Why did Mu7 hate Dr. Obote, a man who recruited him into public service when he 
was still a student, so much? Was his hate for Dr. Obote only personal or he 
translated the hate into hating the party the man found?
  Gau, I like intelligent discussions.

      .hmmessage P  {  margin:0px;  padding:0px  }  body.hmmessage  {  
FONT-SIZE: 10pt;  FONT-FAMILY:Tahoma  }    
Yes Kelle, I bear with you on this "Obal-UPC's" suicidal crusade. Except the 
part that, "it is / was Musseveni" holding the dagger. That contradicts your 
"look inside" call.  
A strong political party is always opposed and all political parties undermine 
each other and attract members from each other. Each party chooses it's counter 
weapon (strategy).
The UPC could not be so dumb that they did not realize other parties too are 
grazing the same pasture: the same Ugandan electorates.
The deal is all you party folks got to know the game and as you put it, look 
deep inside before of throwing the blame on some one else.
Noc'la gau

  Date: Sun, 28 Oct 2007 18:58:41 -0400
CC: Ugandanet@kym.net

  Mr Semuwemba,
  What these UPC members and supoorters are doing, is continue killing UPC 
  They do not realise the level of destruction Mu7 has meted on the party so 
far, that for UPC to regain some of its vegetative nerves, so it can begin to 
function again as a party, the party needs a dock to anchor, while it recovers. 
  Dr Besigye, by breaking away from the NRA/M, offers perfectly that 
opportunity UPC, as a beaten up party, needs, if it should regain its lost 
  Many of UPC bigshots, like Rwakasisi, Lurangaranga, Rwanyarare, Okulu Epak, 
Obadiya Lalobo, on and on, are either long gone, and no longer with us, or are 
just struggling with a non-visionary youths, who should know how to go about 
this terrible era in the party's life, but they don't. Most of these youths are 
just by and large confused. 
  To them, Dr. Besigye is their enemy #1. So all their energies are being 
expended to fight Dr. Besigye and his FDC, when the real person who worked 
diligently to kill the party is still sitting on that throne and presiding over 
the complete annihillation of the party. 
  As these UPC members and supporters fight Dr. Besigye and his FDC, Dr. 
Besigye and his party will eventually fight back. And Mu7? He will be smilling 
all the way to the bank!! For, after these two have destroyed themselves, who 
will be left to fight the Bahima's master plan of ruling Uganda for 50 years?? 
  I have stated before that UPC is infiltrated. I will repeat again, the party 
is infiltrated. For, the way some of these UPC diehards are fixated with Dr. 
Besigye and his FDC, leave a lot to be desired, given Dr. Besigye is not even 
in power! And until UPC look inward, the Otienos, Ocaya, Mulindwas, Okellos, 
will just be wipping an already dead horse.
  Pure and simple.

Abbey Semuwemba <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
      .ExternalClass .EC_shape  {;}              .ExternalClass EC_p.MsoNormal, 
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   Mr. Edward,
  You may as well would have written this article yourself. The whole article 
sounds like you not Ochieno. I noted so many words you normally use during this 
situation. It is so amazing how UPC wastes the party’s finances de-campaigning 
the opposition party instead of NRMO. Have a good one.

  From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Edward Mulindwa
Sent: Sunday, October 28, 2007 11:41 AM
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; [EMAIL PROTECTED]; ugandanet@kym.net



      OTHER THOUGHTS | Joseph Ochieno
          It is UPC that has set the political pace 
      October 27 - November 3, 2007
      In his column entitled “Besigye turns Ugandan political tradition upside 
down”, Daily Monitor, October 22, typical of reconditioned NRMs, Dr Munini 
Mulera attempts to justify the repackaging of Dr Kizza Besigye by attempting to 
set his bar against previous leaders of Uganda, including Dr Milton Obote. A 
fine attempt it was.
“Courageous and patriotic”, he describes Besigye, and hailing him on internal 
democracy within FDC. 
  I recognise Dr Besigye’s courage in falling out with President Yoweri 
Museveni, but I am yet to be fully satisfied whether this was as a result of 
personal, social, political or genuine patriotic reasons. Whatever the case, I 
do not recognise Dr Munini’s version of political traditions, nor do I accept 
that Dr Besigye’s standard is Uganda’s political best. We have been hoodwinked 
for so long, that particularly for the youths, we do not recognise that we 
deserve better, whether in politics, economics, public service or even basic 
moral standards.
  Dr Besigye took 19 years, from the NRA terror war in 1981 to realise that 
President Museveni’s system was illegal. Some leaders of FDC say they were 
duped, others that it is the President who deviated from the original ‘good’ 
NRM/NRA path, that is why they fell out. Where then is the judgement of our 
would-be leaders?
  Dr Besigye was President Museveni’s personal doctor and later director of 
training and operations in the infamous NRA. Ugandans may ask: When the Luwero 
skulls were being sorted for publicity, where was he? When bombs were being 
hurled at innocent citizens in Kampala’s taxi park and Ugandans, especially of 
northern extraction were being framed ‘Anyanyas’, where was he? When Iteso 
people were being roasted in broad day light in Mukura, the massacres at Atiak 
and Corner Kilak, where was Dr Besigye?
  And when Objective no. 1 of the NRA/NRM was being coined -. to overthrow the 
UPC/Obote…government by force of arms if necessary and establish a one party 
state under NRA/NRM, where was Kizza? When they stormed Kampala in January 1986 
and instituted the ban on political party activities, where was Kizza? 
  Besigye, the National Political Commissar of NRA must have had an idea or an 
opinion on what was to become Article 269 of the NRA Constitution that clearly 
stated that existing political parties like DP and UPC may exist in name only 
but may not; open or operate branches or constituencies, hold public rallies, 
campaign for or sponsor candidates for local or national elections, or hold 
national delegates conferences to debate its policies or elect leaders. 
  It was not until UPC and DP challenged these obnoxious provisions in court 
and won, on November 17, 2004, that it became possible for political parties in 
Uganda to operate – including Besigye’s FDC. For the record, Obote led in that 
legal campaign.
  The UPC Constitution, a document that Museveni and Besigye’s wing of NRM took 
a leaf from clearly states that our leaders are elected by the Delegates 
In as long as the ban imposed by Museveni and Besigye was in force, UPC could 
not hold such a conference hence, Obote could not hand over power – unless of 
course he delivered it to quislings and turn-coats – unconstitutionally that 
  Immediately we won the court case in 2004, Obote quickly set up the 
Constitutional Steering Commission under the chairmanship of Haji Badru Wegulo, 
that led to the first UPC Delegates Conference in November 2005 and the 
election of Mama Miria as the new president. It was the most open and 
democratic election of any party leader that season, all in the glare of the 
  Besigye and Munini should give thanks and credit to Obote, otherwise, 
perhaps, it would have been another 2001 in which the thirst for power rather 
than building of national democratic institutions would have meant candidates 
standing once again on personal merit other than on competitive multiparty 
tickets. If they are serious, let them take a leaf from their British 
Conservative Party friends who have had four new leaders since 1997. That is, 
leaders stepping down after losing elections. Yes, Besigye lost in their 
personal merit games in 2001 and again in the 2006 charade.
  Comparing Besigye with Obote is a tall order. For the record, it was Obote 
who, in the first exile in Tanzania, told President Julius Nyerere that it is 
nice to step down when one is still popular. It follows from this that had it 
not been for the coup by Amin and the British, the elections which were due in 
1971 and which UPC was expected to win, would have been Obote’s last as 
  Likewise, elections were due later in 1985 and had DP, the Okellos, Museveni 
and Besigye not opted for a cowardly military short cut, Obote would unlikely 
have served beyond 1990, as UPC was widely expected to win those elections. 
  Even then, when Obote returned in 1980, despite the indisputable fact that he 
was the brain and power behind the defeat of Amin’s regime, he made it very 
public that he would claim no office in UPC or in Uganda on his return. He 
insisted that UPC would have to re-elect him, if they so wished. And they did. 
And UPC would have to present itself to the people of Uganda and get 
re-elected, and Ugandans did. Typically, Museveni and Besigye had other ideas 
and benchmarks for Uganda’s political traditions.
  Obsession with Obote should be left to Museveni and his imperialist handlers, 
not sensible Ugandans who claim opportunity to renew our country. The man did 
his best in 12 years and two administrations. The monuments shall prevail for a 
few more generations to come. In Museveni and Besigye’s case, we have not yet 
started ‘archaeological’ work in Luwero alone, before the trips to northern, 
eastern and western Uganda. Then Rwanda, Burundi, Congo and parts of the Sudan. 
Most of these took place while Besigye was still a serving officer of NRA.
  Picking and choosing standards is no way to rebuild Uganda. The NRA narrative 
that there was no Uganda before 1986 is dangerous, discredited and harms our 
efforts for a genuine national truth and reconciliation for which both Museveni 
and Besigye are lukewarm respondents. 
  A recycled NRM is no pacemaker for Uganda; Besigye meets no criteria for 
setting Uganda’s political benchmarks. The future of Uganda lies in the 
visionary hands of the millions of fresh, untainted and progressively youthful 
citizens. Reliable, consistent and nationalist men and women of integrity and 
probity. Nationalists who will provide genuine leadership, not opportunists who 
would break up the republic through their “shadow cabinets” if that is what it 
takes to reach State House. In building for the future, a new, revamped and 
tested UPC shall always do it for God, and my country. 
  Mr Ochieno is UPC Presidential Envoy to the United Kingdom and Ireland. He 
writes, campaigns and comments on human rights and multi party democracy in 
   The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
            Groupe de communication Mulindwas 
"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"



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