Tong & Jerry,

congratulations!  Keep up the good work.


Marshall Schor wrote:
Hi everyone,

The Apache UIMA PPMC is very pleased to announce that Tong Fin and Jerry Cwiklik have accepted our invitation to become Apache UIMA committers. They have been voted in by the Incubator PMC, following the normal procedures for this.
Tong has contributed the CAS Viewer and is working with Jörn on integrating 
that work with the CAS Editor. Tong has extensive experience in developing 
Eclipse plugins, and has been helpful to others in this area.

Jerry has been contributing to UIMA since its inception, and recently has been 
the main designer and implementor of UIMA-AS - the Asynchronous messaging 
Scaleout that allows for flexibly scaling out of parts of the UIMA pipeline.  
Jerry was also the principle developer of the Collection Processing Engine 
design and implementation in the core UIMA framework.

We're thrilled to have both of them join us in our ongoing UIMA work, and look 
forward to their continued contributions.

Congratulations, and welcome aboard, Tong & Jerry!

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