Mwami A Ssemakula


You have written very well but here is another addition, Ugandans have 
stubbornly refused to use history to build the future, if there was ever going 
to be  a party to succeed in Uganda would have been UPC, it was in power and 
ran the country. But when you listen to them closely, they have no mistake, 
they have no point to reflect on past and they have no point where they say we 
should have done better at this part. They ran Obote one government on 
everywhere UPC, and Twagala Obote nga ssente. On coming back to Uganda they 
started to sing the very same song right in Bushenyi. They changed absolutely 
nothing including making Obote again  a president.  But UPC believes very 
strongly into violence, it was a violent  party in the 60s it became a violent 
party under Obote two to make many of us this time run for our lives. When you 
look closely at UAH forum the most abusive people are again UPC members. The  
people that threaten other members to even death, are again UPC members. And 
this is  the problem they have, all along in their leadership they never 
negotiated with any one, if you misunderstand them, they get you under a cover 
of the night and shoot you. That is why when you start a series their only 
option is to promise you a bullet. They have the most difficult time arguing 
issues factually, for that is not embedded into them. Did Amin buy trucks 
lifting garbage bins? Well an executive told me that Amin had heads in freezer. 
And that answer is through frustration for facts must be hidden, EM must be 
shot but my God how do we get a bullet to him? George Okello has just called 
Arnold Bisase’s writing trash.                                There you go for 
that is the language of Uganda House.


Lastly Uganda politics was not built on party systems in as much as we want to 
believe, it was actually built on groups. UPC survived for it had a cradle of 
Langi and Acholi, but that cradle survived for it has the entire region of West 
Nile. The moment Acholi murdered Langi, West Nilers, Madi, Lugbara and so on, 
they ended up alone. They have numbers but they have no leadership talent. With 
that kind of background when you have such violent people with numbers but no 
leadership value, Acholi remain the only expendable tribe in our country, and 
we need to spend a very good time to understand who are Acholi for we are going 
to deal with them a whole whack. When you split the cradle of the party to such 
small entities you have no shot at running that party. UPC is a dead party we 
might as well move on with our lives.


On record I remain a single man that is not a UPC member, and not a card holder 
that has publicly defended that party the most.



On the 49th Parallel          

                 Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in anarchy"
                    Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni katika 

[] On Behalf Of Abudul Semakula
Sent: Friday, May 08, 2015 5:41 AM
Subject: Re: {UAH} Pojim/WBK: George Kanyeihamba's side of the Moshi 
Conference! Deliberately distorting history or ignorance?


Mr George Okello,


You can feel free reading the UPC versions  circulating on the Moshi 
conference.The fact  is UPC is no longer in Statehouse so there are competing 
versions of the conference.

In my opinion a lot of what was offered by our UPC brothers at the Moshi 
conference was edited or manufactured trash.History is very stubborn it cannot 
be rewritten and the truth  always comes out.The foolishness on the part of 
Mwalimu Nyerere and Obote  helped put an unlikely resident in Statehouse who 
has been there for the last 30 years!






On Fri, May 8, 2015 at 3:17 AM, George Okello < 
<> > wrote:

Who is Arnold Bisasa? I have never heard of the chap? I wonder whether
it is worthwhile reading his book, but by look of it, it seesm to be
manifactured trash.

George Okello

On 5/8/15, <>  
< <> > wrote:
> Abudul:
> Feel free to narrate Arnold Bisase's side of the story which is also
> subjective.
> Ocen
> Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
> From: Abudul Semakula
> Sent: Thursday, May 7, 2015 22:20
> To: 
> <> 
> Reply To: 
> <> 
> Subject: Re: {UAH} Pojim/WBK: George Kanyeihamba's side of the Moshi
> Conference! Deliberately distorting history or ignorance?
> The "Guardian Angel" by Arnold Bisase  narrates the Moshi conference from
> start to finish.Dr Bisase is unapologtically pro Lule.He narrates in
> painstaking detail the dishonesty and immorality at play at the Moshi
> conference.  So most UPC chaps read the book and turn around and tell you
> that no one else besides the UPC chaps have written about the Moshi
> conference.
> Total baloney if you ask me.
> I would urge anybody who wants to know more about the Moshi conference to
> read the book.It shows the kind of charlattans we  had sitting at Moshi.It
> shows Mwalimu Nyerere in very unflattering colours.He does not look very
> saintly if I may say so.The book also narrates Dr Kanyeihamba's level of
> involvement in the Moshi conference.The book also touches on British and
> Isreali involvement in the removal of Idi Amin.Lule's administration was
> short lived but so was Milton Obote's who thought he could slide in by
> rigging elections in 1980.
> Most of our UPC chaps would like us to believe that Mwalimu Nyerere with a
> little urging from his friend Obote  woke up and decided to remove Idi Amin
> in 1979.
> I would respectfully say that our UPC friends are being very economical with
> the truth when they make these extravagant claims.
> On Thu, May 7, 2015 at 9:22 PM, < 
> <> > wrote:
>> Pojim:
>> I have always said that 'The Moshi Conference‎,' was one of Uganda's
>> monumental events in the country's history. It was as important as the
>> Lancaster Conference before independence.
>> I have read excerpts of George Kanyeihamba's book, where he gives
>> insightful views about how then President Yusuf Luke, ran his short
>> government.
>> The fellow(Lule) was out of his depth.
>> As to why many of the major players during that period, did not write
>> books‎, your guess is as good as mine. Prof Edward Rugumayo, is still very
>> alive.
>> Ocen
>> Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
>> From: 'edward pojim' via Ugandans at Heart (UAH) Community
>> Sent: Thursday, May 7, 2015 18:31
>> To:
>> Reply To: 
>> <> 
>> Subject: Re: {UAH} Pojim/WBK: George Kanyeihamba's side of the Moshi
>> Conference! Deliberately distorting history or ignorance?
>> Ocen;
>> History is indeed written by the victors.
>> No two writers on the Moshi Conference have come up with the same
>> recollection of events there. Whether it's due to mental fog occasioned by
>> advancing age, or deliberate twisting of the narrative to elevate the
>> writers, we who were not there, are the losers.
>> We are the losers here because what happened in Moshi in 1979 continues to
>> influence our lives today. And since we cannot lay out hands on the
>> accurate recollection of those events, we are unlikely to find a solution
>> to what is ailing our country.
>> Pojim
>> ________________________________
>> From: " <> " 
>> < <> >
>> To: Ugandans At Heart < 
>> <> >
>> Sent: Thursday, May 7, 2015 2:45 PM
>> Subject: {UAH} Pojim/WBK: George Kanyeihamba's side of the Moshi
>> Conference! Deliberately distorting history or ignorance?
>> Deliberately distorting history or ignorance?
>> Last Updated: 07 May 2015
>> [image]I recently read a written account of the ‘UNLF rise and fall from
>> power’ by Israel Kayongo and a Dr Peter Senabulya with interest and
>> forbearing.
>> The interest was aroused by the distortion of what happened at the Moshi
>> conference supported by the Tanzanian government and Ugandan exiles.
>> Fortunately, many of us who originated, controlled or resolved political
>> matters that shaped events both before and after the fall of Idi Amin’s
>> regime of 1971-1979 are still alive.
>> We remember what happened and who was who in that period of our history.
>> Some of us actively participated in the decision-making processes of that
>> era. Many of us have written and published materials on the period and
>> disagree with some of the observations advanced by Dr Senabulya and Mr
>> Kayongo.
>> One needs to read Prof Abdul Kasozi’s book, The cause of violence in
>> Uganda, to understand the events of the Moshi conference in Tanzania. My
>> own contribution in my book Constitutional and Political History of Uganda
>> From 1894 to the Present, should not be ignored.
>> More so, chapters titled, Age of Militarism in Uganda, Power Rides Naked
>> through Uganda Under the Muzzle of the Gun, The National Resistance
>> Movement in the Bush and Drama at Mwanza will surely help one to
>> understand events differently.
>> I personally attended and actively participated in all the meetings and
>> decision-making fora both prior and after the Moshi Unity Conference. Mr
>> Kayongo and Dr Senabulya attended some but not all meetings relating to
>> the events they describe.
>> I recall many Ugandans who were invited to Nairobi under different
>> missions but all aimed at discussing what to do about the Amin regime. The
>> first joint meeting of Uganda exiles from Europe, the USA and East Africa
>> was initially held in Nairobi. Many of us had been invited to attend the
>> wedding of Stephen Tindikyebwa.
>> He was then one of the wealthy Ugandans in exile and was able to
>> facilitate the travel and stay in Nairobi of many of us. We planned the
>> overthrow of the Idi Amin regime. This was in the night and morning of
>> December 31, 1978, and January 1, 1979.
>> A few days later, we met with other Uganda exiles, mostly in Kenya and
>> from Tanzania, in the business office of Israel Kayongo, who also attended
>> that meeting. Within less than an hour, that meeting was aborted because
>> of the rumour that the Kenyan security forces were about to raid it,
>> arrest and hand us to Uganda government authorities.
>> Personally, that was the last time I saw or noticed Israel in any meeting
>> of Ugandan exiles. The rumour turned out false, having been started and
>> spread by people who did not welcome the unity of all opposition groups
>> who wished to oust the Amin regime from power or who had different
>> agendas.
>> Later, we were invited and assembled in the residence of Prof Tarsis
>> Kabwegyere, then a temporal visiting professor at Nairobi University but
>> genuinely in exile from the Amin brutality.
>> As our host, he was elected chairman of the steering committee we set up
>> to head and guide all the decisions of exiles and other Ugandans desirous
>> of overthrowing the Idi Amin regime.
>> The committee we formed in Kabwegyere’s residence included the likes of
>> Drs Yash Tandon, Andrew Kayiira, this writer and Omwony Ojwok. The
>> committee became the vital planner and link between all the anti-Amin
>> groups and the Tanzanian government of Mwalimu Julius Nyerere and its then
>> foreign minister, Benjamin Mpaka.
>> Without the courageous contribution of these two great Tanzanian leaders,
>> the Moshi conference would not have taken place or succeeded in its
>> objectives. The Idi Amin terrorist regime would have lasted much longer
>> than anyone wanted.
>> While I invite everyone to read the literature referred to earlier, the
>> following in Kayongo’s narrative must be corrected. It was not Tarsis
>> Kabwegyere who called for the nomination of candidates for the
>> chairmanship of the UNLF but the late Semei Nyanzi.
>> In a surprise move, members of the steering committee convinced the
>> delegates to vote Kabwegyere out of the chair and replace him with Semei
>> Nyanzi.  Kabwegyere had been slow in realizing that the UPC delegation was
>> maneuvering and posturing to frustrate the deliberations. We stopped them
>> and Nyanzi turned out to be an excellent and effective chairman.
>> There had been exchanges between exiles that Yusuf Lule should become the
>> chairman of the UNLF by acclamation and Nyerere had agreed to the choice.
>> When Nyanzi called for nominations, Bishop Zacchaeus Okoth literally
>> jumped up within seconds of the chairman’s call and nominated Paulo
>> Muwanga.
>> Most delegates were taken by surprise by this nomination. The late Sam
>> Sebagereka, a member of the Uganda Group for Human Rights, almost in
>> tears, criticized the bishop for nominating an ardent Oboteist who was a
>> liar, a thief and a dishonest rogue. In mid-protests, I whispered to
>> Sebagereka to nominate Yusuf Lule, which he did.
>> Kayongo narrates that there was a choice between the two candidates. That
>> is incorrect. Nyanzi’s skills and experience made him realize that if we
>> were divided over the two candidates, the Tanzanian government and people
>> would conclude that we were not serious about our agreed objective.
>> Therefore, Nyanzi quickly called for adjournment and directed that
>> consultations be held to ensure that only one candidate was nominated.
>> That is how Lule came to be elected unopposed.
>> It is true that had there been an election, Muwanga would have received
>> very few votes, mainly of the UPC delegation. However, in nominating
>> Muwanga, the UPC strategists knew that Muwanga would not win but they were
>> aiming at another post which later turned out to be the most crucial in
>> the overthrow of the short-lived administration of Yusuf Lule.
>> The UPC had all along wanted to head the military commission of the UNLF.
>> They knew its future role in the event of a struggle for power in the
>> liberation movement.
>> Most of the delegates were ignorant of the importance of the military
>> commission. It eventually overthrew the UNLF leadership and handed
>> political power back to the former president, Dr Milton Obote.
>> In passing, it can be contritely said that many of the events which took
>> place at Mwanza town and elsewhere following the overthrow of both Lule
>> and Godfrey Binaisa as presidents were in many aspects inaccurately
>> reported by Kayongo and Dr Senabulya.
>> Anyone interested in knowing the true facts is advised to peruse,
>> internalise and compare and contrast Kayongo’s recall of events with other
>> publications’ narrations and reports of others.
>> The author is a retired Supreme court judge.
>> Add comment
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>> Deliberately distorting history or ignorance?
>> Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
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