An open letter to MDC leader Morgan Tsvangirai

4/8/2004 7:16:23 AM (GMT +2)

EDITOR — This is an open letter to Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) president Morgan Tsvangirai:

The time has come for you to really sit down and ponder the future of this country and your role in its revival.

There are people, even within the MDC, who have allegedly called on you to resign or be fired.

Whether you resign or not is entirely up to you and your party members, but I would like to put on record the roots of my disappointment with you in particular and with your party in general.

I have finally finished studying your economic blueprint RESTART and I am afraid your economics department is trying to pull a fast one on Zimbabweans.

Here’s why: let us for a moment assume that President Robert Mugabe exits the stage and the ruling ZANU PF meets the same fate at the polls as the Tories did in Britain when Tony Blair came to power.

This would see you and your party running the country, yes. But more important, it would also provide an unequalled opportunity to shape Zimbabwe into a uniquely successful powerhouse in Africa. Your economic programme, however, lacks ambition in this respect. RESTART exposes the fact that your party lacks vision, which is the one thing we need sorely if this country is to realise its full potential.

Your programme seeks to take us back to the artifical prosperity of the mid-1990s, when donor money and funds from the Bretton Woods institutions fuelled a superficial boom in Zimbabwe that can never be sustainable no matter who is in power. This is my biggest disappointment with the MDC.

Denford Magora,


 The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
            Groupe de communication Mulindwas
"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"

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