Kony Anti-War Pressure Group Formed in the US


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P. Nyanzi and Agencies
Washington, D.C.

A pressure group has been formed in the United States to pressure the US government to advocate and support peace negotiations to end the 18-year- old conflict in northern Uganda, a war that has been largely ignored by the western world.

The Uganda Conflict Action Network (Uganda-CAN) was launched yesterday by the Washington-based Africa Faith and Justice Network (AFJN).

The grassroots campaign seeks to raise awareness among Americans to support a peaceful resolution of the conflict in northern Uganda as part of a greater movement to achieve peace in the Great Lakes Region.

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"The US, through military aid and strategic alliances, has played a significant role in the persistence of this horrific war," Peter Quaranto, the founding director of Uganda-CAN, said. "We are launching this project to demand that the US plays a larger role in advocating and supporting peace initiatives on the ground."

The 18-year- old war in northern Uganda has left more than 20,000 children abducted, tens of thousands of people maimed or killed and 1.6 million people languishing in internally displaced people's (IDP) camps. It has remained one of the most forgotten crises in the world.

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