UPDF,                          Kenyan Pokot clash                               
                                                             David Mafabi       
     BUKWO                          Hardly three weeks after Kenyan Pokot 
warriors engaged                            the Uganda People's Defence Forces 
in an armed clash,                            the two parties clashed again on 
                          Heavy gun fire rocked Bukwo in the morning of Friday, 
                           and according to locals, the Pokot raided 400 head 
of                            cattle while the army says they took 89.
                          In the earlier clash, the army killed six Pokot 
warriors,                            one soldier died and over 700 head of 
cattle impounded                            by UPDF. 
                         Bukwo LC5 chairman Reuben Chelimo said the heavily     
                       armed warriors took advantage of a border security 
meeting                            involving the district leadership and UPDF 
sector commander                            Festus Lubega in Suam sub-county to 
effect the raid.                          
                         He said the Pokot escaped with four donkeys and one    
                        goat after the battle.

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