Did note that fact.. Uganda under Museveni is supplying the so called Somalia Interim Governemnt with weapons in absoulte disregard to the UN arms embargo against Somalia.!
FACTBOX-Web of groups, countries supplying weapons to Somalia
13 Nov 2006 17:54:29 GMT
Source: Reuters

 Nov 13 (Reuters) - An advance copy of a U.N.-commissioned report on violations to a widely flouted 1992 arms embargo on Somalia paints a comprehensive picture of a web of nations and armed groups fuelling Somalia's brewing conflict.
The 80-page document, obtained by Reuters and due to be discussed by a Security Council committee on Friday, lists an array of weapons and military supplies sent to the shaky interim government and its rivals in a powerful Islamist movement.
Here are some highlights and excerpts from the report:
* Syria, Iran, Eritrea, Djibouti, Egypt, Libya and Saudi Arabia have all sent either military personnel, weapons or military supplies including food and medicine to the Islamists, based in Mogadishu.
* In the case of Djibouti, the report says the shipment came in disguised as supplies sent by the Djibouti Red Crescent Society. Djibouti denied the allegations.
* The Lebanese militant group Hezbollah has provided training to the Islamists, and Egypt, Libya and Eritrea all helped the Islamists establish a training camp in Hiilweyne, Somalia.
* Ethiopia, Uganda and Yemen have all sent weapons and military equipment to the interim government, holed up in its sole outpost in Baidoa.
* In terms of regional implications, the presence of Ethiopia and Uganda on one side and Eritrea and Djibouti on the other greatly complicates any political solution as all four are members of the east African peace body IGAD which led the peace talks that produced the interim government.
* The weapons to both sides include the usual array of Cold War-era castoffs that typify the Somali arsenal, mostly from the former Eastern Bloc. This includes machine guns, assault rifles, rocket-propelled grenades, mines and anti-tank and anti-aircraft weapons guns that are usually mounted on pick-up or flat-bed trucks -- which have also been sent in.
* More sophisticated weapons are also coming in, mostly toward the Islamist side. These include shoulder-fired anti-aircraft missiles, multiple rocket launchers and second-generation infrared-guided anti-tank weapons -- all designed to counter Ethiopia's military, backing the government.
*The report says the arms and equipment flow is dizzying, even by the standards of a nation known as a byword for arms markets: "Behind the scenes, large cargo aircraft and ocean-going dhows have been clandestinely delivering arms and other forms of military support from states, arms-trading networks and others, almost on a daily basis."
* Two Ethiopian rebel groups are backing the Islamists, and some Hezbollah personnel have also arrived in Somalia.
* The report warns that if war breaks out, rivals Ethiopia and Eritrea -- still bitter over a 1998-2000 border war -- could fight, and that "acts of terrorism" could be carried out in vulnerable neighbouring states. Experts say this would include Kenya.
* The report also shows the strategic logic behind the Islamists' rapid seizure of critical airports and seaports since taking power in June. It traces multiple instances of weapons entering at one port and then being moved around the nation through the others.

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