I did this trace.  Here's how it works now, without calling this.

The process(cas, result-spec) call goes to AggregateAnalysisEngine_Impl which calls setResultSpecification on the AEEngine_impl object, which
1) clones the result-spec object
2) adds capabilities to it from the *inputs* of all components of this aggregate 3) uses this one cloned object as the result spec passed down to each component.

Before going further - Michael - a question: isn't this union-with-all-inputs-behavior something you didn't want for capability language flow?

Maybe it doesn't matter in that the use of capability language flow is not done in the real application use cases by passing the result spec in the top level call to the process method of the analysis engine?


Marshall Schor wrote:
Easy to see- just trace the test case...  -Marshall

Michael Baessler wrote:
But it would still be interesting why this is never needed and how it works now.

-- Michael

Marshall Schor wrote:
OK. This would confirm that the other constructor is no longer needed, since the test that passes a result-spec arg in the process method no longer calls that.

Thanks.  -Marshall

Michael Baessler wrote:
When looking at the tests for the capability language flow I see both tests one with the result spec argument in the process() method and one without. In older UIMA versions, when using the debugger I see that both constructors are used there.

-- Michael

Marshall Schor wrote:
Thanks. I'll see about comparing the older method with the current method, to verify this. -Marshall

Michael Baessler wrote:
In older UIMA versions the CapabilityLanguageFlowObject(List aNodeList, ResultSpecification resultSpec) constructor was used when the result was set by an application using the process method with the resultSpec argument. In the current version it seems that only the version with the precomputed FlowTable is used. But I can't say if that is correct or not since I don't know the details about the ResultSpec restructuring (maybe only Adam knows). But you are right, if this constructor isn't necessary both, the code and the constructor, can be removed.

Seems that the architecture has changed here. :-)

-- Michael

Marshall Schor wrote:
If this is removed or if it is never called, then there is a section of the logic in CapabilityLanguageFlowObject which is never used, because mNodeList == null:

if (mNodeList != null) {
 //  80 or lines of code elided

Can this logic be removed?


Marshall Schor wrote:
The class CapabilityLanguageFlowObject has 2 defined constructors, but one is never used/referenced: CapabilityLanguageFlowObject(List aNodeList, ResultSpecification resultSpec)

Can this be removed?


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