Has the U.N. Got its Answer in Congo?
Printed on Sunday, May 30, 2004 @ 11:18:09 CDT   (  )

Report by Paul Harris, YellowTimes.org

TORONTO (NFTF.org) -- In a story filed only hours ago, it was
reported that the United Nations peacekeeping forces in Democratic
Republic of Congo (DRC) (Background Report) had fired on Congolese
troops. Further, a warning was issued to the Congolese that they
would be forcibly disarmed if they did not cease activities deemed by
the U.N. forces to be provocative.

It may be that the U.N. already has its answer: a U.N. military
observer has been shot dead and another is missing from a small U.N.
camp located about 40 kilometres north of Bukavu, located in the
eastern section of DRC near the border with Rwanda. U.N. officials
are claiming that the circumstances are not yet clear and they do not
know the location of the missing observer. Although not spoken, it is
presumed this attack was retaliation for the rocket launch.

This all follows several days of unrest which led to yesterday's
rocket firing. About 2,000 local residents have already decided they
are not safe and have fled across the border into the relative
security of Rwanda.

The clashes have been between two groups of the DRC army; one group
was previously part of the national armed forces before and during
the DRC civil war, the other is the remnant of one of the rebel
groups who fought against those regular troops. They, and several
other rebel armies, had formed together with the national armed
forces to become the new DRC army under a brokered deal which is
designed to bring peace and stability to this nation.

Some observers are saying the frayed tempers between the two units is
merely growing pains that derive from trying to amalgamate a formal
army with less disciplined rebel soldiers. There may be merit to that
but it is worth noting that most of the various rebel units are
compromised of distinct and separate ethnic groups.

YellowTimes.org correspondent Paul Harris drafted this report. 

 The Mulindwas Communication Group
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