S7==============> As the series continue I will show how anti system Acholis 
have been in Uganda starting by focusing on how they were against educational 
institutions in our country.





In an article about status of education in Uganda published in the Chicago 
Journals Vol. 27, October 3, 1983,by  P. Stephen it was stated: "The collapse 
of the Ugandan economy and malfunctions of government, did not occur in 
education". Though subject to general fiscal constraints and breakdown of civil 
disorder, both public and private investments continued to grow. In 1969 there 
were places for 113,000 primary school students in grade 1; in 1979 this figure 
had more than doubled, to 252,000 and primary enrollment had risen to more than 
600,000. It is important to remember that the period 1971 to 1979 was described 
as a period of terror and that the Amin regime destroyed education because 
first and foremost he was illiterate and allergic to education!. How come then 
do we now find that Amin actually invested way more in education than Obote? 

The above introduction is made because I promised to make some remarks on 
education and how things have evolved around it following the departure of Amin 
in April of 1979. I am reminding my readers again, that I am not doing this to 
defend Amin as I have been referred to of late, but to correct the myth and 
misinformation most of us have been led to believe in.

As a reminder, before leaving for Singapore to attend the Commonwealth 
conference, Obote had put a plan in place to have Amin arrested because 
according to him, he had become a threat to his "Lango Master Plan". The plan 
to get rid of Amin  and his supporters was relayed to Obote's loyal Langi 
officers. But, since Amin's D-Day was not yet assigned, he struck first using 
mechanized army units to occupy strategic targets in Kampala and Entebbe where 
the country's international airport is located. Unfortunately, the victims of 
this coup at Entebbe turned out to be two Canadian Catholic priests waiting for 
their flights. This probably the reason why Canada closed its Kampala mission 
permanently relocated in Nairobi leaving a Bata shoe rep to act as its consular 

The Amin coup was warmly received by Baganda whose King Sir Edward Mutesa II 
was chased out of his palace only 5 years earlier by Obote using Amin as a tool 
of that  operation, the  same man Baganda were now referring to as liberator 
and "mukodomi". If anything, the Baganda seem to have the shortest memory than 
any other tribes in Uganda. Amin was also well received by Israel whom he 
allowed to build the Iddi Amin airbase in Nakasongola that the Jews had planned 
to use as a real base to attack the Arab world. That was before Amin had 
developed liking of Gadhafi supporter of Arafat the arch enemy of the Jewish 
state. Gradually Amin moved away from the Western world and joining the Arab 
community with an intention to Islamize Uganda.

Across the border in Tanzania, his haters, the Acholi and Langi were of course 
not sleeping doing everything possible to undermine and get rid of him 
continuing to carry out the plan Obote had in place in January of 1971 of 
eliminating it. For his part, Amin paid particular attention to his enemies the 
Acholi and Langi who were now using even the house of God to smuggle guns. 
Their plan now was, since they were unsuccessful to get rid of Amin as an 
individual, his entire tribe, the Kakwa and the West Nile region must be wiped 
out the map of Uganda. That opportunity finally availed itself in 1979 and 1980 
after crossing the Karuma Falls and Pakwach bridged which Nyerere had early 
warned them not to cross with such serious intention to loot, rape and murder.

Since most of the people they wanted to murder had already fled into Southern 
Sudan and North Eastern Congo, they turned on the remaining ones in Ombaci and 
massacred followed by the destruction of  educational institutions which had 
stood the test of time.  Among the educational institutions that Acholis went 
after and destroyed was St. Charles Lwanga College Koboko and Londonga Teachers 
Training College. The destruction of educational facilities by people who claim 
to be the most educated was the most shameful thing to do in our country. But 
again, it should not have come as a surprise, after all Y.Y Okot one of their 
own had already used his position to do the same thing. This destruction of 
schools by Acholis did not only end in the West Nile, in fact when you look at 
the 1980 election of Obote two government, Democratic party insisted how it won 
the election and how the elections were rigged. But when you look closely at 
the DP students in Makerere University that torched but set fire on Makerere 
University library, two of them were Dr Otto and Opiyo Oloya. A critical look 
at their back ground will reveal both to be Acholis. Friends, If the wrongs and 
ills of Uganda are to be corrected, Acholis will have a lot to explain.


Stay in the forum for Series nine is on the way   ------>



On the 49th Parallel          

                 Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in anarchy"
                    Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni katika 


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