Message to Libyan Representatives: Stay Strong, and Do Not Bend
Posted: 2011/07/25
From: Mathaba <>     [image: Share on Twitter][image:

A Mathaba Africa News Editorial on Libya and NATO

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*Dennis South and Adam King*

Months ago, when I first saw Brother Leader Colonel Gaddafi speak at Bab El
Aziziyah, I thought that perhaps he had lost his mind.  I had not kept up
with him over the years, as I once had.  After I watched him speak, I said
to myself, "Can this *really* be the Gaddafi I once read about?"  Rather
than *assume *that he had lost his mind, I began to catch up on my reading.
Within a week, I discovered that, *as usual* (except on a much bigger scale)
all of the media reports that I had seen were *false*.

I then began to understand why Gaddafi was speaking so angrily: He is a
man!  He is a Bedoin!  He is not going to roll over for the northern white
countries, just because they *say* that he must roll over.

I then began to read about the great progress that he had made for Libya:
90% literacy; free college; free housing; free land and seeds; No. 53 on the
United Nations Index of Human Development; equality for Libyan women; a
monthly oil-revenue-sharing stipend for each Libyan of $1000 a month in
their bank accounts; highest standard of living in all of Africa, and on and
on and on.  How surprised I was!

Then I began to read about Gaddafi's deep, deep, deep development projects
in Africa.  I read about how he increased profits by 80% for one country's
coffee industry, making it independent by providing machines that allowed
that country to process its own coffee and coffee products, rather than sell
the raw coffee to Europe, and thus lose a ton of money.  I read about the
rice fields in Mozambique, I think.  I read that every time a rice field is
created, 100,000 more jobs are created for Africans.

I read that Gaddafi saved Africa $500,000,000--half-a-billion dollars a year
that Africa had formerly paid to Europe for satellite service.  I read that
Gaddafi put up the first serious sum of money for the purchase of Africa's
own satellite, and how furious Europe was in losing that $500,000,000 a

I then read about the African Central Bank with Lagos headquarters that
Gaddafi was going to create, as well as an African Investment Bank in Sirte,
and an African Monetary Fund with HQ in Yaounde, all to start business on
1st September 2011.  And that now the U.S. and E.U. have stolen the $32
billion contribution from Libya for the $42 billion start-up fund, for this
African economic project that would free the continent from the World Bank
and the IMF. Along with a total around $200 billion stolen from Libya with
the U.S. and E.U. freezing all Libya's money abroad.

I read that Gaddafi was going to create a new currency called "The Afro,"
which would be backed by Libyan oil, and that all of these economic ventures
were designed to create a strong and independent Africa.

I then began to read how the northern countries were going bankrupt, and had
become desperate to find ways to save themselves from economic and social
ruin.  It was then that it all became clear to me: "*Africa must be subdued,
and that Gaddafi guy had to be killed*."  My surprise was *not* that Gaddafi
was a revolutionary.  I had known that for decades.  But what I had
*not*known was that

*Gaddafi's vision of a united, strong, and independent Africa was not
limited to mere ideological rhetoric and posturing.  Gaddafi had done it.*

His words were being put into effect.  He began *building* the dream of a
United States of Africa, not simply just talking about it using
revolutionary words.

Here is my message to any and all Libyan representatives that are engaged
in, or will be engaged in, "negotiations" with the United States, France,
England or any NATO country that is beginning to talk about "negotiations":
*You cannot, and must not, "negotiate" your very soul.  *Who is Gaddafi?  He
is the very soul of Libya.  Gaddafi is the war against Italy that lost 1
million Libyans.  Gaddafi is the man that used the wealth of Libya *for the
people*, and brought Libya up to be one of the most powerful countries on
earth (Certainly the U.S. believes that, otherwise it wouldn't be bombing
Libya, obviously deeply afraid of Libya's growing influence).  Gaddafi is
the man who gave you your form of government.  Gaddafi is your soul.

It is difficult for me, sitting here in an air-conditioned office, giving my
"advice" to you, while you, on the other hand, are faced with the satanic
and barbarous bombardment of your country, daily, by the single most
powerful and most brutal and beastly and heartless military alliance in
world history, NATO.  Nevertheless, despite my feelings in this regard, I
have no choice but to "advise" that you tell France, the U.S., Britian and
any other NATO country to *go to hell*, as the brave young Libyan woman on
this video did: (see more at

Is she braver than you?  If she is, then I suggest that *she* be appointed
as the chief negotiator of the Libyan Jamahiriya.  [By the way, the reason
that I have the word "negotiations" in quotes, above, is because, in truth,
there is *no such thing as negotiations in this matter*.  This is not as if
two countries were arguing over water rights in an area of the world where
it was difficult to see who owned which waters.  That would be something to
negotiate about.  But, in truth, if NATO had any morals (it does not), it
would simply *leave*, and apologize.  It had no business attempting to force
its will on Libya, and then, towards the end, proclaim, "Okay, now we must
negotiate."  Libya was not bothering *anybody* before NATO stuck its vicious
nose inside Libya, sniffing for money!]

Who is more brave?  That Libyan young woman.  That Libyan young lady would *
walk* to Bengazi, if given *any* kind of gun, and attempt to solve this
problem herself.  What is she asking for?  She is asking for *her
dignity*and for the dignity
*not only* of the people of Libya, but for all the people of Africa.  In
truth, she is asking for the dignity of all oppressed people the world over.

What did she say?  Listen to what she said in that video.  She said, "Obama,
keep bombing, keep bombing, keep losing your money!!!  We're not afraid!!!
We are with Muammar Gaddafi!!!"

If that "little girl" is ready to *accept* the continued bombing of Libya,
then what about *you*, the *grown men* of The Revolution; of The
Jamahiriya?  What of you?  Will you stand with her, and refuse the devil's
request that Gaddafi "step down?"  And if you cannot do that, then you can *at
least* tell the devils the truth: That Gaddafi *gave up* any seat of
authority for himself in 1977.  Tell them that.  It is easy to simply tell
the truth.  Tell them that, since Gaddafi has already given up authority in
1977, then the issue of his "stepping down" does not exist.  And you cannot
"negotiate" about a non-existent issue.

Here is what they really want: They want you to *stomp on Gaddafi's right of
free speech*.  That's what they're asking you to do.  Yet, at the same time,
they laud themselves, especially the U.S., as the greatest examples of free
speech on earth.  They tell the world that the West is the very center of
free speech.  But, when it comes to Gaddafi, they are telling you that you
must never allow Gaddafi to speak again. And they have time and again
censored and taken off the web Libyan news sites, and the
web site of Gaddafi.

And can you *really* stand in front of that *proud* young Libyan woman and
tell her, "I am *so* sorry, but we cannot allow Gaddafi to speak anymore in
Libya.  We cannot allow him to pump the Libyan people up with pride.  We
cannot allow his voice to be heard by you, little girl, ever again, no
matter how much you love him; no matter how much we love him; no matter how
much the people of the entire African continent love him; and no matter how
much *the world* loves him.  See, little girl, the United States has
spoken.  And when the United States speaks, *we all have to listen, and we
have to do what the United Stays says*."

Can you tell that to that young lioness?  No, you cannot.  And if you think
that you can, then watch that video over and over again.  It is better to
die free than to live a slave.  And that is the message that that the Libyan
Lioness and a million others like here are giving to *you* and to the world:
She would rather DIE than lose Gaddafi!

Is there a new Kalima?  My understanding is that the Kalima says, "There is
no God but Allah, and Muhammad is His Messenger."  Is the new Kalima, "Three
is no God but Sarkozi, and NATO is his Messenger?"  Is that the new Kalima?
Or is it, "There is no God but Obama, and NATO is his Messenger?"  I have
not heard of these new Kalimas.  *Nor has that Libyan Woman*.

I urge you representatives of Libya to ignore the U.S.'s mafia-request, and
to stand with Gaddafi, *and to stand with that young Daughter of the
Revolution--that Libyan Lioness, who is prepared to die for Libya; for The
Revolution; for The Jamahiriya, and for Brother Leader Colonel Muammar

The northern countries must not be allowed to assume that they can get their
way by bombing and attempting to terrorize the Libyan people.  Believe me
when I tell you this: Soon the people of the world are going to pour out
into the streets.  It's already beginning to happen in the United States,
especially the huge gathering that will occur in Washington, D.C., on
October 6th.  Let them keep bombing.  Their continued bombing will, in time,
destroy them and destroy NATO.  Have faith in your God.  Have faith in The
Revolution.  Have faith in The Jamahiriya.  And have faith in what the
leader of The Revolution, Colonel Gaddafi, said at Bab El Aziziya.  Have
faith and hold strong!

Libyan representatives, I am certain that your backs should be at least as
strong as the back of that Daughter of the Revolution.  I am certain that,
because you are grown men and women, you have a stronger understanding of
where Libya stands at this moment in human history: dead center of the next
shift in human conciousness.  You cannot let that Daughter of the Revolution
down.  You cannot let Libya down.  You cannot let yourselves down.  You
cannot let Gaddafi down.  You cannot let Africa down.  And you cannot let
the world down.  STAY STRONG!!!

*In every war comes a time when each side is tired. The one that will win,
is the one that does not give up!*
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