Re: [Ugnet] Museveni planning to use Baganda to install his son as next

Dear Eric Kashambuzi <> ,

*Sorry Eric, all along I had mistaken you for a decent man. *

Since your claims are linked to the World Bank or the IMF I thought
you are*numerate
*. But you are not. So I could place you neither in Economics  nor in

I remember asking you whether you are a Systems Analyst, and I got no
answer.  Of course you are no Systems Analyst.  *You are just a con-man
masquerading and soiling a very decent name.*

Every Kashambuzi we knew in Uganda were decent folks.  Very smart too. They
are Systems Analysts.  *They are experts in the Hard Sciences, and are sure
doing a stellar job running our Oil Fields. *

Eric you should not be calling yourself “Kahambuzi”.  I am afraid you must
be embarrassing decent folks.

You mentioned Waterford.  Did you go to school at Waterford in Swaziland?
It is a school for the children of Diplomats. They have super facilities
but their graduates are idiots, whether they end up at Harvard or whatever.

In your writings you show no understanding of even *the basics of
Foundations of Probability, or the basics of Logical Connectives  i.e.
“Existential and Universal Quantifiers”. You utter demagogic statements
like:  “All Bishops in Uganda are Tutsi”.  “All Uganda’s  Ambassadors are
Tutsi” .  *

*You would never speak like that if you had gone to Probability 101, let
alone be a Professor.  *

*Indeed you don’t even seem to have a grasp of First Year Critical
Reasoning, of the Humanities.*

You go on to claim to have a Stanford Degree(s).

*The PM of Jamaica also has a Stanford PhD.  Hers hangs right there in
State House in Jamaica. *

I hope you are wise like her. Smart lady, she never spent thousands on her
diploma*. It cost her twenty bucks*. Who cares which printer made it. She
has more brains than those of you who lived on Stanford campus, hazing,
drinking beer, Xeroxing essays for marks.

Eric you always regale about the Slavic Romanovs, the relatives of the
Tsars of Russia.

For twenty years you drunk cocktails with them when you were in the
basement at the WB.

*You have called for all Tutsi to be put on a list that goes back 500
years. You continue to fan the fires of genocide. *

There is a Maths Professor at the University of Toronto is also a prominent
World Jurist. I always had him in mind to lock you up if ever a genocide
ever occurred in Uganda. But since I found out you are just small fish,
pest really, I would not ask my Prof to help me catch such.

I will leave that to Ugandans i.e.  our own Legal minds from Kings College
Budo like Hon Betty Kamya, Gook, George Okello………

Hey, these our Lawyers have failed to give us an African Supreme Court.
Don’t tell me they aren’t even dog catchers?

Mitayo Potosi.
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