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Here are yet more comments on the referrendum especially for those who have missed out on the bigger picture about the turn out for the exercise.

Read on.......


God heard Matembe’s prayers

By Mary Karugaba
MBARARA Woman MP Miria Matembe has said she had been fasting and praying for this referendum and God had answered her prayers.
“I prayed that peace prevails and God’s will be done. Peace has prevailed and this reflects God’s will,” Matembe said.
She was on Thursday answering questions about the low voter turnout for the referendum.
She said the low turnout was an indicator that despite President Yoweri Museveni’s campaign for the ‘YES’ side, Ugandans know what they want and can no longer be pushed.
Matembe said she was happy that finally many Ugandans share her views “that the referendum was useless.”
Quoting from the Bible Matembe said, “Let those with eyes see and ears listen. I hope the Government gets the message.”

Published on: Sunday, 31st July, 2005

Museveni no longer popular opposition

Opposition MPs were on Thursday happy that despite massive campaigns by President Yoweri Museveni in the referendum, many Ugandans did not vote, writes Vision Reporter.

They said, for the first time, people had opposed the President’s call to go and vote.

“I am extremely happy that people shunned the referendum. It was useless and a waste of time. I hope the President gets the message that he is no longer popular the way he used to be,” Abdul Katuntu said.

Ken Lukyamuzi said, “It is now the opposition who have won. I am happy that our call to boycott the referendum has made an impact, despite constant threats that we would be arrested.”

Published on: Sunday, 31st July, 2005


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