Mugabe launches Robert Mugabe academy 
      Harare, Zimbabwe  
      26 October 2007 07:51 
            Zimbabwe's President Robert Mugabe has launched an intelligence 
academy named after him, saying it would produce officers able to counter 
growing threats from Western powers, state media reported on Friday.

            Mugabe, who has ruled Zimbabwe since independence from Britain in 
1980, is fighting isolation from the West, which accuses him of human rights 
abuses and rigging elections and economic mismanagement.

            The combative 83-year-old veteran leader says he is being punished 
for seizing white-owned farms for landless black Zimbabweans to redress 
colonial imbalances, a programme critics say has plunged the economy into 

            "With the current unjustified demonisation of Zimbabwe by Western 
powers, the role of intelligence in shaping foreign, security and economic 
policies become even more critical," the Herald newspaper quoted the president 
as saying at the launch of the Robert Mugabe National School of Intelligence 
near Harare.

            Critics say Mugabe has increasingly relied on security forces to 
keep opponents in check in the face of growing anger over the unravelling 
economy, but he denies the charge.

            The intelligence academy is also expected to train members of the 
army, police and operatives from other Southern African countries.

            Mugabe said Britain and the United States continued to try to 
destabilise Zimbabwe by working with "non-state actors" aimed at unseating his 

            "The important role of defending our country cannot be left to 
mediocre officers incapable of comprehending and analytically evaluating the 
operational environment to ensure that the sovereignty of our state is not only 
preserved, but enhanced," Mugabe said. - Reuters 

 The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
            Groupe de communication Mulindwas 
"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"


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