Just looking for encouragement in the BOOK.
These are hard times for true Ugandans and those
who care about our Motherland, Uganda.
Peace, Joy, Encouragement and Hope to all of YOU!
Assumpta Mary Kintu

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From: Inspiration Ministries <i...@insptoday.com>
Date: Thu, Apr 28, 2011 at 12:33 AM
*Subject: God's Abundance
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 God's Abundance

Thursday, April 28, 2011
"I will open rivers on the bare heights and springs in the midst of the
valleys; I will make the wilderness a pool of water and the dry land
fountains of water." Isaiah 41:18 NASB
Many in Israel were afraid. Facing overwhelming problems, they might have
given up hope. But God reminded them, "I am with you" and "I am your God"
(v. 10). He was their God "who takes hold of your right hand and says to
you, do not fear; I will help you" (v. 13 NIV).
      He was their Redeemer, and He promised to make them "into a threshing
sledge, new and sharp, with many teeth." With this kind of power, they would
be able to "crush" their enemies. And when they did, they would "rejoice in
the LORD and glory in the Holy One of Israel" (vs. 15-16).
      He knew that there were needs: "The poor and needy search for water,
but there is none; their tongues are parched with thirst." However, God
promised that He would "not forsake them, but will answer them" (v. 17).
      In fact, He would "make rivers flow on barren heights, and springs
within the valleys." There were deserts, but He promised to turn them "into
pools of water." The "parched ground" would be turned "into springs."
      These are powerful pictures of the way God can bless us, even when
circumstances seem bleak, when we don't seem to have the resources, and
defeat seems inevitable.
      Right now, you may feel helpless. You may be afraid and not sure what
to do. You may feel like you're living in a desert, alone and without hope.
But God's Word declares that He is with you! He has prepared blessings and
even abundance for you.
      Don't be discouraged or accept defeat. Be faithful to invest the
resources God has given you. Don't hold back, but boldly invest your time,
talent, and treasure. Be ready to move forward in faith. Stay faithful!
Continue to hope in God.

Today's Inspirational Prayer

*Father, thank You for the blessings You've promised me. I declare that Your
promises are true in my life. Thank You for blessing the Seeds I Sow with a
great Harvest. In Jesus' name. Amen. *
Further Reading: Isaiah 41:18 NASB



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What's on Today!


One of the greatest revelations for the Jewish nation and Christians was
hidden within the Hebrew language used in the inscription on the cross.
David Cerullo and evangelist Perry Stone reveal the astonishing prophetic
message on this edition of "Inspiration Today!"

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