Omukulu Ibukunolu Alao Babajide

I have read your comments and with a great interest and kindly allow me to make 
some few points kindly.

Africa does not make bad products in fact we make some of the very best 
products out there, and Iddi Amin demonstrated that by making Uganda Waragi a 
drink that so far has the best aroma. And if you know any other drink that has 
a best aroma than Uganda Waragi by all means challenge me. When Uganda Waragi 
was established, it was directly accepted to be sold on the American market. 
Now let me clarify some thing here, Kenya sells some beer in Ontario's LCBOs, 
it is allowed to be sold in Canada but the beer sold is not the beer sold in 
Kenya. And I forget the dam brand. But Uganda Waragi was sold as it is 
manufactured and bottled straight from Uganda. When Amin decided to change 
Uganda's economy to benefit the Ugandans than the British as it was before, he 
became labelled a monster and a man that eats his children and Uganda Waragi 
ended up listed as a bad drink to be sold in North America. Uganda became 
wasted as they are wasting Zimbabwe today.

When you grow Tomatoes any where in the word they are Tomatoes, it does not 
matter if in Uganda or Ontario they are simply Tomatoes. Africa can produce 
Tomatoes naturary so that society can have a fruit to feed on when it is not 
forced to ripe due to chemicals. During my travelling in this Just past Ontario 
campaign I was so surprised to know that all ripe bananas we eat in this 
continent ripe for they are forced. They are literary gassed to be forced to 
ripe. Why does any one wonder why many of the heads we deal with here are this 
screwed up. When you were still in Africa did you know of a disease called 
Alzheimer. this massive cancers or Arthritis? My grand mother died at age about 
110 and she was as smart as every one. And why don't we have adult diapers in 
Africa have you ever wondered about that? It is all about what they eat and 
what they drink.

So I change my discussion line and state what I stated before that brought me 
allot of abuses from these forums. Africa and Africans will never win this war 
until when we get a financial muscle, yes we have invested both time and money 
into fighting racism for every Dog that stands in front of us is either a 
racist or a bigot but we have failed to create a financial muscle. The Jews 
have managed to put this entire race on its dam knees for they created a 
financial muscle. We are many out here why can't we finance a mortgage for an 
African immigrant? For we do not have a financial muscle. We use American 
Express card how about creating an African express card? How about a massive 
African air lines? All these bigots fly into African nations for we travel. Why 
and how did Iddi Amin figure out that we need to use our own flights in Africa 
and created a Uganda air Lines yet Paul Kagame is so glad for a new European 
company has started to fly into Kigali?

I am tired let me go to bet remind me when I wake up to finish this posting.


 The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
            Groupe de communication Mulindwas 
"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Ibukunolu Alao Babajide 
  Cc: ; [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; Pan-Africanist Forum ; [EMAIL 
  Sent: Sunday, October 14, 2007 12:47 AM

  Dear EM, 

  I am glad that you agree that I raise a "very good reason" but I lived in
  Kigali for 3 years and I know Uganda Waragi very well. In Arusha here we have
  Konyagi - both good stuff.

  Please auction the two bottles you have and I do not think such drinks improve
  with age, but I may be wrong - please use the proceeds of the auction to help
  back in your country. 
  A Tanzanian went to Japan for a conference and he took 5 small bottles of
  Konyagi (we call it here, "Mobile Phone") as gifts for his hosts. He arrived
  on Sunday and donated the 4 bottles and kept one. The next day at the
  Conference opening, he noticed that one of his Japanese friends was smelling
  "Pombe!" for non kiSwahili speakers here pombe means alcohol.

  When he asked the man what was the matter, he replied, it is the perfume that
  you gave me yesterday that I am wearing. I poured it on my armpits, down my
  crotch and on my back but I feel so hot down below! 

  I hope you enjoyed that joke. 


  ------ Original Message ------ 
  Received: Sat, 13 Oct 2007 07:35:12 PM EAT 
  From: "Edward Mulindwa" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
  Cc: <>, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Pan-Africanist Forum"

  Alao Babajide 

  You raise a very good reason, and I continue that I have two bottles of
  Uganda Waragi that I have kept now for ten years, can I auction them? 


  The Mulindwas Communication Group 
  "With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy" 
  Groupe de communication Mulindwas 
  "avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie" 

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Ibukunolu Alao Babajide 
  Sent: Saturday, October 13, 2007 3:55 AM 

  Dear Friends, 

  I have worked with a few people from the Francophone countries who think and 

  feel that anything European or French like wine drinking, haute couture, 

  perfumes, etc etc are superior to African things. They therefore live like 

  Europeans in their heads and minds but sport a black skin. What other than 

  sheer packaging and brain-washing can be corked in a bottle and be made to be

  worth $25,000.00 - Imagine the number of palm trees that $25,000.00 will grow

  in Africa and the drums of palm wine that we can generate from that talk less

  of the kain-kain, burukutu, and ogogoro that we can produce. 

  I have drunk wine(s) from Australia, France, Portugal, California, and my Inn

  of Court serves only Port from Portugal. I swear none even the $30,000.00 

  ones ever compare to the humble palm wine that I drank at Ya' ko yo (Stop by 

  and be fed) a village near Ile Ife and another one I drank in Oke Igbo on my 

  way from Ile-Ife to Ondo town. 

  Why have we thrown away all that is great and good in us in Africa and we 

  embrace cheap and less useful products simply because they are foreign. 

  People who are enslaved in their minds think this way. If I bottle palm wine 

  for 30 years and place it for auction will a European send an e-mail to
  Europeans to come and buy it at $10.000.00 talk less of this insane and 

  obscene amount for less than a litre of alcohol? Palm wine has yeast that is 

  great for the eyes. Tell me what is healthy in that stupid bottle and the 

  stupider call to call Africans to come and waste hard earned money on a silly

  acquired taste. 

  Everything is in the mind - when we treat the colonised minds of Africans,
  bondage will be over and our genuine liberation will start. 



  ------ Original Message ------ 
  Received: Sat, 13 Oct 2007 01:50:46 AM EAT 
  From: "Edward Mulindwa" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
  Cc: <>, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 

  "Pan-Africanist Forum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 
  Subject: [abujaNig] ARE YOU A WINE DRINKER? 


  To those interested in wine, there are two bottles of Richebourg wine that 

  have been put up for auction in Toronto. Starting bidding price a bottle is 

  25,000 dollars. They are fifty years old. So if you are interested in wine 

  collection don't miss this opportunity for a nice wine. 


  The Mulindwas Communication Group 
  "With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy" 
  Groupe de communication Mulindwas 
  "avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie" 

  [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] 

  [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] 

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