Mwami Ssekajja


The population of Acholi in Uganda is just about 4% or less. If only 0.01 of 
them caused that kind of chaos in West Nile and Luwero district, then the 
problem of Acholi in Uganda is way larger than I have ben accepting, for if 
only 0.01 percent created that kind of havoc, from removing Iddi Amin from 
power in 1979, to removing the Obote 2 government from power, to targeting and 
murdering Langi officers and soldiers that large in Uganda after Obote’s exit, 
to raping women and children in Luwero and West Nile, and we are still dealing 
with only a 0.01%, thank you for clarifying the problem of Acholi that Uganda 
is facing.


But let me say this too, just for this discussion, how long will it take your 
naivety to raise the issue of those 0.01% to the Acholi community to  start 
working on it? I have stopped my entire forum participation to only dwell on 
Acholi violence and the only thing I have got from them is that Acholi are 
clean as a whistle, and any one claiming that they are violent people is silly. 
 How can we get that 0.01% in line when their own are demanding my deportation 
now that I have raised the violence? Friends with this kind of naivety, let us 
all go home and buy shares into the funeral home industry for if all Ugandans 
believe that 99.9% of Acholi are angles, when they have done this kind of 
destruction in Luwero, in Kampala, in West Nile, and we are still claiming 
their innocence, let Bazilio Okello resurrect and lead what Matek defines as 
Mother puckers. I think I should go to bed for this stupidity to wane off my 
conscious. And on record I do not have a single child ever raped by Acholi so 
this actually is not my God damn fight.  


Strange how Baganda became this suckers, for Ssekajja’s reasoning is truly a 
Muganda reasonning !!!!!!!



On the 49th Parallel          

                 Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in anarchy"
                    Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni katika 





Sent: Friday, December 26, 2014 11:46 PM
Cc: <>; <>
Subject: Re: {UAH} Proposals for Uganda’s post-NRM transitional government




The 99.99% Acholis in Acholiland were not responsible for the actions of a 
small hired group of people who happened to be Acholis. The worst abusers of 
human rights were from different tribes. In fact I know two idiots, from my 
neighbourhood In Mbarara, who were notorious for misbehaving when they came at 




Sent from my iPad

On 27 Dec 2014, at 04:00, "Herrn Edward Mulindwa" < 
<> > wrote:

Mwami Ssekajja


What individuals raped the women of Wet Nile, and from senior citizens to 9 
year olds? What individuals raped women in Luwero and from senior citizens to 9 
year olds?



On the 49th Parallel          

                 Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in anarchy"
                    Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni katika 





Sent: Friday, December 26, 2014 10:53 PM
Subject: Re: {UAH} Proposals for Uganda’s post-NRM transitional government


Good people,


EM is backing down, following a ferocious sustained attack from Rev. Kamugisha. 
Hopefully the good folks in Acholi can have a lull from the ridiculous 
accusations. It has been a good fight!!!


You know my big brother Mazzimunva, aka Mulindwa, I like you, but we have 
to.refrain from tribal overall accusations for the actions of individuals. 





Sent from my iPad

On 26 Dec 2014, at 19:49, "Herrn Edward Mulindwa" < 
<> > wrote:

Joseph Kamugisha

When I began responding to your posts, I thought you were a true Minister in 
the Church of Jesus Christ. But, on close examination I realized that you are 
just a regular, therefore this is my last response to you. I have no time for 
self-proclaimed Ministers who behave the same way "bayaye" do. The church is 
supposed to be a Holy place and not a place where the so-called men of the 
cloth stand and abuse members of the public. When I say the Moshi conference 
was responsible for sabotaging Amin's economic war I mean what I say. Moshi was 
the final arrangement to get Amin out of the way. It was what could be referred 
to as the "final solution". I do not know whether you still have the ability to 
remember the past correctly and if you do, that will do some justice to what I 
am going to remind you of.

On the same day the first group of Ugandan Asians were leaving Uganda, a plan 
to invade  Uganda by  Ugandan exiles based in Tanzania  was in place. The plan 
was to fly in troops from Kilimanjaro airport to Entebbe.  And Museveni had 
claimed that he had 10,000 men ready on the ground in Uganda who will give 
support. It turned out that was one of Museveni's numerous fabrications.  At 
the Kilimanjaro airport a different situation developed, one of the tires of 
the plane went burst. The plan was aborted. The plan was to sabotage the Indian 
departure and yet it was Obote who had planned to expel them in the first 
place. Amin's mistake was to say he had a dream to expel them instead of saying 
he was implementing Obote's plan. As a matter of fact all the three East 
African countries: Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda had planned to expel the same 

What I fail to understand is why you blame Amin for transferring Uganda's 
economy to the hands of Ugandans. What was the difference between Ugandans 
wrestling the British and ordering them to give back Ugandans their political 
independence and freedom and expelling the Asians, they were all foreigners I 
thought !!!!! As to where I live and do for a living is none of your business. 
I work 7 days a week and good money to support my family. Joseph Kamugisha, 
every human being has a different station in life and what they do and where 
they live is their personal and private life. I fail as well to understand how 
wise it is for Gwokto to go after Somalis that way and I will leave that 
sentence exactly at that.  As I said before, small minds discuss people while 
great minds discuss ideas. You and Gwokto share the same small minds.  Look,  
"Who drives a taxi in Toronto" is a title of study conducted on immigrants in 
2012. The study concluded that 50,000 cab drivers are immigrants. 200 are 
doctors of PhDs. Do you blame them for doing this as long as they are making 
money and able to support their families? It is this false sense of pride that 
make you collect money from  friends and strangers to return your bodies home 
for burial. Somebody who does not wear a suit, ties and carries a briefcase 
going to work is not considered working according to your twisted brains and 
reasoning. Amin showed you how to build your own nation instead of depending on 
Indian coolies.   I have tried to respond to all you postings, but with this 
response,  Joseph Kamugisha I terminate my response to your bogus reaction. I 
am sorry but I am done.


Enjoy the holidays



On the 49th Parallel          

                 Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in anarchy"
                    Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni katika 


[] On Behalf Of Joseph Kamugisha
Sent: Friday, December 26, 2014 12:53 AM
Cc: <> ; <> 
Subject: RE: {UAH} Proposals for Uganda’s post-NRM transitional government


Mulindwa: Poor Mulindwa, are you suggesting that the Acholi are also 
responsible for your ramshackled apartment where a great infestation of rats, 
roaches and drug dealers are cohabitants with you? The next thing am sure you 
will tell us is that you did not pass your PLE because of the Acholi!  You were 
forced to join the SRB because of the Acholi. You deny your ethnicity because 
of the Acholi. Am sure your asylum case was smeared with Acholi as your reason 
for approval.  Now that you have your asylum and that you have made a killing 
out of these series, now what next? Kamugisha 


From: <> 
CC: <> ; <> 
Subject: {UAH} Proposals for Uganda’s post-NRM transitional government
Date: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 23:15:43 -0500

Joseph Kamugisha


You are going into a discussion that you are clearly not prepared for, and look 
I have taken a very long hard thinking to raise this Acholi violence flag. One 
wonders how much time you have taken to go after me. And why did I decide that 
it is time for me to raise at them? Because actually Acholi did not bother me 
that much for they were bums that never wanted to work, when you decide not to 
work it affects only you and your family. But Acholi attacked my society and 
forced it to change. And I will extrapolate. I grew up in a region where 
toilets were mandatory to every house in Buganda through Bulungi bwansi. Every 
Muganda house I have visited has a pit latrine. In as much as Banyoro/Batooro 
still line up for a single crapper has been built in Toro, in Buganda a home to 
be established it had to own a pit latrine. Now the standard of those pit 
latrines depended on the income class of the owner but every home had a place 
to ease ourselves, that is how we were brought up.


Because we did not have power supply in villages, using a pit latrine became 
tough at night, so one had to call a friend in the house to escort you to the 
pit latrine for it was dark. And that is how every Muganda kid has grown up. 
Banange mumperekere ko ebweru njagala kufuluma. Acholi changed that culture 
because they dawned massive violence into our region that we stopped to use pit 
latrines in Buganda due to sheer fear. And what do we use these days after The 
Acholi violence? We use plastic basins to piss in at night. Joseph, when you go 
back at how we grew up, to until the end of Iddi Amin government, come 1979, 
Omuganda tafuka mu kataasa. No Muganda pisses into a basin and slides his piss 
under a God damn bed and sleeps with it inside the same room. Piss is bad and 
dirty and we deposit it into the pit latrine where it so belongs. Acholi used 
violence to force us to sleep with our shit under our own beds but to each and 
individually to own a plastic basin for pissing into. What Muganda sleeps with 
piss? Yet we do and we agreed to do so, because on your way going outside to 
piss you have no idea where an Acholi is sitting just to stalk you and come 
back with you in the house to rape you let alone murder you. And do you know 
how they were forced to stalking the population? Because we leant how to bolt 
the God damn doors. You put all cross bars and all steel beams so that an 
Acholi does not enter to rape your kids. All this narration might actually be 
nonsense to you, a very reason we need an inquiry in Uganda about the Acholi 
violence, you will be very surprised at how deep it walks in people’s lives.


We all as Ugandans must stand up and block every available means that came make 
Acholis come back to power in our country ever.



On the 49th Parallel          

                 Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in anarchy"
                    Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni katika 


[] On Behalf Of Joseph Kamugisha
Sent: Thursday, December 25, 2014 9:30 PM
Cc: <> ; 
Subject: RE: {UAH} Proposals for Uganda’s post-NRM transitional government


Kalibulimba Mulindwa: Your hateful venomous attacks are only good in the eyes 
of your cheerleaders. Your hatefulness heart coupled with ignorance and 
stupidity cannot even allow you to notice that Okello Oryem, one of the 
Acholi's that you hate, is more educated than all your clan members put 
together, that is if you have any. And guess what? His father is Okello Lutwa! 
If the Acholi are lazy as you would want your cheerleaders to believe, what has 
made you to turn yourself into a society burden in your host country Canada? 
The ramshackled government apartments which you call home, where rats and all 
kinds of crime are part of your neighborhood,  is that the best environment you 
want to raise your family in? I understand your daughter died of some strange 
disease, are not to blame for having failed to provide a safe environment for 
your late daughter?  Discuss issues not isolationism. Kamugisha 


From: <> 
CC: <> ; 
Subject: {UAH} Proposals for Uganda’s post-NRM transitional government
Date: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 18:28:50 -0500

Eric Kashambuzi


There are other important facts you need to include in the solution you are 
writing. May be what we actually need in Uganda is the true politics of 
exclusion, and here me out kindly. I have spent a whole month going about the 
problem we have in Uganda of Acholi with violence, but as I continue with that 
sector of population, Ugandans must be built on using their hands and finding 
an income than being lazy bums. And here are a good examples, Acholi men are 
very lazy people, go up North and you will wonder at the amount of alcohol they 
drink, it is simply unbelievable to a point that women are complaining for men 
come home and are unable to sexually function. A very high percentage of Acholi 
are actually drunkards. They thus depend on militarism and violence. In as much 
as I want to raise their violence so that we understand how to deal with it, we 
need to start to educate them that a Ugandan can survive in Uganda without 
being in the army and without violence, looting public property and raping 
Uganda women.  They have been included in all Uganda politics right from before 
independence, how has that done for them? What makes you believe that if we 
include them today, they will change? Who excluded them during the Tito Okello 
government? It was their very own government, and what did they do? They became 
drunkard rouges holding guns and raping women but looting public property. I 
have just thrown out your entire inclusion solution. Actually Uganda’s most 
brutal men as Tito Okello and John Ogole inflicted massive pain to Ugandans 
after they actually got included into the politics.


Let me hand you a second example of lazy bums in Uganda. They are actually 
Karamojong. These friends had a problem in their land and many decided to show 
up in Kampala, they got a good start for when you arrive into Kampala surely 
you can get a job and earn an income. Karamojong have decided to get absorbed 
into Kampala but remain lazy and do not want to work.  Again as Acholi 
Karamojong have started to be the best drunkards, the best wife abusers and the 
best baby manufacturers. So he show up on Kampala road, he lives in a shanty 
home under a tree, but his wife is always pregnant. Many homeless children in 
Kampala are actually Karamojong. Now watch as they remain in Kampala and in 
Buganda you are going to start finding a huge number of them registered into 
the army and Police, for they do not care to die, but as Acholi they love good 
things through looting, and they love beautiful Baganda women that they can so 
rape. How will the politics of inclusion help these Ugandans?


Let me hand you a third example of people that have changed. Did you know that 
we all grew up in Buganda with Rwandese as laborers? A Rwandese never asked for 
so much, just a permission to build a Kasisira near the pit latrine and he 
lived into that for years and years working on every garden on the village. 
That was the best expectation from a Rwandese. Well guess what they have 
changed, that today we are competing with them in applying for jobs, and we are 
competing with them, in trade and investments and businesses. Rwandese have 
stopped to be the official Uganda casual laborers, we are very equal partners. 
Thy have built permanent homes which you never saw in the 60’s. They’re taking 
their kids to good schools and they are paying for the school fees which again 
you never saw in the sixties. A Rwandese kid as Kagame went to school for my 
father was paying poll tax. Before you push the politics of inclusion in 
Uganda, your larger problem today is to change Acholi and Karamojong from being 
lazy bums that produce liters of babies, and become productive Rwandese. As 
generations go by, Rwandese are going to become tired of politics and worry 
about their investments, why do you think they are not going after Museveni 
today? And guess who are planning to attack Museveni militarily? George Okello. 
What investment does he have in Uganda any ways? The ministry of finance for it 
collects the taxes from every Ugandan and piles it up into bank of Uganda. He 
needs the God damn firkin key of the bank.


We better get our act together and start  discussing Uganda’s problem candidly.



On the 49th Parallel          

                 Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in anarchy"
                    Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni katika 

On Dec 25, 2014 8:45 AM, "Eric Kashambuzi" < 
<> > wrote:

The politics of exclusion and winner-take-all (zero sum-game) has not worked 
well in Uganda since independence in 1962 and in many other developing 
countries. Political exclusion has constrained access to economic resources and 
social services by those in the opposition leading to inequalities and 
consequent conflicts. 

This matter of political exclusion has been taken up at the United Nations 
negotiations for the post-2015 development agenda. Goal 16 of the 17 
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) calls for peaceful and inclusive 
societies, rule of law, good governance and respect for human rights and 
fundamental freedoms. It will form an integral part of the development agenda 
from 2016 to 2030. 

In Uganda there is general consensus that the politics of exclusion should be 
replaced by an appropriate arrangement in the post-NRM period. The current 
model also has concentrated power in the presidency and at the center at the 
expense of regions which has come under severe scrutiny because it has 
undermined the principles of separation of powers among the legislative, 
executive and judicial branches of government and the associated checks and 
balances and federalism respectively. During consultations for the 1995 
constitution, the majority of Ugandans called for a federal system of 
government but was excluded from the constitution.

The idea of an all inclusive transitional government as a replacement of the 
politics of exclusion was discussed by Ugandans at the July 2011 Los Angeles 
conference that created United Democratic Ugandans (UDU). Mubiru Musoke was 
elected chairperson to cover principally constitutional matters. Eric 
Kashambuzi was elected Secretary-General with mandate that included diplomatic 
networking and civic education and matters related to transitional government 
and proportional representation. The transitional government that has the 
following proposed characteristics and functions has enjoyed considerable 
support among Ugandans at home and abroad.

1.     The transitional government should be inclusive of all stakeholders 
including NRM so that no one is left behind;
2.     It should be led by a presidential team so that each region is 
represented. Currently some regions are complaining that they have been 
excluded from the highest office in the land. Members of the team should be 
selected on the basis of agreed upon criteria which must include impeccable 
character, sufficient knowledge and experience to understand the intricacies of 
domestic and international politics and economics. They must not participate in 
the next elections as they would have the advantage of incumbency over other 
candidates. (Following the death of Stalin of the Soviet Union, a three-person 
team was appointed to run the affairs of state at that difficult moment and 
subsequently replaced by Khruschev, a non-member of the team). The chair of the 
team should rotate among the members;
3.     During the transitional period whose duration should be based on the 
tasks to be undertaken should not make major changes in the civil service 
(civil service which is apolitical serves every government in power). 
4.     Besides the day-to-day management of state affairs, the transitional 
government should strengthen the capacity of institutions. To avoid 
sectarianism which has plagued the civil service, a team of public service 
commissioners should be appointed with each region represented. Furthermore, 
security forces should be managed by the chairperson of the Joint Chiefs of 
Staff instead of one military official;
5.     It should conduct a comprehensive population census to know exactly who 
we are and how many not only for political but more significantly for 
development purposes;
6.     It should organize a national convention of all stakeholders to debate 
and make recommendations about how Ugandans want to be governed.
7.     The transitional government should then organize free and fair 
multi-party elections.
8.     To avoid protracted debate over which constitution – 1962, 1967 or 1995 
– to use, the government should be governed by a charter. 

We call upon all Ugandans at home and in the Diaspora to comment on these 
proposals – in line with the principles of transparency, participation, 
ownership and accountability. 

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all

Eric Kashambuzi

December 25, 2014

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