
Barbie Latza Nadeau

Europe’s Hidden Ebola Cases

The Continent prepares for the virus to spread, but for many, it’s already

ROME, Italy — If you were surprised to hear the news that a Sudanese United
Nations worker died of the deadly Ebola virus
-german-hospital>  in a Berlin hospital on Tuesday, you might be even more
surprised to learn just how many Ebola patients there are elsewhere in

The World Health Organization maintains that there are eight confirmed cases
of the deadly virus in Europe tied to the current outbreak: two dead
missionaries in Spain, one dead doctor in Germany, one cured man and one
doctor in treatment in Germany, two tropical disease doctors in treatment in
Holland and a Spanish nurse, Teresa Romero Ramos, under treatment in Spain.
Romero Ramos contracted the virus
-hospital-could-spread-in-europe.html>  from one of the dead Spanish
missionaries.  There are also at least a dozen or more suspect cases
scattered around European hospitals that may or may not evolve into the
full-blown virus.

Spain was the first country to accept important patients in Europe; it was
also the first country to report a transmission
wrong.html>  outside of West Africa.  There is at least one nurse under
quarantine in Germany who treated the deceased doctor there.  If she is
infected, she will now be the fourth health worker outside of West Africa
who contracted the disease in a sterile hospital after Romero and Nina Pham,
an American nurse who contracted the disease from Thomas Eric Duncan, who
died in Dallas, Texas last week.  On Wednesday another health worker who
treated Duncan tested positive for the deadly virus.

Perhaps less surprising than the number of Ebola patients scattered around
Europe is the number of false alarms and suspected cases in Europe’s capital
cities.  As of Wednesday, there were suspected Ebola patients in hospitals
in Cyprus, Rome, Brussels, Paris and London.  The corpse of a British man
who died in Macedonia is being flown to Frankfurt for Ebola testing.  More
than 100 people who were in contact with the Spanish nurse are under
surveillance, being asked to take their temperatures twice a day; 16 people
are under quarantine, including her beautician and housekeeper. 

There are also cases of blatant racism
the-rise-in-europe.html>  tied to the virus.  Ghanaian soccer player Michael
Essien, who plays for AC Milan, has been the subject of what borders on fear
mongering.  An Italian sports newspaper reported the rumor that he was
Ebola-positive, backed up by quotes from players who said they were nervous
to play on the field with him. He took to Twitter
<http://twitter.com/MichaelEssien>  and Instagram
<http://instagram.com/p/uEGy17hvGG/>  to shoot the rumors down.  “The Ebola
virus is a very serious issue and people shouldn’t joke about it,” he wrote.

In Rome, in the Portuense neighborhood where the city’s main infectious
disease hospital called Spallanzani is located, residents are wary.  “I’m
sure they have everything they need inside the hospital,” Maria Cristina
Gallo told The Daily Beast as she pushed her two-year-old granddaughter in a
stroller.  Gallo, who lives down the street from the hospital, feels
vulnerable.   “What if a person with Ebola asked me for directions to find
the hospital? What about what happens before they get into the ‘safe’
environment? We are all at risk.”

The corpse of a British man who died in Macedonia is being flown to
Frankfurt for Ebola testing. 

Gallo’s concerns are multiplied by daily news reports. In the last 48 hours
in Italy alone it would appear there have been at least five “suspect” cases
of Ebola: people who had been in West Africa within the last two weeks who
checked in to the country’s numerous emergency rooms. One man was having an
epileptic seizure; one had a nosebleed; one had full-blown African Malaria;
one had the flu. 

And that’s just Italy.  Similar scenes are played out in cities across

In each case, the suspected patients were isolated and quarantined and are
currently being tested for the virus even though their more obvious symptoms
prevailed.  “It is difficult not to panic,” Flavio Tuzi, secretary general
for the police union told The Daily Beast.  “But we are not prepared. Our
security personnel have the number to dial for infectious disease control,
but not the biological suits to protect themselves.”

One of the biggest concerns in Europe is the frequency of air traffic with
West Africa. European hubs are a natural stopping point for many flights
from Africa to other regions.  A number of routes by major carriers have
been suspended, but many still run flights.  The United Nations and the
World Health Organization have urged airlines not to cut off West Africa,
pleading that continuing flights is the only way to save lives. 

On Tuesday afternoon some of Italy’s emergency plans were put to the test
when a Turkish  Airways flight from Istanbul to Pisa made an emergency
landing in Rome.   According to the airport authority, two passengers from
Bangladesh—a mother and daughter—started exhibiting Ebola symptoms.  When
they told flight attendants they had been to West Africa, alarm bells rang
and the flight was diverted.  They were taken off the plane by emergency
officials dressed in biohazard suits and first screened at Rome’s airport
before being rushed to Rome’s Spallanzani hospital in a special ambulance.
The rest of the passengers were asked to leave contact information in case
the two suspect passengers test positive for the deadly virus, so they can
be contacted if they need to start taking their own temperatures.  The
Turkish Airlines flight then continued on to its final destination.

The same day, Ebola panic struck the Glasgow airport after a passenger on a
Dutch KLM flight fell ill.  After emergency workers rushed to the scene and
secured the area, the patient was diagnosed with the flu, not Ebola. 

Passengers departing the worst affected nations are all screened before
departures, but few European airports outside the United Kingdom have begun
regular screening of incoming flights.  Airports in major cities do say they
have measures in place and special ambulances ready to whisk away anyone who
starts exhibiting Ebola symptoms on a flight.  But checking for temperatures
proves futile if an Ebola carrier hasn’t started exhibiting symptoms.  Most
people are expected to self-monitor and alert authorities if their
temperature rises.

Part of the apparent panic stems from the different ways countries
disseminate their information.  In Italy and Spain, for instance,
transparency is not always part of the national psyche, so information tends
to “leak” which makes it seem secretive.   Doctors in France, Germany and
Holland have instead chosen to use information to immunize people against
their fears. “It is not enough to reassure the population,” Dr. William Dab,
head of Hygiene and Security at France’s National Conservatory of Arts and
Sciences, told the national French newspaper Le Monde. “You have to tell
them there is a ‘weak’ risk.”

Dab says the truth—however frightening it may be—ultimately will keep people
calm.  “It is important focus on more than reassuring messages, as
exemplified by what happened in the U.S .and Spain,” he told Le Monde.  “You
have to recognize the possibility of a mistake to fight the disease
effectively.”  He also said health care providers should not gloss over
possible or suspect cases. “It is imperative the health services retain
their credibility. Rumors will considerably increase worries among the

And with each false alarm, the not-so-subtle panic continues, as Europe
waits and wonders what happens next.

—With Nadette De Visser in Amsterdam

                 Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in
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