Is Ebola In The Port Of Spain, Trinidad?
By Stephen Laszlo 

I find it very interesting that the United States, the CDC to be more exact,
sent one of their leased Ebola-express Gulfstream jets to the Port of Spain
yesterday for a round trip back to Georgia.  Why remains a mystery.  But one
can definitely start connecting some simple dots and begin to question, is
Ebola in the Port of Spain?

For some background, the two leased Gulfstream jets are fitted to transport
patients to and from a destination and fitted with the necessary equipment
to transport level 4 viruses and/or infected patients.  There are two call
signs for the two jets currently leased by the CDC at approx. $5 million per
month.  Both jets were mothballed in 2012 when the CDC’s budget was cut.
But both planes have been reinstated by the CDC and under the current lease
agreement they can fly them three-times a month under that lease fee.  I’m
sure if they use the planes more often as I’ve observed, extra fees are
applied.  The two call signs are as follows: N173PA and N163PA. 

Both of these jets are registered like any other US based aeroplane and can
be tracked using any flight ware applications that are on the Internet.
Simply input the call sign and set up alerts.  Every time a flight plan is
registered, the alert and flight plan, including destination is sent via
e-mail.  Since I set up alerts over a month ago, both of these jets fly
almost daily back and forth from West Africa.  All four patients brought
back to the US who recovered or are recovering were flown on one of these
two jets. But yesterday, was the first time that N163PA was flown elsewhere,
the Port of Spain.  

This peaked my interest so I started to do a little research using Google.
I typed in ‘Ebola Port of Spain’ and to my surprise, there were more than
five- or-six articles published since early August.  The first article
published was about an Ebola scare at the Port of Spain’s International
Airport on August 7th, 2014.  A Doctor flying from London to the Port of
Spain was suspected of being a high risk carrier of Ebola.  The telegram was
sent to the Port of Spain authorities while the plane from London was still
in flight.  Upon arrival the plane, the passengers, and the Nigerian Doctor
suspected of being a high risk carrier of Ebola were quarantined.  But
shortly after this alarming scare, the plane, the passengers and the Doctor
were released.  The Doctor hadn’t visited Africa in years and based on that,
was released.  

Passenger flagged as suspected Ebola carrier causes major scare at Trinidad

Ministry of Health: No Ebola in T&T

Later in August, another article was released by the Health Ministry.  It’s
bases was around a rumor that Ebola was in fact in the Port of Spain and a
patient in quarantine was being treated.  This was unfounded based on their
authorities and it was also emphasized that such rumors could impair tourism
in the Caribbean.   But consider the date, September 4th, 2014, it is
possible this may be true, and a cluster outbreak might be happening as I
write this article, and having the CDC send their medical evacuation
Ebola-express to the Port of Spain to bring a patient back to Atlanta for
care and study is alarming to say the least.  It is also of concern that the
Port of Spain is no longer issuing Visas from Nigeria.  

So, my question still stands - is Ebola in the Port of Spain, Trinidad?


                 Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in
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