Both Kamoga and  Mukasa are  pretty much on target!



MPs, your work is for posterity

Whilst I respect the personal judgement of honourable Members of Parliament that subscribe to the third term (read life term) project, I am utterly dismayed by the bait they have bitten i.e. Shs5 million.
It will not only compromise their consciences while making laws for the posterity of our country, but it will also forever haunt them as people who sold out our nation for a few pieces of silver.

Further, this is a perfect manifestation of the level of bribery (read corruption) and how it has become institutionalised in our dear Uganda.
My humble prayer is that on voting day their own consciences will override the guilt of the bribe they have taken today.
In this regard, I would like to know the list of the honourable members that have been ensnared.
We would like this to form part of our history against which our leaders of today will be judged.
Abbey Kamoga

It’s upsetting how bribery has eaten up Ugandan society to the extent of promoters hiring innocent English words like “facilitation”, to define it as if it were holy. It matters little whether or not this so-called facilitation money is from the coffers of NRMO, friends or well wishers. It is the mode, spirit and timing at which it was given out that is .
If it were a peasant in such an action, then it would automatically cease being facilitation but instead, corruption.

The government has been fooling Ugandans about fighting corruption for long, yet its actions have shown the contrary.
In fact today’s bribery of the MPs should not come as a surprise, considering that on several occasions, government has failed to act on corruption cases involving key government officials such as in the junk helicopters, valley dams a nd URA accounts.
Now, the same government has gone one step further to abet corruption by inducing MPs with Five million Ug shillings into voting for 3rd term.
It is such a shame!
Freddie Mukasa

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