Obote, is killing opposition members, and has continued to ban political parties. 
Zakoomu M.

Lisa Toro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
iT IS SAD THAT HE DID NOT  DIE KILLING UPC in Mbale, Tororo, Teso, Lango etc AS HE LIVED!.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, March 27, 2004 7:12 PM
Subject: ugnet_: PRIORITY ONE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We can actually now confirm his death. reliable sources are telling us that Wapkabulo is dead and he died in his residence.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, March 27, 2004 12:57 PM
Subject: Fw: [Ugandacom] PRIORITY ONE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Too bad, and very sad for the bereaved. Someone says killer dictator M7 poisoned Wapa four years ago. I once attended a conference in London and late Wapa and Mayombo were main speakers. Wapa prnounced that they (NRM) and Wapa (he) killed UPC in Mbale, Tororo, Teso, Lango etc, and will not hesitate to do likewise when the opportunity arises. That being the case, and if he is confirmed dead, sad as it may be for the bereaved, I will say here that I do not feel any sorrow for him.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, March 27, 2004 4:56 PM
Subject: [Ugandacom] PRIORITY ONE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We are getting reports that Waphkabulo has died , what are the facts? Let us know if you know.

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