Botswana, Cape Verde ranked least corrupt in Africa but new report makes
uncomfortable reading for continent

03 Dec 2014 06:00Lee Mwiti <>  

The 2014 Transparency International graft index has been released, and
surprises in both the winners and laggards categories.


africa> It is symbolic that even this anti-corruption sign in Nigeria has
been left to fall away. (Photo Mike Blythe/flickr). 


BOTSWANA is seen as the least corrupt country in sub-Saharan Africa, while
conflict-wracked Somalia and South Sudan have their work cut out in
clambering off the bottom, a new survey released Wednesday shows.  

This year’s corruption perception index
<> , compiled by global
anti-graft watchdog Transparency International, also showed surprise
climbers and losers on the continent, while highlighting the
disproportionate effect the theft of public funds has on the poor. 

Cote d’Ivoire and Mali were the most improved countries in sub-Saharan
Africa, but while Rwanda ranked among the top ten least corrupt countries in
the region, its leadership will be alarmed to note it was among the biggest
sliders from last year’s ranking. 

This least corrupt tag is however relative, as is perception itself; only
four countries—Botswana, Cape Verde, Seychelles and Mauritius—had a score of
50 or higher, backing Transparency International’s assertion that the
overall global picture is one of alarm. 

The much-watched index places countries based on how corrupt its public
sector is perceived to be. It then ranks them on a scale of 0-100, with the
best performers having the highest scores, while those with a mountain to
climb tend towards zero. 

The watchdog says that because corruption is typically hidden, hard data is
hard to come by, informing its model of culling perceptions from
authoritative sources such as the African Development Bank, the World
Economic Forum and the World Bank. To further compact the results, it then
combines existing surveys and assessments into a single index. 

This year some 175 countries were ranked. More than two-thirds of these
scored less than 50, the highest possible score being 100.

“...economic growth is undermined and efforts to stop corruption fade when
leaders and high level officials abuse power to appropriate public funds for
personal gain,”  José Ugaz, the chair of Transparency International, said.

The effects of such corruption are all too visible, the group says, ranging
from poorly-equipped schools to counterfeit medicine and cash-oiled
elections, with the poor being the hardest hit. 

Lesotho, Namibia, Rwanda, Ghana, South Africa and Senegal round out the ten
countries perceived as the least corrupt in sub-Saharan Africa, but policy
makers in these countries will still be concerned over their low overall

Due to the debilitating effect of corruption on economic growth, regional
giants Angola, Kenya and Nigeria will be concerned by their low placing on
the index, with the latter two already licking their wounds following a
bruising year of battling with terror groups. (Read:
y-about-and-its-not-traffic-or-power-cuts>  What really troubles Africa’s
big nations - and it’s not traffic or power cuts)

Rwanda, recognised as a star performer regionally on the governance front,
will also be alarmed by its four-position slide from last year, joining
Angola and Malawi as the biggest rank decliners since 2013. 

Of the best shows, Cote d’Ivoire, a major economic hub in West Africa that
is headed for an election year will be buoyed by a four-place leap, further
cementing its gains
-easier>  following a disastrous conflict that followed a disputed election
in 2011. 

Mali has also made gains as it continues its recovery from a civil war that
saw the country nearly split into two, joining surprise package Swaziland
which pressure groups regularly target for perceived high-level graft.  

The index has been compiled since 1985, but to help ward off concerns over
replication of other existing corruption surveys it two years ago instituted
a review of its methodology. 

Among the outcomes of this is that the index now helps better differentiate
between clusters of countries having the same score, while also helping
reduce variations between many of its source data. 

In North Africa, Tunisia, Morocco, Egypt and Algeria were perceived as the
least corrupt, a restive region propped by Libya and which has since 2011
struggled to right itself following a tumultuous revolution.  

Overall, Denmark, with a score of 92 from a possible 100, is seen as the
least corrupt country. with New Zealand, Finland, Sweden and Norway filling
out the five leading countries. 

Transparency International says that such well-performing countries must
play their role in stopping the worst performers from getting away with

“Countries at the bottom need to adopt radical anti-corruption measures in
favour of their people. Countries at the top of the index should make sure
they don’t export corrupt practices to underdeveloped countries,” Ugaz

                 Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in
                    Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni
katika machafuko" 





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