On Sun, Jun 6, 2010 at 9:24 AM, Zhang Weiwu <zhangwe...@realss.com> wrote:
> Meanwhile, out of pure interest, I wonder do people in Japan find a need
> of a conversion confirmation key (space button) for touch typing? Touch
> type must be a common need in all the world, so does those who touch
> type from a written document. Not having been to Japan at all, I still
> imagine auto conversion would stem a little bit for any touch typist who
> look at a written document despite language. They may also be reluctant
> to visual feedbacks.

With typical Japanese input method, we need a visual check after
pushing space key (conversion start key) to know whether the the
selected candidate word is correct or not.   After that, if converted
sentence is correct, we then push return/enter key (commit key) to
commit the preedit text.  Since Japanese input method cannot determine
which is the 100% appropriate word in the sentence automatically, we
usually select appropriate character from the candidate list and/or
extend/shrink the selected phrase to correct the separation of word in
the sentence manually.

Of course, There are Japanese input methods which uses wubi86 like
"one alphabetical sequence to one Japanese or Chinese character"
conversion table.  I think people using these typo of input method
don't need the visual check, but these type of input methods are not
so common in Japan.

Etsushi Kato

Google Groups "uim-en" group

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