From:  Union of Councils for Ggwanga Mujje <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:  How to Survive Mmengo-NRMO Spies at Ttabamiruka '07
Date:  Thu, 23 Aug 2007 11:45:45 -0700 (PDT)

How to Survive Mmengo-NRMO Spies at Ttabamiruka '07
Abaloga bali muffe - bafubutuka Mmengo
Many Baganda and their friends in North America and Europe are getting ready to converge on New Brunswick, New Jersey for the Ttabamiruka '07 International Event. Participants plan to review the state of their
motherland, get to know each other, discuss their future, and celebrate their culture and achievements. The theme of the conference is "Buganda is my past, my present and my future".
Ttabamiruka '07 has given the Ugandan dictator Yoweri Museveni sleepless nights. After taking over control of the Uganda North American Association (UNAA) a couple of years ago the dictator had relaxed thinking he had neutralised the biggest Diaspora community. To his dismay, he was outwitted by Baganda who decided to leave him holding an almost
empty UNAA bag. The fact that Ttabamiruka is out of the dictators' purview has greatly rattled him.
Dictator Museveni is aware of and greatly disconcerted by the collective influence and wealth of the Ganda Diaspora community and its capability to give him sleepless night if not dislodge him. He definitely has reasons to worry!
In an effort to out-smart the Ttabamiruka '07 organisers, dictator Museveni is working with the "Abalyake" at Mmengo to spy on the Baganda during Ttabamiruka '07 with the intention of identifying the leaders and isolating them through bribery. They reason that every Muganda will give up whatever the cause if you show them the colour of money. This may be the time you
told dictator Museveni and his agents that you are not into this for selfish reasons; that your drive is the welfare of Buganda. Tell Museveni and his agents at Mengo to get lost.
Museveni and his agents fear that Ttabamiruka ‘07 could highjack leadership in Buganda - since there is no leadership in Buganda but a vacuum occupied by incompetent selfish managers at Mengo. They also fear that Ttabamiruka could go on to influence the Baganda as a whole. The delegation from Mmengo comes to Ttabamiruka '07 with soiled hands and must be seen in the mode of a "hostile witness" who is working to see Ttabamiruka '07 fail.
Be warned that the success of Ttabamiruka '07 does nothing for Mmengo, the
Kabaka or Museveni. If it is successful then it becomes a new problem/threat for them and this is why they will do their utmost to frustrate Ttabamiruka’s success and dampen hopes with such phrases i.e.
    "we can't rush these things";
    "okayaana akatono kakuli mu kwaawa;
    "protocol and etiquette doesn’t allow it";
    "it is very different on the ground";
    "why don't you people return and join us to fight our enemies - tuzimbe eggwanga lyaffe";
    "byemwogera byangu nga toli Uganda";
    "tubasabye mutuyambe ku ssente kuba tewali kiyinza kutambula nga tewali ssente";
    "mulina okwebaza abakungu ba Ssabasajja abokolera obwerere";
    "Kabaka talabwa mu kamwa " etc.
During a 5 hour meeting between State House and Mmengo at Nakasero Governor’s Lodge (read Buganda’s occupation Governor Museveni) last week, a decision was reached for Mmengo to corporate with Museveni to ensure by hook or by crook that Ttabamiruka '07 does not result in a resurgence of Buganda nationalism. For a covert infiltration of Ttabamiruka, a decision was made to use Mmengo operatives (who are unknown to most Baganda) to cripple Ttabamiruka '07.
Most of these (Baganda) Mmengo-NRMO operatives were recruited during and are ardent supporters of former Katikkiro Mulwanyammuli Semwogerere, they were paid to support the Regional-Tier and are against a powerful Buganda government, but support a powerful Kabaka with no government underneath him, a situation which they have learnt to exploit to their benefit. They therefore claim to be supporters of the Kabaka (personally) but do NOT support the creation of a Buganda government with a professional civil service under the Kabaka as this would invoke accountability. They realise that the status quo or under a Regional Tier system, only the office of the Kabaka is empowered while all other organs of Buganda kingdom are weakened. The Lukiiko and ministers are hand picked by the Kabaka or his cronies, and ministers are created as SOLE employees of a full ministry.
The ministers thus chosen are therefore given a free reign to lie, cheat, rob and steal (in the name of the Kabaka) with nobody to stop them as they are the sole employees in their respective ministries. These ministers only have to kickback some of their ill-gotten gains up to the Katikkiro and further up! Since they are officially only volunteers at Mmengo, many of them are paid from the Presidents' office to make sure that nothing of value is achieved by Buganda/Mmengo and to ensure that Baganda stays disunited.
It is therefore very disheartening that Mmengo has decided to send people of this ilk, with a very clear record of corruption and debauchery, who also happen to fervently support the Regional Tier, to Ttabamiruka '07 to represent Buganda and the Kabaka.
In order to ensure that we all come back safely from Ttabamiruka '07, here is a brief guide to the Baganda NRMO-Mmengo spies whom we have been informed are coming with all expenses paid by the President's office:
Ambassador Ssendawula - Acting Katikkiro
A double dealing soft-spoken hypocrite, who works for both Museveni and Mmengo. Ssendawula was the architect of ensuring that former Katikkiro Daniel Muliika lost his job, he was then and still is a frequent guest of a witch doctor in Kateera Ssingo asking for Katikkiro Muliika's job. Well, Ssendawula got the job, but it looks like everybody at Mmengo including the Kabaka and Ssendawula himself agree that
he is NOT fit for the job. It has been intimated that Ssendawula has already resigned/been sacked, but because the Kabaka has no Katikkiro, Sendawula is tagging along to make it look like the Kabaka/Mmengo is in control at Ttabamiruka '07, when in truth everything is in disarray in Mmengo and within the NRM.
Delegates at Ttabamiruka should look out for a very insecure, shifty looking and unsophisticated man (with oversize glasses) who considers being an ambassador is better than being a Katikkiro and therefore refers to himself as Ambassador Ssendawula rather than Katikkiro. Ssendawula recently addressed a group of Baganda in English, which is further proof of his inferiority complex and insecure upbringing. There have been reports that the Ambassador title may be fake as the highest he ever rose to was First Secretary at the former
Uganda embassy in France.
Ssendawula is paid a monthly salary directly from the Presidents' office, and he does whatever his boss Museveni asks him to do including making vague statements, which Museveni can then challenge. He was most recently told to include NRM Baganda MP's into the Lukiiko so that they can pass the Regional Tier at the next sitting session. If any of you delegates come across this weasel, the best you can do is avoid him like the plague, or if you are kind enough warn him that his card has been marked by the silent Baganda and he wont succeed in his sinister plans. The question is, what does this man bring to the table?
John Chrysostom Muyingo - Former Minister of Education
An ardent supporter of former Katikkiro Mulwanyammuli and the Regional Tier. He was retired from the public duty with Mulwanyammuli but continues with his previous public assignment to this day as if the Kabaka is toying with the Baganda.
Mr Muyingo is a direct beneficiary of the status quo at Mmengo where a minister is appointed to a ministry where he is the SOLE employee. He is very crafty and probably one of the biggest thieves who has ever worked at Mmengo, Muyingo became a minister of education when he was a very poor man only 10 years ago.
Within the last 10 years, this man from a very humble and poor background has managed to build a heck of a portfolio with at least 3 PRIVATE schools while serving as an allegedly un-salaried minister of education at Mmengo. He created what he called the Kabaka Scholarships Fund, which was supposed to assist poor children in the Kingdom. These scholarships were tenable initially only at Lubiri secondary school where Muyingo was the bursar, chairman etc. Later they became tenable ONLY in Muyingo's private schools. It is very interesting that one no longer hear of the Kabaka Scholarship Fund since Muyingo was sacked. And makes you wonder whether the Kabaka is in on the secret?
We have been informed that Muyingo's sacking from Mmengo saved Buganda from his greedy fingers, which were just about to pounce on the
proposed Muteesa 1 Royal University. However due to the incessant greed in Mmengo, Muyingo seems to have convinced the powers and money vultures there to be included in the Kabaka's delegation so he could fleece the 'stupid' Baganda in the Diaspora. Apparently his programme will concentrate on lobbying for Muteesa 1 Royal University. Baganda should demand to know whether he has been appointed to head Project Muteesa University? And on what criteria was he appointed having crippled the same Project in the past. The Kabaka needs to be more transparent because Buganda’s interest is not his private property.
We have been reliably informed that Muyingo is coming to Ttabamiruka '07 to ask the Baganda in the diaspora to donate money to the good cause of Muteesa 1 Royal University and to sell the merits of Regional Tier, which Muyingo and
Mulwanyammuli ardently support. He will use persuasive language, which glorifies the Kabaka and Buganda, but don't be sucked in, the man is just a very greedy snake, who poses as if he is very humble. His card is marked and we hope to dispense justice to him very soon.
Delegates are warned to be on the lookout for a short little man, who looks like a thief and wears ill fitting suits. He is very fond of yellowish colored ladies and will introduce himself within the first minute of meeting him. If indeed you meet Muyingo please be kind to tell him that his card is numbered by the silent Baganda and soon or later he will face justice for all he has stolen. Again ask yourself the question, what does this man bring to the table? He wants to take but not to give is how we read it. And why in the name of Allah is this man in the Kabaka's
Florence Nakiwala Kiyingi - Minister for Youth
Perhaps one of the most ruthless and dangerous minister in Mmengo. At 28 years of age she has only 4 years work experience since leaving university. She is known to be very "intimate" with the Presidents office. She also works as a full time un accredited/ un certified accountant for UTODA a Presidents' Office outfit. Like all Mmengo ministers, she is the sole employee of the ministry. She works out of a dubious employment agency called Buganda Job Centre on Balintuma Road, mostly recruiting Baganda youth to work for ISO and into the NRMO youth wing - these are not waged but are encouraged to use their contact to fleece the intimidated. These are the unruly young people who shout down Baganda speakers at public functions.
Last year she organized the Baganda graduates pageant where she collected UGX 20,000 from each of the 500 participants for her own use, although she promised to find each of them employment none of them has got a job to this day. She comes from a very poor background, however she has become one of the richest people around Kampala, she has built herself a mansion and cruises around town in the latest model of a Mercedes.
Nakiwala is known for using Buganda Government letterheads to write letters of recommendation for people who want to travel to Europe or North America and charges UGX 2,000,000 for each letter of recommendation. These people are cleared beforehand by ISO, and their names are forwarded by her to Entebbe airport to facilitate their exit. The last batch left Entebbe airport on 10 February 2007 for the USA. Virtually all those recruited and recommended by Nakiwala act as ESO spies in the countries they go to. Their job is to identify mostly the Baganda on Kyeyo in whatever city/country and report this information back to ESO.
Apart from using Buganda government offices to recruit people to spy on Baganda
both in Uganda and abroad, Nakiwala also ensures that she destroys other Baganda's chances of getting visas for future travel by reporting the names of those who stay on illegally in the USA or Europe, to the respective embassies in Uganda.
It seems very clear that Nakiwala is coming to Ttabamiruka '07 to ensure the many spies she already planted in the Diaspora do their job. Wherever you see this woman at Ttabamiruka, look closely
to who she is with or who she talks to as those are likely to be (her) NRMO agents.
We have been informed that Ms Nakiwala may come with one or both of her sisters, Dr Nambatya, or Ms Winnie Makumbi. If you see any of these ladies, PLEASE keep your distance. Dr Nambatya is Museveni's herbalist/witch doctor and doubles not only as his girlfriend but a very highly paid ISO informer. Ms Winnie Makumbi POSES as a Democratic party candidate for a Makindye local council but she is also a well known Mulwanyammuli supporter, an NRM die hard ,and supporter of the Regional Tier. Delegates at Ttabamiruka '07 are advised to look out for Nakiwala and her sisters. The trio ( or any of them) are not easy on the eyes, are loud and pushy, and are likely to be very badly dressed. Their appearance is so vulgar that you are likely to notice them . If
you meet Ms Nakiwala please keep your distance as she may have someone in tow with a camera to take your photo, to build her ISO files/case. Her card is numbered by the silent Baganda and justice will be served. Any doubting Thomases' should ask themselves, what does this woman bring to the table or ask her directly and judge for yourself? And why of all people does the Kabaka have to include her in his delegation?
We would like to appeal to all those coming to Ttabamiruka '07 to either avoid or tread carefully around these individuals. They need to know, we know their duplicity.
Ssaabasajja Kabakas' Stand on Issues Affecting Buganda
Ssaabasajja himself is not blameless. He has chosen to rule over Buganda as his private estate. This was/is with the connivance of dictator Museveni who made Kabaka a body corporate while refusing to recognise entity Buganda.
When the Kabaka ascended the throne, Buganda and Mmengo were in serious disarray. Fourteen years later and several cabinet reshuffles Buganda and Mmengo moved from being serious to critical disarray. The total lack of transparency and accountability make everything from Mmengo shoddy. The blanket cover for all the ills of Mmengo lies in the contention that Kabaka "tatunulwa mu kamwa" thus any thieving official has to plead is to say that he/she was acting in the Kabaka’s name.
Ssaabasajja has appointed individuals to cabinet and other senior offices that have turned out to be complete failures, consummate thieves and liars' at the expense of Obuganda. During this period the kingdom has been robbed almost dry of its resources. Baganda have cried out to Ssaabasajja to do something about the lack patriotism and accountability at Mmengo, but he has either looked the other way or just couldn't be bothered. This has been clearly demonstrated by his (Ssaabasajja) keeping around him the same individuals he fires from cabinet for incompetence. He sends these same losers as emissaries or includes them in his entourage whenever he travels or just simply recycle them in an already bloated cabinet at Mmengo.
These same corrupt lumpens are placed in charge of revenue generating ventures
like Buganda Land Board, CBS etc. One gets the impression that Ssaabasajja is content with the status quo, making one wonder what or how he benefits from having confusion, corruption, and an unaccountable kingdom is disarray.
We would like to congratulate the leaders of Ggwanga Mujje New York and New Jersey for having the foresight to organise Ttabamiruka '07 that will help us explore these contradictions because Buganda is our past, our present and our future. Fortunately, Ssaabasajja will be in attendance to dispense his views on the state of the kingdom.
Shaban Ssekawuka Basajjansolo
Union of Coucils for Ggwanga Mujje

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