Adam Lally wrote:
On 11/14/06, Thilo Goetz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I'm sort of thinking along the same lines.  I would not have thought of
using Jira like this -- which is not to say that this is wrong in any
way, it's just not what I understood by an issue tracking system.  To my
mind, things go into Jira if it's either a bug, or some new feature that
has previously been discussed on uima-dev.

I think that a "feature request" in JIRA could be opened by a user who
wants that feature.  It doesn't need to have been discussed on

I think I basically agree with Marshall that we can use JIRA to keep
track of any kind of issue that we think needs to be addressed, even
if there's no consensus on how it should be addressed at the time.
(Even for a bug, there might not be a consensus on how to fix it.)


I don't think Jira is the place to put architectural discussions like "index everything" (not sure what that even means) or an implementation for singletons, where I think the name is already misleading (because it's about a problem that is real, but points at a solution that I happen to disagree with).

The discussion of these things needs to happen on the mailing list anyway. What are we going to do then, paste the whole mail trail into Jira? Reference the mail archive?

I still don't think this is a good idea.


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