That is what Mu7 and his western backers, afraid of China in Sudan, are trying 
to divert attention of the population in the region to. Did not Mu7 ferried 
weapons to Southern Sudan before, and Dr. Garang died in his elicopter?
  With Darfur centre of western attention, to curve China's influence in the 
region, Southern Sudan is going to be forced into war yet again, and many lives 
are going to be lost.
  Maybe we Africans are not intelligent enough afterall.
  Just watch!

ugandahelp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
War fears in SPLA, Khartoum feuding

Peace in northern Uganda threatened

THE decision by leaders of South Sudan to suspend participation in the
unity government in Khartoum has drawn international concern as fears
spread that the Sudan People's Liberation Army (SPLA) may be preparing
to go back to war.

A senior member of SPLA told Sunday Monitor on condition of anonymity
because he is not authorised to speak,on Friday that "we fear that
there is going to be war between us and the Arabs again". The officer,
however, did not elaborate.

But also on Friday, a member of the SPLA political wing and national
unity government, Mr William Ajal Deng, tried to allay growing fears
that the North-South partnership is on the verge of collapse.

WORRIED: Chairman Mao

"No, things are not falling apart at all," he said. "We want things to
be settled now. There is no going back to war."
Sunday Monitor contacted South Sudan Information minister, Dr Samson
Kwaje, to get a clearer picture of what is on the ground on Saturday,
but he however declined to comment on the matter.

Should war erupt in South Sudan, Uganda as an immediate neighbour
would again have to not only contend with refugees but also with the
Lord's Resistance Army rebels.

The LRA, with the support of the Islamist regime of Gen. Hassan al-
Bashir in Khartoum, has traditionally used bases in South Sudan to
launch devastating attacks on northern Uganda.

Defence and Army Spokesman Felix Kulayigye said on Friday that
although it was early days yet to predict the exact outcome of the
SPLM/A's Thursday move on regional stability, the Ugandan military was
leaving nothing to chance.

"We are not only ready but very anxious to end the LRA menace," Maj.
Kulayigye said.
Fighting between the rebels and the UPDF died down in August last year
following the signing of a Cessation of Hostilities Agreement under
the on-going Government of Uganda and LRA peace talks in South Sudan's
capital, Juba.

The fear in Kampala is that once the SPLM/A row with Khartoum explodes
into full scale war, then the Government of South Sudan (GoSS) that is
currently mediating the talks would find it difficult to continue.

Uganda's State Minister for Foreign Affairs Okello Oryem said there is
urgent need for the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (Igad)
to intervene and forestall a resumption of hostilities that ended with
the signing of the January 9, 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA)
in Kenya between the SPLA and the Khartoum regime.

Kenya's ex-president Daniel arap Moi initiated the peace talks between
the SPLA and the Khartoum regime. However, the agreement was concluded
under current President Mwai Kibaki's tenure.

President Kibaki and Mr Moi, who is now Kenya's special envoy to
Sudan, have been urged to intervene to defuse the tensions. President
Kibaki is current chairman of Igad.
GoSS officials are accusing the National Congress Party (NCP)
government of Gen. Bashir of selective and, in most cases, non-
implementation of key provisions of the CPA.

The most contentious issues include demarcation of the north-south
territorial borders, withdrawal of northern forces from the south and
grievances over sharing of oil revenues as well as political

In a new report titled Sudan: Breaking the Abyei Deadlock," the
International Crisis Group argues that mounting tensions in the oil-
rich Abyei region are the most dangerous threat to reignite the war.

It examines the dispute over Abyei, the most volatile aspect of the
CPA, the deal that ended the country's 21-year civil war in which over
two million people died.
The ruling NCP is violating the CPA by refusing the "final and
binding" ruling of the Abyei Boundary Commission, leaving an
administrative and political vacuum.

"The international community has to re-engage across the board on CPA
implementation but nowhere more urgently than Abyei, where the risk of
a return to war is rising dramatically," said Mr David Mozersky,
Crisis Group's Horn of Africa Project Director.

"What happens in Abyei is likely to determine whether Sudan
consolidates the peace or returns to war", said Mr François Grignon,
Crisis Group's Africa Program Director.

"Progress there would unlock a broader set of problems challenging CPA
implementation, just as renewed violence would likely break the CPA -
with tragic consequences".

GoSS head of mission in Kenya, Mr Andruga Duku, told Daily Nation on
Friday that the US, UK, Kenya, Norway, Italy, the African Union and
the UN have a role to ensure the CPA was fully implemented.

Mr Duku accused President Bashir's NCP of "rewriting the CPA through
delaying tactics and trying to renegotiate issues that had already
been resolved."
He said Abyei had no government two years after the signing of the CPA
because the NCP had rejected a report compiled by international
experts on its boundaries.

The SPLM further accuses Gen. Bashir of being impertinent towards his
First Vice President, Gen. Salva Kiir, who also is the substantive
President of the semi-autonomous South Sudan. The two sides have
locked horns over Gen. Bashir's refusal to endorse Gen. Kiir's demand
for the sacking of Sudan's Foreign Minister Lam Akol, an SPLM member
whom the mother party believes has been compromised by Khartoum. Mr
David Mafabi, an aide to President Museveni but with considerable
knowledge of SPLM/A affairs having worked with the South Sudanese,
said the Thursday action was a deliberate warning to the international

"There has been a build-up of tension [leading] to this [suspension],"
he said. "The SPLM/A are trying to underline and dramatise their
willingness to fight for the CPA and also evoke regional and
international sympathy and support to put pressure on Khartoum to
follow the agreement."
But war-weary leaders in northern Uganda are anxious should South
Sudan revert to war.

"We urge GoSS to stick to the implementation of the CPA because peace
in South Sudan means peace in northern Uganda," Gulu RDC Walter Ochora
said.The district's chairman, Mr Norbert Mao said: "If the pullout
continues and SPLA war resumes, who knows what the agenda of the
Khartoum government could be in regard to the LRA."

If war between the SPLA and the Khartoum government erupts, "LRA
commander Joseph Kony will take advantage of the lawlessness in South
Sudan and operate from the region and that portends negatively for
peace prospects in northern Uganda," said Mr Mwambutsya Ndebesa, a
Makerere University historian.

The Sudanese Ambassador to Uganda, Mr Hassan Gatkarim, said GoSS
officials were being pushy and are misleading the public. For
instance, he said, the Khartoum government was releasing about $160
million every three months from oil revenues to GoSS. He said a
national commission for allocation of the natural resources and
another one for border determination had been formed but heavy
torrential rains was hampering its work.

"There may be problems but you cannot put the blame all on one party,"
he said. "For instance, the SPLA have not also withdrawn their troops
from northern territories as required under the CPA."

Ambassador Gatkarim said that nonetheless a team of senior NCP
officials flew to Juba on Friday to try to defuse the tensions.


· 1958 - General Abbud leads military coup against the civilian
government elected earlier in the year

· 1962 - Civil war begins in the south, led by the Anya Nya movement.

· 1964 - The "October Revolution" overthrows Abbud and a national
government is established

· 1969 - Jafar Numeiri leads the "May Revolution" military coup.

· 1972 - Under the Addis Ababa peace agreement between the government
and the Anya Nya the south becomes a self-governing region.

· 1978 - Oil discovered in Bentiu in southern Sudan.

· 1983 - SPLM civil war led by Garang breaks out in the south

· 1986 - Coalition government formed after general elections, with
Sadiq al-Mahdi as prime minister.

· 1989 - National Salvation Revolution takes over in military coup.

· 1993 - Revolution Command Council dissolved after Omar al-Bashir is
appointed president.
US strike

· 2001 June - Failure of Nairobi peace talks with SPLA

· 2001 October - US President Bush names Senator John Danforth as
special envoy to tackle Sudanese conflict.

Ceasefire deal

· 2002 January - SPLA joins forces with rival militia group, Sudan
People's Defence Force

· 2002 July - SPLA sign Machakos Protocol on ending 19-year civil

· 2002 July - President al-Bashir and SPLA's Garang meet face-to-face
for the first time, through the mediation of Ugandan President Yoweri

· 2004 May - Government and SPLA agree on power-sharing after agreeing
wealth sharing

· 2005 January - Government and southern rebels sign a peace deal. The
agreement includes a permanent ceasefire and accords on wealth and
power sharing.

Southern autonomy

· 2005 9 July - Garang is sworn in as first vice president. A
constitution which gives a large degree of autonomy to the south is

· 2005 July - Garang is killed in a plane crash. He is succeeded by
Salva Kiir. Garang's death sparks deadly clashes in the capital
between southern Sudanese and northern Arabs.

· 2005 September - Power-sharing government is formed in Khartoum.

· 2005 October - Autonomous government is formed in the south, in line
with the January 2005 peace deal. The administration is dominated by
former rebels.

· 2007 October - The SPLM accuses Khartoum of failing to honour the
2005 peace deal with the southern rebels and suspends its involvement
in the national unity government.

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