Mr. Sebweze,
The discussion about Museveni's origins reminded me of a self-published book:
Chamonges Kericho 1997 Uganda: Hurtling Toward a Rwanda-like Crisis, Trafford, BC Canada  ($20 at
According to Mr. Kericho (almost certainly a nom de plume) Museveni was born in 1944 in Rwanda, and he came to Uganda in 1952 or thereabouts, but no biographical details are given (the stuff on Mu7 at keeps disappearing or being revised)
The 1962 constitution covers about half the book. Interestingly, among the qualifications for president being Ugandan by birth was not a requirement back then.
The books lacks depth: it covers pre-indepence & post-independence period era up to and including Obote II in about 50 pages.
Ben it dwells a bit on the NRM  (up to 1995/6?) pp 52-78 -- almost 30 pages. So this is its main contribution. e.g. on pp55:
"Not only was the NRM militarizing the country, the dreaded secret security organs being re-established at an unprecedented rate. Resistance Committees we set up. Bars and hotels became forums for for intelligence gathering. In every social gathering place, there was virtually one secret agent to every five patrons. Travellers were required local Resistance Committees (RC) authorities what they were doing in the village.
"The NRM literally constructed a tight noose around the necks of the people without  them realizing what was going on. The Resistance Committees were sold as a more effective means to communicate information up the government hierarchy. The RC officials were elected, not appointed by the NRM. This sounded very democratic. A great idea. Unfortunately, the main purpose ogf the RCs was to watch people movement. In short, it was an elected intelligence network -- a GESTAPO of sorts".
"The NRM inner circle had a secret agenda  ..."
One of the most interesting parts of the book is a an excerpt of a letter written by some digruntled NRA officers with serial numbers 060 thru 942, where 060 is senior to 942.
This letter throws light on what was to become the 'Ghost Soldiers Saga'.  The book would achive more traction if this letter were published in full rather than in bits and pieces as it is now with names just slightly disguised but enough to be annoyingly distracting. Moreover most of the officers mentioned are either dead or in exile, and are in any case already known to Museveni.
The letter complains that leaders/officers outside of Ankole are treated like second class citizens. Remarkbly accurate description of recent events in Uganda, e.g. Gen. Kayanja episode. Bukenya's recent groveling on how Mu7 is a kind man who gives him his makombo == "Museveni is like a lion, he lives you some bones to eat after he has had his fill" ==  is ironical coming on the heels of Bukenya's stiff forced performance before the press.
But then again the letter complained about how in the NRA a mere corporal -- from the right tribe --  can  countermsnd the orders of a Colonel. it also paints an interesting picture of how secterianism operates insed the NRA (now UPDF), e.g.
"What explanation does the NRA leadership have for all one tribe dominance of the NRA dept. of Fince" Is it the hidden agenda of siphoning pit (sic) public funds to the south west in this liberty spending ministry whose books of accounts are not cubject to any critical audit under the cover of security matters!! Is it possible that in the entire NRA which unltil recently had 100,000 officers and men there was no one else who read (sic) accounts other than Banyankole? ...."
Rwanda knows that the UPDF is militarily a paper tiger, but a profitable one to those in power. And they behave accordingly. These days the UPDF is increasingly largely used to suppress the oppostion.
Anyhow, I hope Mr. Kericho updates his book and focus more on the Museveni's regime. Excluding the 1962 Constitution -- except for a few relevant sections -- may not be such a bad idea, given Uganda's consitutuins are all over the web and freely downloadable for those with web access, e.g. If one just wants to see th qualificatios for presdent then one can click on President.
Archives like have current constitutions only. The 1995 contsitution's qualifications for president are art:
Leo Ssebweze <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

From: Leo Ssebweze <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [FedsNet] M7 is on the ropes and Rwanda has to pay
Date: Sat, 18 Jun 2005 22:49:50 +0100 (BST)

Mwami WBK,

I appreciate what you are saying but there is a need to respect other views whether or not one agrees with them. Someone raised the question whether Museveni is justified to continue given his contested place of birth. It is a valid question because it is a 50-50 question. Whether he has held other positions in h igh office is not the question, so did Kagame who was head of Uganda's military intelligence, a position he used to invade another country.

That you may be tired of these arguments is a entirely a matter for you. Others have to be persuaded not bullied. I take Mr Oryema's point that there are currently more important urgent issues that we need to focus on but I disagree that we should talk of nothing else. Indeed we can look for solutions to the thuggery and murdering of Ugandans by NRM over 25 years while discussing other issues of interest. Any sane person is offended by Museveni's treatment of the Acholi in particular and the north in general. Many people who have invested effort into these matters are not all on fedsnet unless there is a coordinator, we are not likely to ace much other moral satisfaction.


WB Kyijomanyi <[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Mr Sebweze:

As Mr Oryema notes it is irrelevant this late to discuss the origin of YKM. Apparently when some of us say this, you see imbecile accusations. Because Rook is a former NASA he thinks everyone has to make a living the way he used to make. Rook do not salivate yet, you are very very far from ever resuming your pastime.

Now, to your comments, in electing YKM to the post of Vice Chairman of the military in Moshi, what were Ugandans thinking?

If you lived in Uganda in 1980 after Binaisa was overthrown, YKM become Vice chairman of the ruling military commision and was thus in line of succession.

You know what, in America, anyone who is not qualified to become President by law cannot become a Vice President or Vice Presidential running mate. I do not therefore find your argument persuasive because YKM in being named Vice Chairman of the Military Commisison he was defacto Vice President in 1980. So the question remains: why did well educated Ugandan at Moshi elevate YKM to a position where he was in line of succession to the highest off ice in the land?

I believe that no court will entertain any suit to determine YKM's origin because Ugandans have slept on their rights for too long. If they did know his origin in the 60s when he served in GSU/office of the President, they had ample time to reflect and rectify their mistakes. Well, in 1979 they named him Vice Chair of the military Commission and was duly named and sworn in as Defense Minister. In 1980 he was among those people who exercised the power invested in them as members of the military Commission to dethrone President Binaisa.

All along on the way Ugandans had a chance to correct their mistake but chose not too. Why.

But on a rather dissapointing note and Mr Oryema just touched on it, how pathetic are we looking if we delude ourselves that apparently the best weapon to get rid of YKM is now to doubt his citizenship. Think about it. A forum of serious Ugandans turning into that. It makes one wonder how long they want to remain in a forum of that calibre? Frankly, it is getting so pathetic by the day. Sad.

Well, what are the lawyers waiting for? They should by now be drafting charges to go to whatever court to challenge YKM suitability for the highest office in Uganda. As they say, get on with it and let this forum AGAIN be what it was meant to be.

For me this is going to be one of my last postings on this forum for a while.


 From: Leo Ssebweze <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [FedsNet] M7 is on the ropes and Rwanda has to pay
 Date: Fri, 17 Jun 2005 16:24:24 +0100 (BST)
 You probably got this one wrong because there is no law that says that once a mistake is committed you must held to it in perpetuity. In any case the other offices M7 held did not require the qualification to have been born in Uganda. Think of another defence because the one you gave is not up to scratch.
 WB Kyijomanyi <[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Mr. Ssebweze:
 Ugan dans have slept on their rights for too long. If they knew that YKM was not a Uganda, why did they enlist him in the GSU? Why did they elect him Vice Chair of the Military Commission in Moshi? Why did they appoint him Defense Minister and then Minister of Regional Cooperation after Moshi? Why did they clear him to run in the 1980 elections? And why have they elected him since?
 It is too late to invoke whatever sections of the constitution now.  Blame those who slept on their rights for too long-from the 60s to this date! Tough lack.
  From: Leo Ssebweze <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: Re: [FedsNet] Re: M7 is on the ropes and Rwanda has to pay
  Date: Fri, 17 Jun 2005 01:00:46 +010 0 (BST)
  Thanks. Perhaps M7 now pleads that he is excluded from the provision since it was passed while he was in office? I do not have the constituition at hand but there was something about laws and those holding office to continue on the coming into force of the 1995 NRM  constitution.
  The other side of the coin is to contend that a person elected under "this constitution" must meet the stated qualification under s102 but there is some grey there to argue that M7 had been cleansed by having held the office, etc.
  Has anyone looked to the framers to find out why we needed that provision? And what does Odoki say? What is the perceived/potential threat? Has it been proven?
  Is this where Mr Karoli is saying that the banyarwanda numbers protect against any averse finding against Museveni? That may be so today but it cannot be in perpetuity and there is nothing to stop us prosecuting and sentencing retrospectively?
  There is room to debate this thing without fear, emotion or any other nonsense. For my part, I will look to Odoki and Hansard to catch the train. If anyone out there wants to be M7 or his pleader - what would be his defence? WBK did claim that M7's right to rule Uganda cannot be contested. I would suggest that this claim needs more evidence since it cannot be a given.
  Equally, the electoral commission  owes it to us to put in the public domain the evidence produced by M7 to show that he qualified to stand. Otherwise one way to get round the Banyarwanda thing would be to petition the constitutional court with the electoral commission as respodents for failing in their work. As I understand it the burden is on the candidate to produce the evidence on qualification and not the other way round where the electoral commission has to prove that the candidate does not have the requisite evidence . In other words, M7 should have produced a birth certificate, etc before being allowed to stand.
  We need to persist with this, if you recall Chiluba's attempt to remove term limits foundered partly on his place of birth. Although not proven but he couldn't prove either that he was born in present day Zambia.
  ekissodde <[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  The issue is section 102 of the constitution
  Qualifications of President
  102. A person is not qualified for election as President unless that
  person is -
  (a) a citizen of Uganda by birth;
  (b) not less than thirty-five years and not more than seventy-five
  years of age; and
  (c) a person qualified to be a member of Parliament
  M7 has been in violation of that provision for the last 20 years
  becoz he was born in Kigali.--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], Leo
  Ssebweze wrote:
    Can someone bring me up to speed, what is this talk about
  Banyarwanda and Museveni being born in Rwanda? Is it being suggested
  that we are hostages to the Banyarwanda reserve? Should we give up
  on our country now? What is the issue?
    Karoli Ssemogerere wrote:
    Mr. Musamize ( or Mr. Ssemakula James):
    If you add the Banyarwanda at 2.1% to the Bafumbira at 1.3% you
  get 3.4%. These totals more likely than not exclude the Banyarwanda
  who due to a history of being harassed and ostracised or other
  cultural factors like inter-marriages identify themselves as Baganda< BR>  or Banyankole or Bakiga for that matter.
    There is nothing to gain from pointing out how "few" or they are.
  They are part of Uganda's ethnic communities and Uganda's identity.
    How do you identify your Ambassador Ordinary and Plenipotentiary
  to the United States: Mrs. Sempala identified herself as a Mukiga
  for a long time but is hardly one. The list is endless. Many are
  peaceful citizens who have been forced to re-swear their allegiance
  each time their presence is threatened in Uganda by flag draped
    Infact it is on the record that the Banyarwanda community in
  Uganda set a precedent traveling to Rwakitura to support without
  reservation a third term for Museveni after they felt that
  statements by their leaders like Augustine Ruzindana were causing
  them discomfort in their homes, professions, and businesses.
    And unfortunately resolving this issue is one of the keys to
  Uganda's transition from one regime to another: Ask those who tried
  to overthrow Museveni in 1986: and how similar sentiments led them  to disaster and demise.


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