Kenya and  Uganda are already airlifting weapons ( I refer you to previous postings in this forum) to the so called Somalia Interimm Government. So this call by the Kenyan Government to The US and other countries to lift arms embargo,  is simply a geared to dupe  and hoodwink people. It is like people Know you are doing X, and then you turn around and claim that you are not doing now want approval to do X
Who are you fooling?
Somalia: Arms to Somalia Not a Good Idea

The East African
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KENYA HAS STUCK ITS NECK OUT BY BOLDLY calling for the lifting of the arms embargo on Somalia against the wishes of the United States.
Frustrated by the lack of progress in the lawless Horn of Africa state, Kenya now believes that only the lifting of the embargo can allow neighbouring countries to intervene and restore order.
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It is, however, questionable whether it would be wise to lift the embargo before the antagonists in Somalia have reached a peaceful settlement, at a time when war is looming in the country.
The arms embargo was imposed on Somalia by the United Nations Security Council following the collapse of the government of former president Siad Barre in 1991. The US has ensured that the embargo remains in place 16 year later out of fear that the free flow of arms to a country without a central government will end up putting weapons in the wrong hands, especially those inclined to terrorism.
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Meanwhile, the Transitional Federal Government (TFG) has been campaigning for the lifting of the ban so that it can arm its security personnel and move beyond Baidoa and take control of the country.
Still, the reason that Kenya is advancing for lifting the embargo - to enable the Inter-Governmental Authority on Development (Igad) countries to send armed peace keepers to Somalia - remains a source of contention between the TFG and the Islamic Courts.
Kenya may well be acting in good faith. But without a functioning government, it would be difficult to monitor the flow of arms into Somalia, especially the heavy weapons both sides crave in order to consolidate their positions.

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