

One of Ugandans failures has been built to concentrating on Ems that raise the 
red  flags on that country. And it becomes so frustrating why fools like Peter 
Simon do not realize this fact. Most of murdered Ugandans die for they stand up 
to speak against bad governance and violence. You have built UPC on making 
every one shut up now your new enemy is EM


Great that is real brains.



On the 49th Parallel          

                 Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in anarchy"
                    Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni katika 


Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2015 1:19 PM
{---*Series two-Hundred but thirty two}


Ingram Kampe,


Just relax and focus on the way forward. We are already contributing to the 
motherland through counseling!


My only hope for Mulindwa's new series is that it is indeed new in outlook 
(title),  content and style. Otherwise name change with same intentions will 
not foster unity. That is why I have not previously commented on the 
announcement; I wanted to see how it will be different from the one I had 
difficulty participating in because a mere change of name without serious 
reflection does not do the trick.


Two examples.


First:  Once I came across a book entitled " The Beautiful Ones are Not Yet 
Born," there was only one copy in the library, everyone wanted it. I was lucky 
to get it first but boy, I was mistaken, I thought it was about girls and so 
forth. It had nothing to do with girls, but politics!


The second example is Mobutu's Zaire and Kabila's DRC. Name change and same 
conditions is no change!


Peter Simon



From: 'Ingram Kampe' via Ugandans at Heart (UAH) Community 
< <> 
Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2015 3:05 AM
{---*Series two-Hundred but thirty two}

Akim don't involve me in this nonsense of yours. I am not marooned in Canada. I 
visit Ug every year. I have lived here in Canada,worked and  raised children 
and I am about to retire. Marooned is a stretch.-I will come to Gulu during 
your Federo (if I am not turned into stew) and you will realize that I can make 
positive contributions to the motherland, if you give me an opportunity. Thank 
On Tue, 3/31/15, akim odong < <> > 

{---*Series two-Hundred but thirty two}
To: "'kaliro45' via Ugandans at Heart (UAH) Community" 
< <> 
Received: Tuesday, March 31, 2015, 12:51 AM

Mulindwa clearly
loses his mojo whenever you mention SRB, Nakasero and
Nubian. I wonder why! If the Acholi was his problem how come
he is still abroad. Acholi have been out of Govt since God
knows when. Lakini like Ingram kampe, he is marooned in
Canada. Somebody needs to tell him the first world was over
decades ago and he needs to come out of his
hiding. A wolf trying to survive in a ship's
skin by fingering others. Very old method
Tolerance is a stage in

On Tue, Mar 31, 2015 at
7:35 AM, Herrn Edward Mulindwa < <> >
Joseph Kamugisha,

You are "omupakasi or omukopi" in
Buganda therefore, you have no moral authority to correct me
in my own native language. It is "abakopi" like
you who have contaminated "Luganda" making some of
the words to sound like one is speaking Lukonjo or
Runyankole-rukiga the same way Museveni speaks English. In
fact, in Museveni's case it is enjoyable to hear him
speak English in Runyankole. That said, Iddi Amin was in
power for 8 years, despite all the headache Acholi gave him,
he did not exterminate them and there are still more than a
million Acholi in Uganda today, one wonders why a Mukiga
like you would stand up and blindly to defend them when
facts are presented on how they contributed to violence in

Truly, if the
Acholi did not contribute to violence why don't they
stand up and oppose what this series has presented for more
than five months now? Instead, Gwokto is more interested in
posting porno materials, keen on abusing, insulting and
fabricating as well as lying about who he is dating. George
Okello his nearest cousin from Dokolo is only interested in
trying to replace the English dictionary by pulling out
every possible word who knows from where and keen to tell us
how well his family was/is educated. While a Mukiga his
busting his own lungs in defense of Acholi, "mbu"
they are innocent. If they are innocent, why did the Okellos
overthrow their own government which they installed to
replace Amin whom they chased out of the country for they
claimed he was a killer.

this day, you have not stopped blaming "Banubi" as
a group for Amin's sins and nobody has ever labelled you
Nubi hater, but when I say Acholi killed, raped, looted and
destroyed Uganda's political system, you stand up on the
tallest hill in Texas and yell to the whole world EM is an
Acholi hater, he is spreading hate, he should be sued....
Kamugisha, how many Ugandans have you sued for referring to
Banubi as killers? None, I believe. How many Tutsi have you
sued for referring to Hutu as killers? How many Ndembele
have you sued for referring to Shona as killers for the
massacres they carried out in Bulawayo.
Finally, yes, Amin's government killed and
arrested so many people, so was Obote's and so in
Museveni's. But not everybody killed or arrested was
innocent. Can you now tell us why you ended up in Nakasero
go down? What activities were you involved in that ended you
down there? There were many young Christians in Uganda
during Amin's regime, how come you were picked up out of
the millions throughout Uganda? Amin left Uganda more than
three decades ago, if he was your problem, what the
"F...K are you still doing outside Uganda? Man, you
have so much to explain. Are you staying in exile because
Museveni funds your UNAA and afraid that if you went back to
Uganda, that welfare check Museveni hands out to your event
will be lost?

I am looking
forward to the day when you will grow up so we can debate
Uganda's political and military crisis intelligently
instead of resorting to abuse, insult and name calling as if
that is the only thing your mama taught you. Sir, in Buganda
we grew up with manners until you "abakopi" showed
up with your migugu searching for economic opportunities.
Because Baganda were and are naturally hospitable you were
given jobs in their Lusuku (banana field) as coffee well as
coffee field where you built your "obusisira" and
survived on Cassava, "lumonde" and
"matoke" till Museveni abused that hospitality and
all of a sudden you started sharing dinner tables with your
former masters and have gone as far as selling their land
and destroying their most respected shrines "The
Kasubi" Tomb setting it ablaze, because you have
nothing of the sort in your tribal land scape. Shame on you
brother man. Geez
!!!!!!  EMOn the
49th Parallel                           Thé Mulindwas
Communication Group
"With Yoweri
Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in
            Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na
Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni katika
machafuko" From: 
<> ]
On Behalf Of Joseph Kamugisha
Sent: Monday, March 30, 2015 10:59 PM
<> ; <> ; <> 
TARGETED LANGIs/ACHOLIs, THEY TARGETED HIM {---àSeries two-Hundred but thirty
two} Mulindwa:
O'Luganda luveeko. There's nothing like
"Talikaba" As for those so called series of yours,
you either forgot or you deliberately decided not to tell
your followers what you were doing at Nakasero SRB the day
or night the late archbishop and the two ministers were
murdered. It would be nice if you told us what your role in
the killing wa, even if you were there just as a spectator.
What were there last words? Were they given a chance to say
their prayers or they were taken by surprise? You confessed
to having made the call to the family of the late Janan. To
whom did you manage to talk to? What message did you give
them? How did you get the family phone #? 
Lastly, how much money or approximately how
much money have you made on " This series" so
Kamugisha From: <> 
<> ; <> ; <> 
two-Hundred but thirty two}
Date: Mon, 30
Mar 2015 21:59:02 -0400{In an effort
to put a face-lift on this series, effective April
2nd, its headline is going to be changed from
VIOLENCE IN UGANDA”  Sorry about the changes but we had
to make this  move in order to make us get better at
exposing what this series is all about. This series is
about Acholi violence.}  FriendsOtti turned
his village into a slaughterhouse by killing 300
. The bright sun lit the
sky on a Tuesday morning in Atiak, about 70km north of Gulu
in present-day Amuru district. It was market day and
traders, some having trekked miles from as far as Moyo
district, had arrived as early as 5am to sell their
merchandise. Little did they know that LRA rebels had
arrived earlier and were waiting to pounce. Vincent Otti,
born and bred in Atiak, and by then a senior commander in
the LRA, had often warned that he would turn his birthplace
into a slaughterhouse. That warning became reality on
Tuesday, April 22, 1995 and marked a new chapter in the
civil war — a rare kind of violence the locals had never
seen, and one the rebels had never unleashed. On that day,
in one of the ghastliest LRA episodes in northern Uganda
that would come to transcend any earlier bloodbath, Otti, a
profoundly violent man, ordered his soldiers to shoot
civilians lying face-down until they were
dead.Discussing Acholi
violence can never be easy, so this is not a walk in the
park, it is important to those outside Acholi land to read
but realize what Acholi did to themselves. When we reach
that level of understanding this kind of violence, it is
going to be very easy for us to discuss The Obote two
government violence, the UNLA violence, The Mpawo atalikaba
bus that made Kampala a slaughter house, the violence that
was on road blocks and this sentence can go on but on. The
common factor in most of these atrocities were Acholi and
Langi during Obote two government. Ema Mutaizibwa went to
Northern Uganda to study Acholi violence, Otti promised to
turn his very own village into a slaughter house and he
actually came through. Ema wrote  a piece entitled
 “The roots of war: Atiak
massacre, new wave of LRA
brutality,” it was published by The Observer on
3rd Oct 2011I am  appealing to
all Ugandans that we stand up and discuss Acholi violence
but candidly. “The roots of war: Atiak
massacre, new wave of LRA brutality,” The Observer, 3 Oct
roots of war: Atiak massacre, new wave of LRA brutality,”
By Emma
MutaizibwaOtti turned his
village into a slaughterhouse by killing 300
The bright sun lit
the sky on a Tuesday morning in Atiak, about 70km north of
Gulu in present-day Amuru district. It was market day and
traders, some having trekked miles from as far as Moyo
district, had arrived as early as 5am to sell their
merchandise.Little did they
know that LRA rebels had arrived earlier and were waiting to
pounce. Vincent Otti, born and bred in Atiak, and by then a
senior commander in the LRA, had often warned that he would
turn his birthplace into a slaughterhouse. That warning
became reality on Tuesday, April 22, 1995 and marked a new
chapter in the civil war — a rare kind of violence the
locals had never seen, and one the rebels had never
unleashed.On that day, in one
of the ghastliest LRA episodes in northern Uganda that would
come to transcend any earlier bloodbath, Otti, a profoundly
violent man, ordered his soldiers to shoot civilians lying
face-down until they were dead.Emma
Mutaizibwa revisits that day
and the macabre massacre in Ayugi valley — the valley of
death.It was a chronicle
of deaths foretold; an orgy of killing that would come to
define the LRA’s brutal narrative in Northern Uganda.
Atiak, 70km north of Gulu town, was a shabby outpost that
had remained largely booming with trade even as the Lord’s
Resistance Army (LRA) rebellion raged on. Locals here say if
the National Resistance Army (NRA), as the Ugandan army was
known then, had heeded the warning by Joseph Kony’s
henchman, Vincent Otti, perhaps the loss of lives on such a
large scale could have been forestalled on the day of
infamy.Otti had warned for
some time that he would carry out mass slaughter in his
birthplace to punish the locals who had often said the LRA
guns were rusty. Otti was then heading the LRA’s Red
Brigade echelon, notorious for ambushes on vehicles, looting
and abductions on the Gulu-Pakwach road up to Atiak in Kilak
county.A victim of his own
brutality, he would later be killed after ascending to the
second position in the rebel outfit, as Kony’s deputy.
Kony, the LRA leader, ordered his execution in 2008 on
allegations of an attempted palace coup. In 1995, Otti knew
the terrain so well that by the time he planned the attack,
he was fully aware that Atiak was poorly guarded and that,
despite pleas from civilians that an attack was eminent, the
NRA had not shored up enough troops.To date, that
massacre remains a black spot on the conscience of the army.
At dawn, Otti, one of the most ruthless instruments of the
LRA, and his motley bands, struck Atiak trading centre,
first targeting the 75 local defence unit personnel (LDUs),
a homegrown militia established to fend off rebel attacks.
About 15 LDUs were killed and the others fled town, leaving
the LRA to overrun the area.For six hours, the
LRA tormented their victims. Army units that had received
advanced warnings only arrived much later in the afternoon
after the bloodbath. Civilian eyewitnesses report that
between 5am and 10am on the fateful day, there was exchange
of heavy gunfire and grenades, before the LDUs was
eventually overpowered by rebels. The LRA reportedly set
fire to huts and began looting from local shops.Individuals
recalled that they sought out whatever hiding places they
could find — fleeing to the bush, jumping into newly dug
pit latrines, or simply remaining in their huts. Despite
efforts to protect themselves, many civilians were directly
caught in the crossfire or specially targeted, with an
unknown number of casualties.One survivor’s
narration, according to research by the Justice and
Reconciliation Project, reads: “At dawn, we started
hearing gunshots. At about 8am, the rates of gunshots
reduced. We came to learn that the rebels had entered the
centre and were already abducting people, burning houses and
killing people.“Just as we were
still trying to get refuge somewhere, the rebels got us and
arrested us. They gathered us in one place and when we were
still in the centre, we could see some dead bodies and
wounded people lying about the centre.”Another woman
recalled: “When the battle had raged for some time, the
rebels headed for the barracks. On their way, they fired
randomly at the house. One of my youngest children said to
me, ‘Mum, get my books so that we can run.’ I was so
afraid and I had to restrain my kids. The boys in the other
room got out, two of them ran away. It was only the elder
boy who was too afraid to run because he had been abducted
before.”She continues:
“He entered the house where we were. The battle went on
all morning. When there was a lull, we tried getting out and
making a run for it. The [rebels] saw us and fired at
us.“So, we had to
take refuge in the house once again. Then I heard one of the
soldiers saying that the house we were in should be set
ablaze. I got afraid and got out with all the
children.”Once the LRA had
captured the trading centre, civilians were rounded up and
forced to walk into the bush. Some were forced to carry
looted property.“The rebels told
us not to run away. We were surrounded and taken to a shop.
I was given a sack of sugar to carry, while my eldest boy
was given a sack of salt,” said a survivor.Another witness of
the massacre said: “They came and pointed a rifle at me. I
dropped the child I was carrying and raised my hands. They
asked me if all the children were mine. I told them they
were my children. They told the children to go home, and
told them their mother would follow later after carrying
some loads.”The woman carried
her baby again and walked with the rebels. “When we had
walked for about a mile, they ordered me to put down the
child. I refused. They pierced me with a bayonet on the
thigh. Then we went for another mile and I was pierced again
on the thigh.“We walked and
when we had reached Ayugi, I was again pierced in the neck.
I was now dripping with blood (sic). Then we walked and met
with the rest of the people who had been
abducted.”En route, military
helicopters arrived on the scene. But this was later in the
afternoon. The LRA rebels instructed civilians to remove all
light-coloured clothing and to take cover under the brush to
avoid detection by the soldiers in the helicopters. During
this time, the LRA attempted to bomb Atiak Technical School,
the bombs narrowly missing the dormitories.The rebels raided
the dorms and forced students to join the group of civilians
that had been rounded up in the town centre and made to
march into the bush. It is estimated that approximately 60
students, some from Lango and Teso and a few from southern
Uganda, were among those killed later.The captured
civilians arrived in a valley called Ayugi, where there is a
stream called Kitang. There, able-bodied men and boys were
separated from women, young children and the elderly. Otti
lectured the civilians, chastising them for siding with the
government.According to one
witness, “Otti told us that we were undermining their
power. He also said we people of Atiak were saying that LRA
guns have rusted. He said he had come to show us that his
guns were still functioning. For that matter he ordered us
to see how his guns can still work.”He then ordered his
men to shoot at the civilians. According to another
eyewitness, Otti ordered his soldiers to kill “anything
that breathed”.They then commanded
children below eleven years, pregnant women and
breastfeeding mothers to stand aside. Recounting the day of
terror, another survivor said: “I had a sizeable child I
was carrying. I shifted with them to where they told us to
stand. I could not reach my little boy, who was seated with
students of Atiak technical school.“The remaining
group of people was then commanded to lie down. Then they
were showered with bullets. Nobody got up to attempt running
away. After the bullets went silent, the soldiers were
ordered to fire a second time on the dead corpses, to make
sure nobody survived. They even fired a third time to make
sure all the people had been killed.”Many of the
survivors watched in horror as their children were
killed.“I was so scared
because I had seen my boy being shot. I wept silently and my
children told me not to cry . . . My boy had been shot in
the leg but still alive. They later finished him off with a
bayonet.”Another survivor
recounted: “They began by telling us mothers, pregnant
women and children below 13 years to move aside. They told
the rest of the people to lie down and for us to look
straight at them — if you look at a different direction,
they can shoot you dead.“They fired at
the people first, and then again for the second time to
ensure that they are all dead . . . My first-born child,
mother-in-law, father-in law and my husband were all killed
as I watched them die. I returned with four children whom I
am struggling to take care of now.”After the massacre,
others were forced to go with the LRA to carry looted goods.
As one survivor explained after showing us the scars on his
face and back, many of those abducted did not survive.
Others abducted that day were initiated into the LRA through
brutal tactics and went on to fight or act as sex slaves for
senior commanders.The total number of
persons killed in the massacre varies between 200 and 300.
Some people disappeared and their whereabouts are still
unknown — after the massacre, it was not possible to
identify all of the dead. Government, in the aftermath of
the Atiak massacre, severed diplomatic ties with the
Khartoum regime.But the massacres
in the Acholi-sub-region did not relent. As a result of the
bloodletting, President Yoweri Museveni, in May 1996,
appointed his brother, then Maj Gen Salim Saleh, to try to
bring an end to the LRA conflict.Col James Kazini,
who was murdered in 2009, was appointed 4 Division commander
based in Gulu. But why did the NRA, which later became the
Uganda People’s Defence Forces (UPDF), fail to defeat the
LRA?mutaizibwa@observer.ugStay <mailto:mutaizibwa@observer.ugStay>  in the
forum for Series two hundred and thirty three on the way
  ------>EMOn the
49th Parallel                           Thé Mulindwas
Communication Group
"With Yoweri
Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in
            Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na
Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni katika machafuko"
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