I am very sorry for posting a piece which was crap.
 The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
            Groupe de communication Mulindwas
"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, August 26, 2005 6:27 AM

Mr Mulindwa,
Can't you filter what comes your way ? Must you feed us on all sorts of crap ? Who is Smart Musolin of Entebbe, Uganda ? What Media House does he/she work for ? How are we to take this story and its author ?
You owe us, adults, an explaination. What's the difference between this piece and Mwenda's outbursts, which you so dearly condemned ?
We have our problems with M-7 but we are not so gullible as to be fed on every piece of crap !
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, August 23, 2005 2:23 AM


Special report by Smart Musolin (Entebbe, Uganda)


Impeccable information from Nakasero State House has confirmed that Uganda’s first lady Janet Museveni has practically separated from her husband, their marriage is in shambles and divorce is virtually eminent. Although the marriage still remains and the two still appear together at public functions, the Museveni couple sleep in different bedrooms at best and increasingly in different houses. Museveni lately spends nights at his country home of Rwakitura or elsewhere understandably simply to be away from Janet.  Conceivably, the recent mysterious grisly M7’s presidential helicopter crash that killed Sudanese Vice President John Garang and M7’s pilot Col Peter Nyakairu may limit his helicopter fly-abouts habits.


It has been established that the latest and ongoing misery of Janet’s in-law Brigadier Henry Tumukunde currently held at the military senior officer’s mess, Acacia Avenue (John Babiha Avenue), Kololo, Kampala is linked to his role in the ongoing Museveni marriage wrangle. State House sources have confirmed that Museveni has accused Brigadier Tumukunde of wrecking his family be organising a boyfriend for his wife Janet.


Sources close to the first family have seamlessly confirmed that named Brigadier Henry Tumukunde’s close business associate, a Swedish national of Ethiopian Eritrea descent as the new boyfriend of Janet Museveni. Sources have also confirmed that Museveni hit squad assigned to deal with the Janet boyfriend had code-named the Swedish-Eritrean boyfriend as “Osama”.


Sources have further revealed that Janet and her Swedish boyfriend ‘Osama’ are known to have met regularly at the Kololo residence of Brigadier Tumukunde, currently detained by M7 at the senior army officers’ mess in Kampala. It is understood that the secret love meetings between Janet and ‘Osama’ at Brigadier Tumukunde’s Kololo resident is what triggered the latest arrest of Henry Tumukunde. In a complicated twist of events, Janet is now understood to have most recently donated a newly acquired multi-million dollar residence in Stockholm the capital city of Sweden to this lover-boy. Indeed sources have confirmed that ‘Osama’ now actually lives in the residence.


It is now understood that the family wrangle began when M7 paid a secret visit to residence of Mr Mugisha Muhwezi the Jinja Resident District Commissioner (RDC) and close relative of the Jim Muhwezi Katugugu (of the Rev. Katugugu family). While at the RDC’s  residence, Museveni craved for a juicy young woman also cousin to Mugisha Muhwezi called Hindubi.  It is understood that Hindubi eventually submitted to Museveni’s menacing advances. The two spent a few nights together. M7 understandably met Hindubi more frequently and later got her pregnant. M7 then arranged for Hindubi’s employment as a housekeeper in State House, Nakasero.


Reports further say that to confuse the situation and ensure his love affair with Hindubi remained secret to Janet, Museveni then faked up a love affair between Hindubi and his younger brother Major General Caleb Akandanwaho commonly called Salim Saleh, whom M7 has used as a cover up for most of his corrupt deals.  Understandably, Hindubi delivered the M7 baby, the mother was financially facilitated by M7 through Salim Saleh. It so happens that Caleb Akandwanaho (Salim Saleh) and his sister in law Janet Museveni still remain on non-speaking terms and have no verbal contacts. Museveni reportedly continued his love affair with Hindubi and even got a second child.


However, the secret affair between the two lovebirds (M7 and Hindubi) suffered a massive setback when Brigadier Tumukunde as the then head of ‘Chieftaincy of Military Intelligence’

(CMI) unearthed the Museveni-Hindubi affair and the fake role by Salim Saleh. Accordingly Tumukunde passed on this information to Janet Museveni who broke down to peaces. Janet is reported to have cried for weeks pleading that although she had known Museveni as a sexual deviant, she never associated him with house girls. She said, she had no explanations to offer for why Museveni’s choice of their housemaid who was officially called a housekeeper. It is understood that Janet sought counsel and support of her family. She explained that while she had learnt to live with Museveni’s infidelity with his women ministers and personal aides, she had never prepared for love rivalry from their housemaid.


Impeccable sources said Janet then arranged to obtain the hair and blood of the two children from their Kampala doctors through Tumukunde clandestine networks. Accordingly, Janet then arranged for a trip to visit her boyfriend with Tumukunde to Sweden. To conceal their itinerary from Museveni’s intelligence, the trio arranged to meet in Hamburg, German where Janet had arranged a prior medical consultation appointment. While in Hamburg, Janet and Tumukunde then sought for  a medical DNA report linking the outwardly regarded Hindubi-Salim Saleh children to M7. The German medical contacts reportedly refused to provide the service insisting that it would breach medical ethics to verify DNA profiles without the consent of the parties. It is said, when the German established the identities of the parties being sought in the DNA, they leaked the information to M7 who got infuriated beyond his wildest levels. Sources have confirmed that following the episode, M7 began open sessions with the ‘housekeeper’ Hindubi. Although some people knew their relationship, the open relationship shocked even M7’s closest people. Some thought he was running amok and began leaking information to save the country from possible disaster. Since M7 got rid of the senior colleagues for their opposing views, he has been surrounded sycophants and fresh university graduate with no public service experience.



It is reported that M7 issued a radio announcement demoting Tumukunde from his security office. Upon return, a fight took place between Janet and M7. Janet demanded as part of a ‘peace deal’ the reinstatement of Tumukunde. This was strongly opposed by Salim Saleh and others. Janet brokered a deal that ensured Tumukunde’s as well as her own survival.  She did not need any further DNA on the children as MY understandably admitted that they were his children.


Tumukunde is reported to have told State House staff that M7 had played dirty games against his colleagues and that it was necessary to remove him from power. He also complained that earlier in November 2000, M7 had duped him with a fake promotion to Brigadier while demoting him in his duties from Chief of Military Intelligence (CMI) to a mere military commander in the North. On that occasion, it was Janet who again rescued Tumukunde by having him transferred to Internal Security Organisation (ISO). It is understood that on that occasion, Janet personally appointed Tumukunde onto the Museveni 2001 Re-election campaign. This was done on two grounds; first to prevent Tumukunde from taking the new posting to the North and second to enable Janet to use Tumukunde to prevent Yoweri M7’s sponsorship of his numerous girlfriends for parliamentary election as NRM nominees particularly in Western Uganda. Yet again, Salim Saleh fought hard against Tumukunde’s nomination to the ‘Vote M7 2001 Campaign’ but failed.



The Janet Eritrea boyfriend connection continued on low heat until late last year 2004, when the Swedish Eritrean began travels into Uganda to spend time with Janet.  Museveni reported instituted round the clock surveillance of Tumukunde and Janet movement and particularly monitor Tumukunde’s Kololo residence where Janet reportedly spent most of her daylight hours with her lover-boy. Reports suggest Museveni infiltrated some inner members of Brigadier Tumukunde’s family.

It is understood, the Eritrean has virtually taken over the huge mansion bought by M7 for Janet in the eastern Stockholm plush island suburb of Lindigo, near the Forresta Hotel over looking the lake. The multi-million residence at Torsvik, Larsberg local centres and described as adjacent to the world-famous Millesgarden Sculpture Park.


Although, Janet Museveni has tried to keep appearances just to enable M7 to achieve his set mission, it is understood, that the family is totally broken up and the ongoing Tumukunde row has baffled even members of the High Command, Court Martial and NRM who can hardly understand the machinations. It is also understood, that there was a recent attempt to rescue Tumukunde from his illegal military detention. Reports suggest that M7 believed that Tumukunde’s rescuers if successful were likely to install him as a new president. M7 is reported to have told his closest allies that he feared that Tumukunde could be made a leader almost along the lines that former Ghana leader Jerry Rawlings who was rescued from military detention and made the country’s leader by his rescuers. At the time of writing, Museveni was reported to have panicked at the visitto Henry Tumukunde by former army commander Mugisha Muntu and spychief David Pulkol. Tumukunde’s visitors are reputed political opponents of Y Museveni. The visit also comes amidst credible reports of a creeping military coup against Museveni’s surviving clique. Latest reports have suggested escalated military and security tension particularly following the mysterious Garang helicopter assassination.  “The media clampdown is just a sympton of the deep ongoing military and political unrest” facing the ruling camp.


Accordingly, when M7 learnt yet again that the Eritrean and Janet were again meeting regularly at Tumukunde’s residence in Kololo, he decidedly opted to arrest him after failing to negotiate with him to set Janet free of the lover-boy. It is understood that Salim Saleh strongly advised his elder brother M7 to ‘this time stand firm against Tumukunde and serious consider divorcing Janet’. He reportedly told M7, “If Nelson Mandela got rid of Winnie Mandela but managed to even get stronger, why can’t you get rid of this hypocrite who poses as a saved woman yet she is a prostitute. You have access to any of the beauties in Uganda and elsewhere.” Museveni is reported to have suggested jokingly that he would rather live like Obote who was divorced in practice from Miria but still keeps the marriage status. Museveni was however, reportedly extremely confused. He later opted for the seemingly dangerous path or arresting Tumukunde and staking Janet. He also reportedly sought advise on tactics and opted to involve the most senior members of the army in botched negations to forestall a possible military backlash that he so much dreads. He also promised to provide Tumukunde with the best possible six star hotel facilities while in detention and offered to back down if the situation warranted. After faked negotiations about Tumukunde’s radio talk show programme, M7 eventually arrested Tumukunde while making it appear like a decision of senior army officers and kept him at their mess to monitor the military implications of such a move. Janet is reported to have suggested that this was the final peace she had awaited. Sources in Entebbe, Kampala and Rwakitura have now confirmed that a divorce is already in effect pending its announcement. If there is a delay, it will be mainly for personal gains from both parties who are said to be earning an estimated US $ 2.3 million daily from business and corruption. The beneficiaries include lover girls and lover boys who may lose if an official divorce was announced.


Security sources in State House, Nakasero have revealed that recently Janet Museveni confronted Salim Saleh in the presence of Museveni and demanded to know why he has been faking himself as the father of Hindubi’s children.  Salim Saleh reported that the first family should not regard him as a semi illiterate any more. He said, he has attained the necessary constitutional qualifications to enable him to become the President whether through a military coup or through elections. The outbursts reportedly went out of hand and attracted several onlookers who

pretended not to understand the entire story for fear of their jobs and their lives. Salim Saleh who sources say had consumed reasonable quantities of alcohol displayed a lot of unusual courage in facing up the first couple. Museveni is reported to have sought the assistance of his support staff to drag away Salim Saleh without at the same time risking him spilling more beans. The attempts to drag Salim away reportedly turned him more out of control. He reportedly shouted in both English and Runyankore that “You two are hypocrites who have conned this country for too long and it is essential that you are ejected from public life back to your small village. For instance why are you conning the whole world about HIV/AIDS? Which of you adheres to the ABC semantics of Abstain from sex or Be faithful to your partner or use Condom if you cannot do A and B? It is understood, Museveni then resorted to making jokes with Salim as Janet retreated into the residence and onlookers dispersed with tense pretences that they had seen and heard nothing.


It should be strongly noted that Yoweri Museveni and his family have Swedish citizenship contrary to Uganda law. There are reports that he plans to re-settle in Sweden if and when he leaves office if circumstances allow. We have provided you with accurate first hand reports before, including Garang’s assassination. Now we have told you of events in M7’s bedroom. Just watch this space for what happens next.


Smart Musolin

Entebbe (Uganda)


 The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
            Groupe de communication Mulindwas
"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"

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