

In as much as our national history gets buried under Iddi Amin  "mbu"  he
was a  murderer and he murdered so many Langi and Acholi, there has been and
continues to be a strong wind that took and continues to take our common
sense away so that we believe  most of those people killed or murdered were
innocent and had nothing to do with undermining the Amin regime. We tend to
forget and conveniently so, that it was Obote who fired the first salvo that
triggered events that followed through 1971 to 1979 and continues today.
That single cable sent by Obote from Singapore to have Amin arrested was so
deadly than any poison any Ugandan has ever come across since the
establishment of that country following the fight between Baganda and
Banyoro over the lost counties as well as the first arrival of Europeans on
the dark continent.


It looked as if prior to that cable being delivered Obote had told Acholi
and Langi soldiers to desert the Army should the plan to arrest Amin fails,
which exactly it did as the two tribes left the army amass as if Obote was
the Uganda they were serving and protecting and not the true post-colonial
Uganda which belonged to every Ugandan. It was the first time it came to the
attention of Ugandans that Acholi and Langi were the most tribal minded
Ugandans as they continue to exhibit the same more than 40 years later since
January 1971. When they returned from Tanzania, like Baganda, the first word
they used in their language was "megwa" (byaffe) ours. Immediate post Amin
Uganda had two Ugandas one for the Acholi and the other for Baganda under
Yusuf Lule, while Oyite a Langi was in charge of the other Uganda for the
two tribes. The rest of Ugandans had no country they called theirs and were
looted, raped, humiliated, tortured and killed at will. When the Acholi and
Langi failed to control the mayhem they created Baganda bolted out and
joined Museveni to have them evicted from Buganda forcing them to turn their
anger against Obote the man they had loved. Little did they know that, that
was their last call in Uganda's politics. They tried to wiggle their way
back through the Nairobi peace talks with deadly consequences. Little did
they know that Museveni who had already expired was using that moment to
re-organize to give them a better beating. Beating, he did, forcing them to
turn to Lakwena for prayers. That was a disaster too. Kony was of no use
either, instead inviting more misery. Fred Rugyema led the first charge and
later handing over to Gen. Sejjusa {Tinyefunza} who had a sharper panga
while Dr. Kiiza Kifeefe Besigye was writing planning the policy that would
cement Museveni's rule and to ensure that Acholi who once believed Uganda
belonged to them were this time put in refugee camps, disarmed and unable to
rise up again against any governments in Uganda like they did in the past.
True to form, they have become slaves not masters anymore.


 Had they not rejected Amin's government from the day it was born, probably
their fate in Uganda would be different today. But they decided to make
things difficult for Amin and his regime and he had to play a catch up with
them all the time. Iddi Amin tried as a leader and as a commander of the
armed forces, so hard to work with the two but they staged all barriers to
make the government fail. A man like Abdallah Anyuru that served as a
Chairman of The Uganda Public Commission, worked in that government but
publicly went after the government from at least the last week of that
January of 1971. Anyuru is a man that never held a word secret about his
opposition, Anyuru was soliciting Acholi soldiers to murder people very
publicly, and yet he was left in a very powerful position for firing him was
feared to send a wave out there that the government was anti Acholi/Langi,
so he was left to stay as very many other Acholis and Langis were. The
earnest Acholi/Langi versus Ugandans began on the very night of 25 January
1971, the time President Milton Obote cabled from Singapore to have Amin
arrested. Whatever role Basil Bataringaya played that night is yet to be
known, but it turned out Obote the hunter became the hunted. What Obote did
not know, or knew but did not understand was that , till January 26th 1971
the day after the coup, Uganda army was a very disciplined one, an army that
always said yes "affende" to any instructions given to them by their
commander. The Malire Regiment by all means listened to their commander
Major General Iddi Amin and not the Command-in-Chief who was away arguing
with Sir Alex Doughas-Home about Ian Smith's Unilateral Declaration of
Independence in Southern Rhodesia now Zimbabwe and obeyed thus the
successful coup as many other Uganda barracks except Mubende. The rest of
the UA population with the exception of Acholi and Langi who thought they
were special welcomed the coup and moved on. But the two tribes decided to
leave Uganda amass and said Tanzania "enagawa”  Through Sudan and many times
Kenya they abandoned their own country, fled and got camped  in Kigwa
Tabora, among the Sukuma tribe with whom they claimed they shared a family
tree through the Swezi dynasty. It is important to note as well that even in
Kigwa, Acholis discriminated Langis and any other non-Acholi which was very
interesting for many of those Acholis were crossed to Tanzania through Sudan
by Obote himself yet he was a Langi.

The so-called Acholi and Langi elites never went to Kigwa but stayed in
Dar-es-laam, and regularly visited the camp to give hope telling the
refugees that , eating UNHCR  posho was temporary, they created
organizations not only to undermine Amin's government through sabotage of
all kinds, but to remove him from power completely was underway. The first
attempt was made in 1972 by mostly Acholi and Langi who had deserted the
military, not fired but deserted,  saying they could not be led by a Kakwa
from Koboko, son of a peasant whose mother was probably a witch. During the
very  botched Mutukula invasion Museveni the perennial liar told the
invading forces that he had more than 10,000 men in Western Uganda who would
meet them half-way. Instead, it was Alex Ojera then Uganda's Minister of
Information who was captured and later killed by firing squad. As usual, son
of Kaguta let everyone down like he has done with the Baganda who not only
surrendered their women to be raped by the likes of Lt Col. John Ogoles, but
allowed their whole future King {SSabassajja Mutebi} to become a murderer.
The question here is, why didn't Acholi commanders based at Simba Battalion
Mbarara acknowledge the coup and joined the rest to move on with "One Uganda
One People?". But chose instead to join Obote who had already demonstrated
that his way of solving problem was through violence like what happened in
Nakulabye in 1964 and again in Luburi in 1966? Gwokto, you are wondering
whether buffoonery is genetic, possibly transferred from Amin senior to Amin
junior, is violence a genetic thing among Acholi and Langi? Why is it that
in every violent action Acholis are the main characters and actors? Could
that be the reason you are not able to use normal language than abusive one
to counter Hussein's postings? Suppose you and Hussein are taken to court of
law and you chose to self-represent, is that the way you would defend
yourself...You sure put education to shame with your ghetto language sir. I
am going to come back to that genetic system but for now let us go right
into the very meat of the writing.


Every government from  every country sets specific laws depending to the
situation it has in the country. In Ontario as an example, by act of
parliament Environmental officers are armed with weapons that Toronto Police
Officers do not carry, because by virtue of the size of the province they
are the law enforcers up North, if a Bear gets out of hand, society calls on
environmental officers and if need be they so can put her down. They own a
right to arrest as Police Officers do in the Toronto or southern area. With
that back ground, because Uganda is a land locked third world country,
parliament passed a law to empower specific people that should have never
needed such powers, and one of such is The Chief Inspector of Uganda
schools. Through the act of parliament, the holder of that position, has a
right to import any container into the country without such being opened and
searched by customs officers. If a container arrives at a border post, or at
Entebbe airport, a Uganda School Chief Inspector will walk to the Uganda
customs officer and demand the release of the container into Uganda without
breaking a seal off it, and the customs officer must release such if the CSI
has introduced him/herself as such. And there is a very good reasoning at
that, Uganda examinations are mainly printed out of Uganda and come in by
road or by air, if they land at an entry post and a customs officer opens
them for inspection, he can be a parent and he can tell his kids the
contents of such papers, you have already got a leak on your hands.
Examination documents are supposed to remain under a seal and many times
under a Police Escort and protection till when the Chief School Inspector
decides to open them. That is how you fail to get a leak and that is why
he/she needs such powers.


With  back ground already given in part I, part II now deals with specific
issues. Let us for argument sheiks agree that President Iddi Amin did hate
Acholis and killed them in thousands over a period of 8 years 1971-1979. It
has been more than 30 years since Amin left Uganda and thus stopped killing
them. What is surprising, despite Amin not only being absent in Uganda but
also dead, they  are being killed this time by the very person Yoweri
Museveni with whom they joined forces to fight Amin. To add salt to injury
they created their own killers Lakwena and Kony. It would appear that they
have been killed three times more since Amin left and gave them the freedom
they yearned for close to a decade. The question becomes, if "Indeed Amin
was the hater and killer of Acholis, why is it that they continue to die the
very same way Amin killed them for 8 years?"  Should we take it that Amin
was never overthrown in April 1979 and did not die in 2005 and is well and
alive continuing to hate and butcher Acholi of Northern Uganda? To today in
2014 they continue to be the tribe terrorized the most in Uganda, this
government has gone after them in earnest, it has not only killed them but
so camped them and for many many years, is Iddi Amin inside The Movement
too? If the answer to such question comes back with a NO, Iddi Amin was
removed in 1979 and died in 2005, how do we answer and justify the trouble
they have and continue to have with not only Museveni but with the rest of
Ugandans. Is there something naturally  wrong with our Acholi brothers and
sisters? And if so, how do we help them overcome this handicap of sheer
violence, that is preventing them from behaving naturally and accepting
Uganda as it is, a country of diversity which accommodates and allows
multiculturalism? And I am just asking !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


President Iddi Amin was not a killer and if he did become one which indeed
happened, he was put into that position by Acholi who chose immediately
after the coup on January 25th 1971, that they were not going to work with
him and tried everything possible to undermine him until they succeeded in
April of 1979. They continued to undermine Amin despite the fact that he
respected but promoted many of them such as Y Y Okot who did not want to
define themselves as Acholi but Ugandans after Independence which was a
natural thing to do. But as the say, "mtoto ya nyoka ni nyoka tu" A snake is
a snake regardless of its age. Okot, like the rest of them eventually turned
against Amin putting Acholi tribal interest before Nationalism turning the
inspectorate of education which he headed into a gun smuggling box and
inlet. For that he paid with his blood. And with time I will come back to
that name of Y Y Okot or Okot Y Y as he was called. They made life very
unbearable in the country, sections in army barracks like Mbuya and Bugolobi
reached a point of having sections where soldiers are not allowed to take
their weapons home for they lived next to an Acholi family and they were
stealing weapons from other soldiers. Police HQ reached a point of importing
brand new kinds of pistols for high ranking officers because high ranking
officers that were Acholis were stealing revolvers from officers in officers
mess. Forces in the country reached to hold new weapons that are not in
general supply so that stolen weapons can be easily identified. They used
stolen weapons to attack business people, to attack prominent people and
murder them, to attack schools and kill students.  And here is where it
became very bizarre, Acholis actually attack their own institutions and
villages in The North, to preach a sermon that Iddi Amin was attacking them.
It became the job of Uganda government to protect Acholis from themselves.
Men like Opoka decided to ask for government protection because his fellow
Acholis wanted him dead as this would make Amin’s government  publicly
attacked for it has killed a prominent business Acholi. There was blood
everywhere, and it was caused by the very people that are inside the very
system. The reason why had so much deaths in Kampala during Lule’s
government was because Museveni was on the head of the security in Kampala,
so it did not matter how much preparations Oyite Ojoke and team did to
protect Kampala, the enemy was from within, that is what Acholis became
during Iddi Amin’s government. Teachers were killers, members of public
service became killers, students became killers, Police Prison and  army
officers became killers, church leaders became killers, and the rest of
Uganda Army Uganda Police Uganda Prison and The State Research Bureau kept
on catching up on who has killed people here and who has killed there and in
as much as the government had the best intelligence network out there, the
culprit 99% always ended up with an Acholi name. 


The behavior and character of Acholi can be define by the way they behaved
on their return to Uganda. Even though they were responsible for the way
Amin treated them, they took their anger on innocent West Nilers and Nubians
whom they wanted to wipe out of Uganda. What many of you fail to realize is
that until Lukongwa temporarily took power, West Nile was 90% empty as they
feared the Acholi and fled to South Sudan and North Eastern Congo. Gwokto
proudly and arrogantly announced here that they keep me worried and awake
all night long. He is absolutely right, who in their right mind does not
fear terrorists who Acholis are in Ugandan politics. Why did  Baganda come
with the term "kasita twebaka kutulo" It was because the terrorists were
driven out of Buganda Sir. Did Abbey not state here in Black and White "The
Luweero War was justified". Why do you think he said that? It is because the
killers deserve the same treatment they so visited on others.  Why do you
think the south visited brutality into camps? Simply  put the people were
fade up with the terrorism visited into the Luwero axis and wrongly decided
to visit it The Acholi land. That is why the Baganda say "kyenkola banange
sagala ba kinkole".  

For the first time I have found out that there is an academic discipline
called "Abusecology" taught only to Acholi and mildly to Langi as well. I do
not make this statement lightly because it is based on facts well displayed
on UAH forum. The chief architect of this discipline and the professor
Emeritus is Gwokto Peter L’kitgum. If one samples Gwokto's posts, they will
find out that 99% of his postings are abusive and mostly related to my
posting in particular. The reason being that my postings are based on facts
pointing out matters that really happened dating back to Uganda's
independence in 1962. Because Gwokto and his co cannot dispute these facts,
the only way he can respond back is to abuse, attempting to shut down a
particular thread that is discussing the abuse, killing, rape, looting etc.
carried out by Acholi in Uganda for more than 4 decades. By the way, even
though Gwokto is the principal of abuse on this forum, there are other
Acholi and Langi who do the same thing this includes Ocen, Ocaya, George
Okello who even openly threatens to shoot and kill on site as if  the
previous killings by Acholi were not enough.


Friends, I have no intention of turning my series into an abusive one
because Ugandans have been abused  long enough over the years and are still
being abused and this will continue way into the future. This is because the
so-called educated Acholi who believe they own Uganda reason worse than the
bayaye they always blame for not attending school, the say way they did and
getting degrees even in abusecology. The reason I have started this series
is that no one wants to be accountable for the crime they have committed in
Uganda other than talking about their so-called academic qualifications
which have contributed nothing to the development of Uganda economically,
socially, politically and culturally.  If we do not point out the killings
that were carried out by John Ogole now, another John Ogole is being born
who will do the same thing thinking killing in Uganda is a profession and
part of development and advancement of civilization. You can continue to
abuse me, but this series is going to continue and will reveal a lot about
Acholi and their role in undermining democracy, unity, peace and prosperity
in Uganda yesterday, today and possibly in the future.


The Amin’s government was built to empower the people, it was Mafuta Mingi,
a right to you as a Ugandan irrespective of your religion, your tribe, let
alone point of birth have a right to own a car, a business let alone
property. There are many reports that have been posted on cars that were
taken by government agencies and yes  many were taken, but there is not
going to be a government with money and cars in Uganda history than Amin’s
government. Which raises a question of why would a government agency take a
car from any one? And the answer was very simple, those specific cars were
arrested with weapons being brought into, or commuting with in the country
by Acholi’s, and many of those that decided to work with them to sabotage
the government. Other cars were arrested by agencies when smuggling goods
out of Uganda especially coffee seeds, Bbogoya was a huge sale, lumber and I
can continue. In as much as Ugandans point at the loss of essential
commodities, it became a government horror to supply things into  the Gulu
Kitgum Lira area because the Acholi’s were packing those very same goods and
reselling them out of the country. When State research or Uganda Police
finds your vehicle loaded with goods to cross the boarders of the country,
that vehicle was repossessed. If the government arrested you in a car with
weapons the car was repossessed. There are millions of Ugandans that had
cars in Amin’s government, but no single soldier ever walked to a home and
stole a car at gun point. He simply did not even need it. When The Acholi’s
arrived into Uganda in 1979, Tanzania came through by supplying the country
with clothing material and paraffin, All clothing material was sent
specifically to Northern Uganda and it was never sent to the rest of Uganda.
Acholi’s went to Northern Uganda, off flooded the containers and loaded the
cloth material on pickups drove it to Kampala and resold it. They were
literary stealing cloth from their own people in The North to make a quick
money. The situation became so bad that Paraffin stopped to sell in Tanzania
on areas bordering Uganda because Acholi’s were driving it back into
Tanzania and making money through currency difference.  Nyerere stopped to
give Uganda paraffin and the clothes. Friends this was never done by Amin
for he had left power, but it demonstrates the problem we have with Acholi’s
for they can even kill their own family to make a point of laying a blame to
a government. Amin’s government was such a strong government for it endured
all these attacks and it endured all these sabotage plans that were laid to
it from the day it came to power in 1971 to when it left power, because
Acholi’s made it a prime directive to go after it fairly or very un-fairly.
What we have demonstrated in this series so far is that we have no single
Acholi or Langi girl/woman that was ever raped, and there was no single good
Acholi or Langi citizen that was ever arrested let alone killed by the

I need to go deep into why politically Uganda has remained in a mess dating
back to 1966 till today. Why 1966 and not 1962 the year Uganda got
independence? The answer to this question may confuse those who selectively
remember history particularly that of Uganda.

On October 9 1962, Sir Edward Mutesa was sworn in as Uganda's first
President with Dr. Apollo Milton Obote becoming Uganda's first Prime
Minister with more political power than the president. On that day October
9th 1962, Sir Edward Mutesa was as excited as the rest of Ugandans were and
nobody would have imagined that only 4 years later he would demand the Prime
Minister to return back to his village of Akokoro, or for that matter
Northern Uganda where the primitive people of pre and post-colonial Uganda
lived and still do according to Museveni now who referred to Acholi as
biological substances. Both Mutesa and Museveni could be right, for only
primitive people declare war on modern army using witchcraft as Lakwena did
and followed by Kony misusing God's Ten Commandments as a way of fighting a
seasoned killer like Museveni. Both Kony and Museveni broke all the 10
Commandments, the only difference is that Museveni has been president of
Uganda for 28 years using his brutality to subdue the people while Kony
shares forests, trees and jungles with monkeys, snakes and mosquitoes and
has been listed as a wanted man, while Museveni despite his killing spree in
the Great Lakes still wonders the globe freely, but only refuses to pay his
bills when he visits Texas and is welcomed back home in style, a style
organized by no other person than Todwong a man whose people Museveni has
kept in an internally closed place like cows, goats and pigs for two

Back to why 1966, this is the year Sir Edward Mutesa decided to distort
Uganda's independence by attempting to annex Buganda and wanting to return
back to his Kingdom which for some reasons began shining brighter than the
whole Uganda he was presiding over. Perhaps in the first four years he saw
how well Buganda, particularly Kampala was progressing, and he said to
himself, this could be turned into "ebyaffe" (ours) if these primitive
people went back to their villages back North. Without thinking , Sir Edward
Mutesa declared war on the Republic of Uganda leading Dr. Apollo Milton
Obote to order Iddi Amin to go and bring down Lubiri, and bring Sir Edward
Mutesa to State House Entebbe dead or alive. Mutesa thought he would use
"Gwanga Mujje" against a now "National Army called UA (Uganda Army). That
night both "Gwanga Mujje and Mayembe" failed him. By sheer luck he was able
to escape, I think Kintu's spirit did not give up on him that night. So, in
1966 Sir Edward Mutesa with his subject the Baganda began the journey that
would eventually hand over Uganda to Rwandese under Museveni's command more
than 30 years later.

Historically, Baganda were the first people to bring modern Uganda down,
that is why 1966 matters in the history of the country. It is however,
important to point out that even though Baganda wanted Northerners to return
back North and leave Buganda to the natives, they still welcomed a son of
Kakwa from the North when he got rid of a fellow Northerner in 1971. In this
case, one could argue that Baganda lack self-respect and integrity even
though they talk a lot about "Ekitibwa or Empisa ye Gwanga". The trouble
Baganda started in 1966 gave the glory Uganda got in 1962 away. That was
Phase I of Uganda's trouble call it sowing the seed that never germinates
and fails to bear any fruits.

Phase II began on January 25th 1971 the day Field Marshall Iddi Amin Dada
then Major General took over power. While Baganda welcomed this change,
Acholi and Langi did not. Acholi and Langi decided that it was either their
way or the Highway. In the end, it was their way starting with Owiny Kibul
in Southern Sudan and ending with Munduli in Tanzania where they assembled
and trained militarily before giving Amin the boot. While Museveni and
Acholi carried out massive killings of innocent Ugandans during the 8 years
Amin was in power, all the blame was attributed to Amin and his State
Research Bureau whose members among others were  Amama Mbabazi and his wife
Jackie. Acholi, Langi and Museveni terrorized Ugandans for 8 years
pretending to be Amin, even though Amin did his fair share of feeding the
crocodiles in the Nile. 


Some respectable and prominent Acholis who were God fearing during the day,
but turned killers at night such as Bishop Jonani Luwum died the same way
they killed others, brutally. Y.Y Okoth who was supposed to put Uganda onto
global map academically when he was appointed  Inspector General of schools,
decided that smuggling guns that could be used to kill non-Acholis was more
important than keeping academic standards up. This was a man Iddi Amin had
high regard for even though he was an Acholi who hated him to the core. As I
have said many many times and will say it again, had Acholi accepted Amin on
January 25th 1971 instead of turning into killers, something they have
perfected over the years, we would not be in such a mess we are in today.
Forget the 1971-1979 Acholis created. If they had behaved in 1979 when they
returned from Tanzania, coming back with the same arrogance and desire to
kill, still Ugandans would have welcomed them. But oh, did they kill! the
people of Luweero and West Nile are living witnesses to these marauders and
murderers.  In summary, Acholi, Langi and Baganda did not only kill Uganda
but sold the remains to Rwandese!


Every government from  every country sets specific laws depending to the
situation it has in the country. In Ontario as an example, by act of
parliament Environmental officers are armed with weapons that Toronto Police
Officers do not carry, because by virtue of the size of the province they
are the law enforcers up North, if a Bear gets out of hand, society calls on
environmental officers and if need be they so can put it down. They own a
right to arrest as Police Officers do in the Toronto or southern area. With
that back ground, because Uganda is a land locked third world country,
parliament passed a law to empower specific people that should have never
needed such powers, and one of such people is The Chief Inspector of Uganda
schools. Through the act of parliament, the holder of that position, has a
right to import any container into the country without such being opened and
searched by customs officers. If a container arrives at a border post, or at
Entebbe airport, a Uganda School Chief Inspector will walk to the Uganda
customs officer and demand the release of the container into Uganda without
breaking a seal off it, and the customs officer must release such if the CSI
has introduced him/herself as such. And there is a very good reasoning at
that, Uganda examinations are mainly printed out of Uganda and come in by
road or by air, if they land at an entry point and a customs officer opens
them for inspection, he can be a parent and he can tell his kids the
contents of such papers, you have already got a leak on your hands.
Examination documents are supposed to remain under a seal and many times
under a Police Escort and protection till when the Chief decides to open
them. That is how you fail to get a leak and that is why he/she needs such


With that back ground, let us fast track ourselves and go to a school in
Busoga called Busoga College Mwiiri,  a college which many of you Iddi Amin
haters studied. Among the many headmasters of Busoga College Mwiiri,  was a
Mr. Y Y Okot or Okot YY as he was usually defined. Very smart articulate and
well educated man, but I emphasize, an Acholi as well. I have so far failed
to get a response to my clarification but I believe that Okot Y Y was a
great friend of Obote and a classmate as well, and I stand to be very
corrected on that statement. He was seconded to Busoga College Mwiiri as a
headmaster by Obote. When Amin came to power, through national building
allowed Okot Y Y to become and remain the Uganda Chief Inspector of Schools
thus holding the above stated powers. Okot Y Y was one of the very few
people with authority to import and clear any number of containers into
Uganda without being inspected at the boarder entry. In as much as he held a
very well-paying job, Okot Y Y  worked for the Ugandans in Tanzania to
undermine Uganda government, I know of at least three times when he was
approached and warned to stop his undermining Uganda government  yet Okot
failed to do so. One very memory time three buses of youth Acholi’s were
arrested in Northern Uganda heading into South Sudan, after thorough
investigation it  was found out that they were collected and organized by
Okot Y Y to go and join their fellow Acholi’s into Kigwa Tabora, they were
returned back to Northern Uganda and Okot was called in to be advised to
stop his clandestine activities. His phones were taped, his office and home
were tapped which he did not know, but he was on several times listened to
when advising Tanzania contacts on how to sabotage the government. In some
way Iddi Amin became a victim of himself for he on many times rejected any
idea of arresting men like Okot Y Y, preferring to keep an eye on them but
leave them to work in their jobs as appointed. Okot flew out many times in
the name of representing the ministry yet ended up in either UK or United
States where he had to find contacts of those in Tanzania working to remove
the government.


As fate will have it, the church of Uganda had to celebrate its 100 years
anniversary in Uganda and it had to import a number of items to be used in
the function. The ministry of education had to import examination materials
for Senior six physics and Chemistry practical’s as it so did every year.
These examinations usually needed specific equipment’s that were never made
in Uganda but imported in, and the very same happened that year. Okot Y Y
arrived to the Malaba boarder and as usually cleared them un inspected and
headed into Kampala. One of those containers was directly sent to Archbishop
Jonan Luwum’s residence for it contained some of the weapons that were to be
used to throw out the government. Okot Y Y called Obura to a meeting and
advised him on how the weapons had arrived and he wondered if Obura can
allocate them police offices that are trained as sharp shooters, for they
had guns capable to shoot Amin at a long range. This was important because
they had failed to work out  a plan to kill Amin from a close point and they
preferred to assassinate him when he is at a long range. Even though Obura
reported the matter to the authorities, Okot Y Y failed to realize that the
moment you import a container into the country un sealed, you become
followed for the authority to understand what you had imported. Okot was
arrested the day Luwum was arrested and the rest of the 12 men were arrested
because they each were involved into plan to throw the government out of
power. At this point it is important to remind you that Luwum was killed in
February 1977 with the ministers yet the 12 were never killed till about
September for they were dragged to various courts and found guilty thus
sentenced to death. Had Jonan Luwum and The two ministers been not sent to
death that night, they too would have been charged and would have been found
guilty for there was such an enormous evidence tied to them and their
activities. Fellow Ugandans, it reaches a point of difficulty to defend
Acholi’s and go after Iddi Amin. They lived in Uganda for Amin refused to
target them, Amin gave agencies specific instructions that an Acholi has
every right to live as any other Ugandan, but if he decides to go after the
government that is the Acholi that has to be targeted. They were targeted
and many arrested but many killed. Okot Y Y is an exemplary example of how
good Amin’s government was, the fool had no right to be alive and in any
country, and trust me I have seen governments blowing up people for way
lesser offences than importing guns into country to blow up the leader.


At this point let me go back to my very dear and close friend Gwokto’s call
that buffoonery is genetic, it is interesting that Okot Y Y a well employed
and well paid man but decided to fight the government, lost and got killed
by a firing squad like a very little Rabbit, yet before he died he left a
pregnant wife who got him a son called also Okot Y Y. The young Okot was
never brought up by the father for he was dead, and he never lived under
Iddi Amin’s government. Actually the life style of this kid was built under
UNLF an organization that was built by his own father at the expense of his
death. As Okot Y Y senior agreed to work with Iddi Amin’s government but
turned against it, Okot YY the son also agreed to work with the Museveni
government to a level of becoming an LC-3 but Chairman of Namukora, and as
father as son also turned against the Museveni government by building and
supporting The Namukora Resistance. Museveni attacked Namukora town and
killed many of the resisters that were in the town including Okot Y Y that
was the local LC-3 chairman. Friends for argument sakes let me buy the
argument that Iddi Amin was a traitor and a dictator murdering Acholi’s,
thus Okot Y Y had a right to go after him, What the heck did Museveni do to
Okot Y Y the son when he had accepted him, employed him, and accepted him
into the NRM Kraal as an LC3? When you are an LC3 chairman  and start to
fight what are you fighting towards? And that has been the Acholi weakness
they start to fight and at the end of the fight they structure out why they
held that war. If Amin  did not go after Acholi’s many of you today that
were in Uganda would have been dead for that is all they were doing, to
murder people so that Amin’s name gets bad internationally.


As I conclude it is important for you to realize that when Okot Y Y was tied
on Kalitunsi and blown up, Iddi Amin’s government packed his body and handed
it to the family which transported it to Mucwiini for the family burial. I
have been at the burial place of Okot Y Y, and my very simple question to
him was why did you decide to screw up Uganda a country that did no harm to
you? On the other hand when Museveni killed Okot Y Y the son, he refused to
hand him to the family for he dumped him into a mass grave that to today, no
single Acholi knows exactly where the grave of Okot Y Y  the kid is located,
for it simply does not exist. Mesdames et Messieurs, Je te prie tous de bien
vouloir discuter président Idi Amin avec des faits que des insinuations.


In as much as we post a whole whack of writings in these forums, there are
postings that so remain embedded in my mind that I can visualize on a screen
even when I am asleep. And I will raise the statement that Omuhongo Abbey
Ssemuwemba made that the death of Luweorians was justified as a very typical
example of such. Yes that statement remains standing in my mind as if it was
stated today, when it was actually made many moons ago. But to be fair there
are times that such a statement can be sold publicly, and I am not here to
be in Abbey’s mind, but since I was pounding in the forum how many people
died in my district, one can state that given the situation we had in Uganda
at a time, we had to pull ourselves out of it by sacrificing people. There
are cases when we have cut a hand off an individual to pull him out of a car
before it explodes, it does not mean that we hate the hand or we do not care
about it, but when we see that there is a cancer growing in a hand or a leg
and it is going to spread in the entire body, we decapitate the hand off and
more times that you care to understand. Now I am limiting the discussion to
what Abbey saw and what he decided to have been done as a solution, I am not
going to go into what he got out of his prescription. I hold responsible of
the results to those that are able to analyze the problem go through the
medication system and build the expected results as myself which definitely
Abbey failed to do. I never held any expectation out of The Luwero war from
get go as I still do not to the day today.


What actually annoyed me a great deal about Abbey’s statement is that it
proved my long time belief that many Ugandans actually do not hold a single
clue what kind of violence Acholi’s under John Ogole depicted into Luwero.
And no I am not here to state that NRA was clean either, they were killers
as well, but when you consider a well-structured and organized brutality
being depicted on masses, when you ever get a time and come face to face
with an Acholi bolt for your very own dear life. They are violent but they
enjoy that violence. At this point let me slow down here, for what I am
going to raise publically this time around in this series, is the very first
time it is getting public. At this point of this very important discussion
about our country, we need to go inside Gwokto’s crib and yank out a one man
that is his very personal friend. And the personal friend of Gwokto we are
going to yank out of his crib is named Francis Atanya. Now Francis is a very
close friend of Gwokto to a level that they are drinking buddies. A former
UNLA member that fought in Luwero under John Ogole and an Acholi. And that
is the only detail I will release about the individual, for the sole purpose
of this discussion.


The day Abbey Ssemuwemba made that statement in UAH, was barely 3 weeks to
the exact day,  after I had a very traumatizing discussion with a couple of
Ugandans that sat with Francis. And as always when Ugandans sit they discuss
Uganda affairs going from the history to current to expectations, and in the
middle of that discussion, Francis Atanya with a glee on his face this is
what he stated. Luwero was fun man, we were there kicking ass. Then he was
asked what they did there and how can one define a state of war as fun and
kicking ass? He narrated very many atrocities they did in Luwero, but he
said and I directly quote “ When we would find a pregnant Muganda woman, we
were cutting out their babies and then screwing them” End quote. In
continuing, “ Have you ever screwed a woman with an open stomach? It is fun
man” As people puked from his narration, this Acholi had absolutely no
remorse and no care about his revelations. And absolutely none. These are
the friends that owned guns, we lived with in Luwero, these are the kinds of
atrocities that the Muto Onno’s threw at our people in Katikamu barracks,
and these are the people that targeted Iddi Amin’s government by killing
innocent people in the country to sell it as an Amin’s brutality. Again I
repeat myself this is a very close friend of Gwokto and they have been
friends for a very long time. What else does Gwokto know that he has not
told? What else does this individual know that happened in Luwero that he
has not told? Now I am going back to my first paragraph, does Abbey
Ssemuwemba actually understand what Acholi’s did in Luwero? Does he
understand what The Rwandese did in Luwero? When you add the violence that
Acholi’s and Rwandese did in Luwero is there any political gain one can
garner into the country to justify such?    ->                       And I
am just asking !!!!!!!!!!


I have so many things I can write about, I have no single reason parking on
Acholi’s, many are actually my very own dear friends, but through that
friendship, I have come to learn what kind of people they are. Go to
Northern Uganda and talk to Alurs talk to Banubbi talk to Madis talk to
those that were in Ombachi let alone Arua, and sadly came face to face with
Acholi’s brutality, you will understand a very sad part of them that you
have never understood. They murder and they murder with a glee. If you were
in Kampala during the Lule days I raise to you the Mpawo atalikaba bus and
what it delivered on a day to day basis every single night and every single
day. Many of the occupants of that bus were actually Acholi’s from Kireka
barracks commanded by a Chongwok again an Acholi. Yes we so can keep quiet
about these issues but we have those that died in agony and the only people
that know them and how they died, are Francis Atanya, Gwokto, Muto Onno,
Ocen Nekyon and the single over lapping statement they are using is “I
remember about 7 years  ago  meeting a fellow who was an Intelligence
officer with NRA in Luwero who told me a horrifying story. Without saying
much, the  poor souls in Luwero were pawns in a larger game for power. –Ocen
Nekyon“ End quote. Now let us remember that Luwero is getting raised up here
today for I raise it, but we have a whole whack of dead people in West Nile
that have never been expanded on. And the Acholi’s that murdered them are
not only truly amongst ourselves today but they revise such incidents with a
glee on their faces, and this is the very same brutality they did in Uganda
when Iddi Amin was in power, and at the end of the day they beat him to out
of power. May all that died in Uganda in such a barbaric way under the hands
of Acholi’s rest in peace.



This series is still continuing. No we are not done yet  -> 


On the 49th Parallel          

                 Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in
                    Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni
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