先ほど uim 1.6.0-alpha をリリースしました。

1.5.x シリーズから少なからず変更点がありますので、
1.6.0 の安定化に向けて、よろしければ試用と問題点



MD5  (uim-1.6.0-alpha.tar.gz)  = 95540ef698afd7bc060744db866c8566
MD5  (uim-1.6.0-alpha.tar.bz2) = c7200e04ab901255b0b6828baa5dea7c
SHA1 (uim-1.6.0-alpha.tar.gz)  = 2b2f40baaad90e13a64e8d3249ef347942cf842e
SHA1 (uim-1.6.0-alpha.tar.bz2) = b8ee76954ade68bae294a56c9f0ea85bd6a32580

uim 1.6.0-alpha Release Note

About This Release

This distribution of uim 1.6.0-alpha is a preview release for testing
purpose. Since it may contain serious unknown problems, it should not be
used for important work. For such situations, use our latest stable
release uim 1.5.7.

This release achieved both considerable internal improvement and many
user-visible new feature additions.

Please report us if you find a problem.

Homepage:            http://code.google.com/p/uim/
Mailinglist:         uim...@googlegroups.com
Bug tracking system: http://bugs.freedesktop.org/

Overview of changes from 1.5.x to 1.6.0-alpha
* New features
  - uim-social-ime (new IM)
    A web based Japanese multi-segment input method

  - uim-ajax-ime (new IM)
    A web based Japanese single-segment input method

  - uim-yahoo-jp (new IM)
    A web based Japanese multi-segment input method

  - uim-annotation
    Annotation system

  - generic-predict
    Generic completion input support in Japanese multi-segment IMs
    (used in AjaxIME, Canna, SJ3, Social-IME, Wnn, Yahoo-JP).

  - Qt4 bridge
    * --enable-qt4-qt3support option
    * Support for preedit color configuration
    * A caret state indicator

  - Qt4 bridge
  - Gtk+ bridge
  - uim-candwin-tbl-gtk
    * Table style candidate window

* Enhancements
  - uim-elatin
    * LaTeX-like rules
    * preedit completion

  - Japanese multi-segment IMs
    * Support ACT and KZIK input rules
    * Support user configuration to keep unmatched consonant characters
      in Romaji input

  - uim-im-switcher
    * Don't run multiple switcher instances in a desktop (#2112)

  - uim-tutcode
    * Register/purge entry in Mazegaki dictionary
    * Alphabet conversion (SKK abbrev) mode
    * Virtual keyboard help
    * Auto help
    * Add kanji to kigoudic

  - uim-trycode
    * Updated the composition table to 2010-04-27 version

* Fixes
  - Qt4 bridge
    * Fix bug: Unwanted IM reset on focus-out of Qt4 immodule (#13910)
    * Fix bug: Candidate window does not follow main window move (#13911)

  - uim-toolbar-gtk-systray
    * Fix transparent and pixmap background with latest gnome-panel (#28999)

* Others
  - testing framework update (requires GaUnit 0.1.6)
  - Update SigScheme to 0.8.5 to support multiple load paths with

Notes for Packagers and System Integrators

  - The option "--enable-debug" and/or "--enable-backtrace" makes uim (in
    accurately, underlying SigScheme interpreter) quite heavy. Please keep them
    unspecified for normal library

  - Use the bundled SigScheme, and do not depend on external SigScheme
    package. Since the SigScheme interpreter is completely embedded into
    libuim without linking to libsscm, and exposing no SigScheme-specific
    symbols regardless of environment-dependent symbol exportation control
    existence such as -export-symbols of libtool or version script of ld,
    no conflict with libsscm occurs

  - libuim links to libgcroots although SigScheme is embedded into
    libuim. Although libgcroots is also bundled in uim, it should be
    managed as a separated package since both libsscm and libuim which
    provided by separated package depends on it. Add
    '--with-libgcroots=installed' to configure options for uim to disable
    build and install of the bundled version of libgcroots

  - libuim ABI and so libtool-version has been updated due to the
    libuim-scm separation and some API changes


  - uim 1.7.0 and later

    The time for drastic reconstruction. Many user-visible changes.

    The composer framework will be introduced for extensible IM

  - uim 2.0.0

    Overall uim API will be revised.

Etsushi Kato

Google Groups "uim-ja" group
