What is this so called Vision Museveni has had and still has for Uganda..other 
then a vision of total destruction..Case in point Northern Ugandans have been 
destitutes in their own country for as long as Museveni has been in Power. 
Poverty in Buganda and other parts of Uganda have become more rampant under 
Museveni's NRM Military dictatorship. Above all Museveni so called Vision is a 
vision of fighting wars and by doing so inflicting untold suffering upon the 
people of Uganda... Mataka should, therefore so decieving us with this hopless 
notion that some how Museveni has a vision for Uganda.. what Vision?..Nyoko 
Nyoko Vision is that it!!

        v\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);}  o\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);}  
w\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);}  .shape {behavior:url(#default#VML);}        
st1\:*{behavior:url(#default#ieooui) }                This is a very good call! 
 But you did not need to make it dirty by bringing talk about the "dictators of 
today" or "the so-called one man vision"!  Faith your words about secession are 
very good and if you were a true patriot you would stop there and rally 
everyone around that theme!  If Buganda secedes, I verily assure all the people 
of this board that Uganda will rapidly disintegrate into a myriad of small 
unviable failed states and Uganda would probably descend into veritable anarchy 
that you have never seen before!  Somalia and Rwanda will be love stories 
compared to what will transpire in Uganda!  This is a good message and by 
itself, it is powerful enough!
  But to take a swipe at Museveni, is to automatically a rejoinder!  Have you 
bothered to know what Museveni's vision for Uganda is?  Can write it down and 
please tell me exactly which parts of that vision you don't agree or identify 
with????  I will give you a few pointers to start you off:
  1)       Museveni says he has a vision of Uganda transforming itself from a 
peasant economy to an industrialized one by investing in value addition to our 
exports!  For example instead of exporting raw coffee beans to be processed in 
Europe and be re-exported back to our shops at 20 times the cost of the of the 
original raw coffee, why don't our entrepreneurs invest in factories to process 
the coffee beans into coffee ready for the cup?  Museveni has said correctly, 
that by exporting raw coffee beans we are exporting a lot of jobs that many 
Ugandans now follow to do kyeyo in Europe and US!  Why don't we create those 
jobs here!  That is Museveni's vision and to ensure that it is put into 
practice, there are huge incentives for all entrepreneurs who engage in 
value-addition industries!  Please tell us what you don't agree or identify 
with in this vision!
  2)       Museveni says that his vision is to ensure that all Ugandans get at 
least basic education up to form 4 or senior 4!  All researches have shown that 
many ills affecting the people of Uganda are due to illiteracy!  For example 
most of the diseases that kill the people of Uganda are preventable through 
knowledge!  Many people think that when you a lot of mangoes or are soaked by 
rain, you get malaria!  Yet this is completely false!  A basic education for 
all people will automatically cause drastic changes in the health standards of 
the people, the population control, HIV spread, wealth creation, human rights, 
etc.  An educated population, is a truly a great resource and Museveni has 
decided to walk the talk by implementing UPE and USE!  Even if these programs 
have started off on a creaky start, there is great faith that they will improve 
with time!  Now, Faith, can you tell me, which part of this vision you don't 
agree with or identify with!
  3)       Museveni has a vision that Uganda's economic development should be 
spearheaded by the local private people and not the government!  There are many 
reasons why he say so and among them is accountability and responsibility!  A 
private person is more likely to work harder and more diligently at his 
business than if he was working in a business for the state!  A state business 
almost belongs to nobody and that is one reason they had many problems!  
Private-led growth is likely to be more sustainable than government led growth! 
 Moreover, a government is only supposed to provide the infrastructure for the 
individuals of a society to make wealth!  Governments were not supposed to 
engage in business!  Now please tell me, what don't you agree with in this 
  4)       Museveni says that because Ugandans have not accumulated enough 
capital to meaningfully invest in the economy, external entities who have 
surplus capital to invest should be encouraged to come to Uganda and invest!  
Moreover, he says that in order to be able to capture these external investors, 
we should put as few obstacles in their path as possible because there are many 
other investor hungry countries fighting for the same!  That is why he has 
create the Uganda Investment Authority to be a one-stop center for all external 
investors and is trying to build the infrastructure to reduce the cost of doing 
business in Uganda!  Now, Faith, which part of this vision is really against 
your interests?
  There are many other items I could list for you that summarize what Museveni 
calls the Vision of NRM!  I will leave the others for you to list!  Faith, when 
you talk of Museveni's one-man vision, have you actually settled down to 
analyze what you are really chaffing at?  Is yours just an emotional outburst 
or you have given it some amount of logical thought??????
  From: Faisal Nkutu [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 24 August 2007 19:30
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Ankunda Pamela
Subject: RE: Secceding talk is idle talk! - How Pathetic

  If Buganda Seccedes most likely so will Busoga, if Busoga Seccedes all the 
former kingdoms that composed of Busoga will most likely seccede, this will be 
replicated in the Northern, Western and Other Eastern Regions, Uganda will be 
balkanized into pre-Colonial regions.
Without enough Natural Resources (save perhaps Bunyoro and a few others) to 
sustain the economies of these balkanized conglomerate regions. This region of 
Africa will deteriorate into the most impoverished region in Africa and the 
world in General.
Not all marriages are harmonious, but the visionary and humble suppress their 
pride and ego for the betterment of their progeny.
This is what our generation should do. We should supress our tribal pride and 
seek harmony for the betterment of Uganda's future and present.
Large Countries like USA are reaping the benefits of Unity, their unity is more 
harmonious because, they see themselves above petty differences of tribe, or 
regions but rather as one united peoples with a common destiny of "national and 
individual success" the so-called "American Dream".
We too can have a "Ugandan Dream" within which we can have individual, regional 
and national success.
The dictators of today and tomorrow, capitalize on our inability to see the 
brother/sister in our fellow citizens to perpetuate themselves in power and 
view themselves as the only individuals capable of Uniting in due course they 
fleece the poor Wanainchi.So called one man vision.
I would have thought that a Forum for Democractic Change would have as one of 
its tenets, to perpetuate a "Government by the People, for The People where all 
man in born equal in our nation regardless of tribe". And with that as a 
backdrop, a high ranking celebrated person in such a Forum would be adovating 
for harmonious Unity rather than fomenting  Disunity.
The new found endowments on Natural Resources like: - Oil, Gold, Uranium etc, 
if well managed would cement this Union and extricate our citizenry from the 
doldrums of biting poverty.
I would have thought that an intelligent politician would be busy coming up 
with ways in which this new found wealth would help cement our relationship 
rather than agitating for disunity over the current crumbs of the National Cake.
In my assessment the problems of Uganda are just its leaders we are not blessed 
with the Calibre the Country badly deserves. They are messing up this blessed 
country and its people. We need visionary, patriotic leaders not self-seekers.
I salute you

    Best Regards,
Yours Sincerely,
Faisal Kirunda Nkutu,
Orlando, Florida, USA


> Date: Fri, 24 Aug 2007 16:15:03 +0300
> Subject: Re: Secceding talk is idle talk!
> Pamela, it is not a question of privileges but rights. If Buganda wants to 
> secede, it is their right to do so. Buganda went into the Union with 
> expectations which remain not only unfulfilled but has also lost territory, 
> including Kampala, income, clout, has got ridicle (remember Elly Karuhanga's 
> Baganda are like condoms, only to be used and discarded, Obote's a good 
> Muganda is a dead one etc?) Buganda has no motivation to remain part of 
> Uganda. Anyone who argues otherwise should show cause why Buganda should 
> remain part of Uganda. BTW, being homogenious is not equal to federalism. 
> Consider Hong Hong, recently re-united with China, on condition that China 
> will pursue her socialist inclination while Hong Kong will continue with 
> their 
> capitalist orientation. And they are all happy. Kyanjo's secession or federo 
> proposal is gaining a lot of currency not only in Uganda but in Kenya too. 
> After years of trying to lead Kenya, Raila Odinga realized during his latest 
> attempt, last week, that the Kikikuyu will never let him, so he called for a 
> federal arrangement in Kenya.
> If it does not work, don't force it!
> Beti kamya
> Quoting Ankunda Pamela <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > The MP for Makindye West, Hon.Hussein Kyanjo, believes that Buganda should
> > secede to avoid constant land wrangles. Secession is against what the Kabaka
> > has stressed: *the need for everyone to unite and to embrace modernity and
> > science.* The view that Buganda should secede from Uganda is undignified and
> > renders the road to integration unworthy. A land locked state like
> > Bugandawould be with in another state raises debatable questions.
> > Think boarders
> > issues, access to markets outside 'The Republic of Buganda' among others.
> > 
> > The ordinary Muganda living in Buganda needs an ordinary westerner or
> > northerner for mutual interaction and co-operation. The fact that Buganda is
> > in central Uganda makes it more impracticable to even imagine its own
> > Independent existence as a state. Also, when discussing the tribal factor
> > put across by the honorable, his own back yard of JEEMA is not exactly
> > flawless. The top party leadership starting with the President reads like
> > this: Kibirige Mohammed Mayanja-President, the Deputy President Alex Ojok,
> > the Secretary General Hussein Kyanjo, his deputy-Betty Acieng, the National
> > Chairman Santos Okema, and his deputy- Katerrega, the Minister of
> > Information, Kalinge Nyago, the legal officer-Asuman Basalirwa, the in
> > charge of Defence-Elija David, for finance, Nulu Nabukenya. Need I go on?
> > It is clear what agenda JEEMA has put forward through the Hon. MP's views.
> > 
> > Suggesting secession without educating the masses about more practical and
> > realistic goals of building courage, dynamism, creativity, community
> > awareness and a spirit of cooperation is illogical. We are ordinarily
> > absorbed in human understanding that unity should prevail, and that land
> > wrangles are positive conflicts as we saw in Kibaale because they exposed
> > the root causes of land issues because they fact they people had land
> > titles, they were viewed as invaders and foreigners to their own land. In
> > the case of Buganda, the lay people should be told who gave out their land
> > to the British so that they can make informed contributions to the secession
> > debate. Besides, there could be another debate all together, on whether the
> > property that Buganda has reclaimed since the restoration of Kingdoms has
> > been effectively put to use for and by Baganda on one hand, and the rest of
> > Ugandans.
> > My humble opinion though is that Buganda has no cause to secede because our
> > interests are one. No tribe deserves privileges over the other.
> > 
> > Pam Ankunda
> > 
> > > 
> > 
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