Michael Baessler wrote:
Marshall Schor wrote:
Problem solved !

A search of the web using the search string "surefile @beforeclass"
turned up a surefire issue:
which, in turn, implied that one should be using surefire version 2.4.2.

Of course, our POMs don't specify a level for many maven things like
this, so they just use whatever level you have in your repository. Those of you who delete the local repository contents from time to time
end up downloading upgraded levels.

I looked, and saw that my local repository had the 2.2 and 2.3 versions
of the surfire plugin.  I deleted these from my repository, along with
maven-test and maven-surefire-reports, for good measure, and re-ran.
This caused maven to download the current (latest = 2.4.2) version of
the surefire plugin, so now things are working :-)


Marshall Schor wrote:
More info:  Running the failing test (ServerTest) from Eclipse using
run-as Junit, works reliably...
Time to look at what's different between this and maven's running of


Marshall Schor wrote:
Can someone for whom the simple-server tests work, confirm these are
the right levels of software:


Note the httpcore and httpclient seem to be at different levels.
Note that there are 2 servlet-api's in the class path at different

The above is the actual classpath order that mvn install uses when
running the tests (except that I left out some jars in this list that
were the uima stuff, or came from the simple-server libraries).

If you run the test using --debug in maven, it will show the
classpath.  Please let me know of any discrepencies.

Thanks. -Marshall

So do you have any remaining open issues for the current release?

I would like to close the vote to go on.

-- Michael

I have no open issues. You may close the vote - in 5 min. I want to find the vote thread and cast my +1. -Marshall

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