I’m ready to uproot Museveni, says Gen Sejusa as he returns to city


The former coordinator of Intelligence Services, Gen David Sejusa, flashes
different political party signs as he greets onlookers and supporters on the
Kampala Northern Bypass yesterday. PHOTOS BY ABUBAKER LUBOWA 

By Ivan Okuda

Posted  Wednesday, December 24  2014 at  02:00


Gen Sejusa quietly returned to the country early this month after spending
more than 20 months in exile in the United Kingdom.


Gen David Sejusa has denied any dealing with government and reaffirmed his
call for regime change, saying he is now a transformed man ready to uproot
President Museveni at all costs.
The general, who sneaked into the country recently, also took a swipe at the
Opposition for playing exclusionist politics and betraying him.

Speaking at a welcome party at his Naguru home in Kampala yesterday, Gen
Sejusa said he had never met President Museveni while in exile nor talked to
him on phone. “I have never met Museveni from the time I left. I saw people
saying I even telephoned him, let them bring the printouts. Let them prove,”
he charged, wiping his face with a white handkerchief and clearing his

He also rubbished Uganda Media Centre boss Ofwono Opondo’s claim that
government had bought his air ticket, saying, “You can tell the quality of a
government by its servants. How can an adult go on TV, open his eyes wide
and lie to the nation that government bought my ticket. I paid for the
ticket with my own debit card to British Airways. You can cross check that.”

On being welcomed by Internal Security Organisation director general Ronnie
Balya, the general said it was a diversionary tactic that Museveni “took
advantage of to spin” and faulted the Opposition for failing to seize the
opportunity at the right time and chickening out.

“I spoke to some Opposition leaders, told them to join me at the airport but
they feared. Museveni being the shrewd man he is seized the moment and sent
his officers. Balya is an arresting officer who commands ISO, he is not a
protocol person so to think it was red carpet for me really?” he said,
taking a pause before adding, “I am a four star general, a powerful one,
these are just disciplined officers who came to carry my bags but I told
them your government is legal but it is evil and we must remove it.” He
claimed he turned down the ISO boss’ security offer, saying he mistrusts
“the evil government he serves.”

Gen Sejusa’s fall out with the regime, if at all, dates back to his letter
addressed to Brig Balya in which he beseeched the spy chief to investigate
claims that there was a plot to assassinate officers opposed to the ‘Muhoozi
project.’ He would later flee to exile.

Exiled Col Samson Mande has consistently challenged Gen Sejusa to first
detach himself from the government payroll before he can be trusted. The
Bush War hero laughed off such calls, saying he has opposed to the regime
right from the bush down to the 1990s while still serving in the army.

He said in 1980 he was serving in the Uganda Police Force but mobilised
other members of the Uganda National Liberation Army (UNLA) to fight the
government. “We did not have to go to Obote and ask for a discharge
certificate before going to the bush. In a fight against a dictatorship you
cannot be subservient to rules of oppression,” he said. Gen Sejusa has asked
before to be retired and condemned the army for holding officers hostage.

“It was Col Besigye, Paul Serwanga Lwanga and I who agitated for federo, in
1996 I brought Ssemogerere [for nomination to stand against President
Museveni] but I was an army officer. I could have been court martialled. So
what is new now?” he asked, attracting cheers from the audience of about 150
people seated in three tents. 
He also said the Opposition should make use of his followership in the army
and police, arguing it is his “family” and that is where his strength lies.

“I refused to surrender the UPDF to Mr Museveni even in exile. That is my
family, it is my strength, to have the following of the army is a big
opportunity for the opposition,” he said, giving the example of former army
commander Gen Elly Tumwine whose personal connection with him dates back to
the bush war days.

The former army MP and coordinator of intelligence services moved the
audience when he narrated that he was transformed by God while in
self-imposed exile and feels more humane now. He said the Opposition must
take advantage of his knowledge of the State machinery and being a Saul
turned Paul who made “blunders that I regret but now know the truth.”

“When I had to look for my own accommodation, cook my own food and lay my
bed, stand up for old women in the train is when I realised God has
transformed me. He opened my eyes that this power is superficial and that is
what Museveni does not realise. That one day God will remove that power,” he
said to ear deafening applause. 
Throughout his address, the general kept referring to the struggle for power
as, “a scientific process and not wishful thinking,” asking the Opposition
to, “return to the drawing board and challenge the regime, lest it
entrenches itself in power for more years if we are not organised even
though NRM has messed up itself now.”

Low key entry
Earlier, Gen Sejusa drove in a mini-convoy from his village in Sembabule
District to his Kampala home in Naguru, with police only on hand to guide
his five-hour trip. He made several stopovers along the way, greeting and
waving to curious bystanders, some of whom cheered him. 
Along the Kampala Northern By-pass, Gen Sejusa briefly stopped over at the
Namungoona roundabout, and again at Kalerwe. During the stopover at Kalerwe,
he said in response to a question from the crowd whether he would contest
the presidency in 2016: “It’s possible.” Pressed further for a more concise
response, the General said, “All options are open.”

The general travelled in a grey, open-roof Cross Country Mercedes Benz and
took every opportunity to wave to by-standers who warmed up to him along the




On the 49th Parallel          

                 Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in
                    Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni
katika machafuko" 





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