Hussein Amin


I do not think this is about siding with thieves, this is about UPC protecting 
its self. When you pull Malinga’s name and state that he stole money out of our 
London embassy, you must pull Kyemba. Dr Kipenji is a very smart man to 
understands that the moment those two are pulled up the next one will be Paul 
Muwanga that sold a Uganda embassy in Paris. Tindimwebwa has just asked a very 
troubling question, and I will directly quote him “What is more important; 
defending a murderer or a thief?those thieves stole from a murderer and a fool. 
“ end quote. And that is the true thinking of UPC as a party, they have a right 
to decide who is a good leader of Uganda as who is bad. To UPC members in this 
forum Obote was good leader as Tito Okello as Museveni, Iddi Amin was a bad 
leader. Through those powers they as well own an authority to loot the state 
and sell its assets for to them the embassy in Paris belonged to Amin the man 
than Uganda the state. 

Which takes me back to the issue of Dr Kyemba and Dr Malinga for I am getting a 
whack of attacks on raising their names. Fellow Ugandans as we discuss the 
issues of our country, let us kindly stop to believe that Iddi Amin was leading 
Uganda as a single man, he had a fully functioning government. The only thing 
Amin refused was to be a beggar of world bank or IMF as Obote was. Amin never 
borrowed, he asked money from good Uganda friends that had piles of cash. And 
he successfully achieved that for he declared Uganda a Moslem state, a reason 
you today have Mbale university that was started again by Iddi Amin. {And Ocen 
Nekyon yes I know Mbale University was built in 1968 for Obote built it so 
kindly don’t remind me.} Because Amin had that connection he accessed all 
monies of all kinds from Arab countries than any president ever will.

With that back ground, Iddi Amin ran a full government, he had fully staffed 
embassies, and the moneys that the Kyemba and Malinga stole from our country 
was documented. There are Ugandans that were diplomats at a time,  that 
recorded how much was stolen and by whom, some of whom are members of this very 
forum and reading. What we have been demanding from way back in 1979 is these 
friends to allow a commission in Uganda so that those with details can stand up 
and state how much was looted. And those requests have been but turned down. 
The last man I personally requested to pull such a commission was Dr Ruhakana 
Rugunda. Dr Kyemba and Dr Malinga are not the only people that stole money out 
of Uganda under Amin there are way many more names we know that must be 
questioned. Much of the money that UPC used to fight the war was stolen from 
Uganda under Amin government for UPC as a party was as poor as Jesus in a God 
damn church. 


It just gets frustrating when UPC members in this forum decry corruption when 
they are sending out a message that when you steal money from Uganda government 
you are stealing from a bad leader. David Oyite Ojoke left a massive bank 
account in Switzerland that even his family failed to access, why can’t we as a 
state raise up and demand the release of those funds? Because we will be 
reminded by Ocen Nekyon and Dr Kipenji on how they knew these individuals and 
they never stole a penny for they died poor people.

Friends if you are in Uganda and you have access to government money, just yank 
it for the sake of your family, for being faithful to the state of Uganda is 
simply not worth it.


On the 49th Parallel          

                 Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in anarchy"
                    Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni katika 


From: Hussein Amin < <>>
To:  <> 
Sent: Monday, 20 April 2015, 15:15
Subject: Re: {UAH} NORA AMIN



Why is it politically expedient to side with a thief?

On Apr 20, 2015 10:04 PM, "Moses Ocen Nekyon" <> wrote:

Ladit Kipenji:



Standard Operating Procedures(SOP) during the Idi Amin regime, was to blame 
Guerillas for "kidnapping" a person who "disappeared" or create the impression 
that a person stole money and took off.


If somebody could convert $7 Million in present terms, does Henry Kyemba, look 
like a person who is worth that much?





Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.

From: 'Owor Kipenji' via Ugandans at Heart (UAH) Community

Sent: Monday, April 20, 2015 13:37


Reply To:

Subject: Re: {UAH} NORA AMIN


Sorry for the passing on of Madam Noor Amin(RIP).

What is very disturbing though is that we continue to

accuse people of committing crimes which are best told

as fairy tales to toddlers or at best to birds which will not

attempt at validating whatever they are told.

Uganda has always had a Government since that infamous

flag day aka Independence.

What has always puzzled me is that we often think that in

conducting International business,our Government gives one

fellow monies running in millions of dollars to go out and purchase

whatever the government wants.Surely do we believe that in the

1970s there was such transactions taking place?

These stories fit more with the barter type of trade of the 14th

century era not the 20th century one.

So,the assertion that a one Henry Kyemba ran away with $7 million

(US) is a lie that attempts at repeating it has not helped to make it 

a fact.





From: Hussein Amin <>
Sent: Monday, 20 April 2015, 12:36
Subject: RE: {UAH} NORA AMIN


I doubt this can be settled once and for all. Especially if it is for a simple 
post here in UAH. But for your "records", Taban's mother (RIP) is a totally 
different person. Let Mr. Rwot whom you are inquiring from, confirm that for 

On Apr 20, 2015 11:48 AM, "Billie Kadameri" < <>> wrote:

Hussein Juruga,

Which year did she die and where was she buried?. I would love to settle  this 
record once and for all, with facts and date, because it appears many people, 
including Amin's own children, do no know all details about their own extended 



Date: Sat, 18 Apr 2015 22:11:46 +0300
Subject: {UAH} NORA AMIN
From:  <>
To:  <>

Billie Okadamieri,
Why didn't you just ask me?
Nora Amin succumbed to cancer at Mulago hospital where she had been 
unsuccesfully treated for days.
Exactly the same sitiation as your colleague journalist Rosemary recently.
Mama Nora is survived by two children. Issa and Fatuma Amin.
As a journalist you surely strive to get news from a closest source.
Especially that I am a member on this web forum.
However I must commend you for trying to set the record straight.
But for those implicating Amin as many have authoritatively done in this forum, 
yet Mama Nora died painfully in the hospital while Mr. Kyemba had run away with 
7m USD State funds for health equipment, is just heartless.

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