Pius Ncube has indeed lost his marbles
Date: Sat, 24 Jul 2004 20:43:25 +0000
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Last Updated: Saturday, 24 July 2004

Pius Ncube has indeed lost his marbles

"A DEEPLY disturbed archbishop, who lost his marbles a long time ago and 
whose unbalanced condition recurs now and again . . . an archbishop who 
clearly needs medical help."

This is part of what Government spokesperson Professor Jonathan Moyo said 
when asked to comment on reports that Pius Ncube, a Bulawayo-based Roman 
Catholic clergyman, was at it again. This time Ncube was chiding Britain and 
South Africa for not taking a "tougher" stance against Zimbabwe in one of 
his now frequent bouts of mental diarrhoea.

We cannot wish for a neater and more poignant description of the sell-out 
clergyman, who has indeed gone off his rocker. Indeed, that Ncube has 
degenerated into a self-serving, unpatriotic and shameless liar is now 
beyond debate.

How some people within the Roman Catholic Church still continue to look up 
to him for guidance and spiritual nourishment notwithstanding these severe 
symptoms of mental disequilibrium is a problem from which even speculation 

In Ncube we see the reincarnation of the sell-outs that made life miserable 
for those bent at liberating this country — both armed fighters and the 
masses with whom they had a fish and water relationship.

Thanks largely to the greed of people like Ncube, thousands of Zimbabweans 
were either captured or brutally murdered during the liberation struggle.

The mass graves in Mozambique, Zambia and more that were recently discovered 
in Mount Darwin will forever serve as grim reminders of the callousness of 
these spineless cowards.

For these miscreants, it mattered little then how many people suffered as a 
result of their lack of patriotism and love for lucre. As long as their own 
nests were feathered, the end justified the means!

Now they are back in independent Zimbabwe, spreading lies and exaggerations 
about the motherland for a few pounds and the chance to roam the streets of 

The failure of people like Ncube to profit from past experience or the folly 
of others does not cease to amaze us. Others like the now irrelevant Bishop 
Abel Muzorewa and the eternally notorious Nyathi did it once. For the 
latter, the end was remarkably sticky.

We do not dispute the fact that the church and the clergy have a role to 
play in the national politics of any nation, not least among them Zimbabwe.

The clergy should help promote just social structures and democratic 
processes for the good of the nation. A level-headed clergy should, ideally, 
prepare its flock for elections, make them aware of their civil rights and 
familiarise them with Government policies and programmes.

But Ncube definitely is not doing this. The so-called man of God is 
apparently so thick that it does not occur to him that Zimbabwe’s relations 
with the West are what they are today simply because we dared redistribute 
land to correct a colonial imbalance.

This is justice and we think by blowing against the wind, Ncube is striking 
the wrong chord of a popular melody. History will — and should — judge him 

Our message to the confused clergyman is short and simple: Repent and flee 
from the wrath to come!

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